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Everything posted by tam2121

  1. Maybe because we have to hear something negative every week about our team all because other teams fans are mad because they got their butts kicked. Anybody can figure out who he was talking about... come on. Again, we don't care what any of you think..we are going to continue to do what we do.
  2. Why, to pacify you? we are going to continue to jump, stomp or whatever we usually do on the field. Maybe you all should try and put your focus on something more important cause frankly, we don't care what you think...get over it and go and find something better to do with your time.
  4. Lol yeah probably to the affect of us running the score up like we had to hear from Hj fans, even though we had J.v. players in most of the second half and ran the ball.
  5. Who said that they "Need" it to get pumped up? Wo-s doesn't need anything to get pumped up...it's a tradition and they are going to do it whether you like it or not...so get over it.
  6. They can play mistake free, flawless football and it will still be a blowout for Wo-s.
  7. We showed you respect by not coming on here and starting a thread about how we beat your team down.
  8. Well looking at your name it's quite obvious your from Jasper and you just so happen to post this after playing Wo-s so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who your talking about. I didn't have to know you to know who you were talking about. Wo-s has been having to hear some kind of critisizm after playing just about every team this year, so it's obvious who you were talking about.
  9. As I said this is nothing more than jealousy. Wo-s have been meeting at the middle of the field for as long as I can remember. It's not an intimidation thing...they are firing each other up. When they go to the middle of the field for the coin toss Wo-s usually sends one player out while other teams send about five. Is this bad sportsmanship? We don't get intimidated, so if you get intimidated by someone jumping up and down in the middle of the field...your weak.
  10. This is nothing more than a team mad because they took a beatdown on their own field so now they have to find a reason to down the other team. jealousy is a powerful thing I tell you. No two teams are going to meet at the middle of the field at the same time and start a confrontation. That's why one team comes out after the other. After Wo-s sees the other team start to run out, they leave the field and run to the sideline. it's bad sportmanship to make a thread about someone running to the middle of the field when you know the reason for the complaint is only because your still sore about the beating. I don't know many people that would even notice something like that. lol this is funny.
  11. I think the reason for the decline is because most people like to see a competitive game, not one where your blowing out everybody. I think the support will pick back up in the playoffs. Alot of people left when we went down to 3a. Alot have to do with playing in those small stadiums where you can't even get up and use the restroom...it's just not comfortable. I go anyway, but I agree it's not as exciting as it was when we were in 22-4a.
  12. You all need to get a grip. If teams are paying attention to where another team is running out to then there head is not in the game. if you feel disrepected then do something about it. People find anything to gripe about. Wo-s can care less if you run out onto their logo cause more than likely your gonna be running out of the stadium with an L...so who cares.
  13. Exactly!!! Everybody knows Wo-s is the most hated...it's a jealousy thing. You can't just brag on making it to the playoffs, that's not that big of a deal if your in a sorry district. I remember the years that Wo-s didn't make it to the playoffs when they only lost two games. You had teams in another district making it to the playoffs with a 2-6 record. That's doesn't prove anything and that 2-6 team certainly wasn't dominate. No, making it to the playoffs doesn't make you a dominate team. Wo-s has the highest winning percentage of any team in the state...That's dominates.
  14. I'm bragging about making it to state more times than anybody in 22-4a, again when have Nederland made it there? You get "smashed" long before you can make it there. You seem to keep avoiding that question. The point is Wo-s has had more success getting to the big dance more than any of you. Until you accomplish what they have, don't even mention yourself in the same breath as them because the only thing that you have proven is that you get to the playoffs, but can't get anything done once you get there. As I said, get to even the semi's more times than once in 50 years, then come and talk to me.
  15. Again, when was the last time you made it to state? Nobody cares that you made it to the semi's one time in 50 years, we have done that numerous times. When have you made it to state? answer that for me. Until you do that, don't put yourself in the same catagory with Wo-s because with their small numbers(which everybody seems to want to use to say they couldn't compete)they have still gotten to the state championship more times than anybody in 22-4A.
  16. We had about the same number of players suiting up in 2000 and made it to the state championship. When was the last time Nederland, Png, Central, Dayton, Lumberton, Ozen, Lcm, Vidor. etc. made it to the state championship? I thought so...I rest my case. You have all these big number of players, but yet none of you can make it to a state championship. Until you have the success that Wo-s has had year in and year out then you can't even be mentioned along side them. Just making the playoffs isn't enough. You guys are almost the size of a 5A school, why aren't you cutting through 4A?
  17. I don't agree with leaving early either, but in all fairness it was freezing out there. I thought I was going to turn into a popsicle and I felt myself getting sick. Although I stayed the whole game...I couldn't say that everybody should do that. Some of these people had small children.
  18. Kirbyville isn't very good, you wouldn't beat Jasper with bailey...I don't care how well you know him. Kirbyville was one of they weakest teams that Wo-s played. I knew you were overrated and you proved it in that game.
  19. I don't think they will be better next year cause they are losing alot. I hear a few players that migrated over there from Wo-s is coming back to Wo-s next year...you know they aren't use to losing like that. I think this was their best year to make the playoffs after this year, it will be a struggle.
  20. Let's be real people Wo-s will be putting in their J.v Qb for the second half and still scoring. Three Td's is a blowout to me, but I think it will be a shutout. Because Wo-s will pull their starters out early, I think they won't put up 60 points, but close to 50.
  21. I think Silsbee is better defensively and Jasper is a little better than Silsbee offensively only because of their Qb. Silsbee has a good Qb also, but he's not as hard to tackle as Jaspers Qb...at least it looked that way to me. Jasper's defense isn't in as good conditioning wise as Silsbee was in my opinion. Some of our fans were saying how big Jasper was in the middle, but like I told them...in the forth Quarter, they won't have anything left and I was right. I saw people getting off the ground a little slower and limping around on their defense. Wo-s does that to most teams cause they get stronger in the second half. I think both Silsbee and Jasper are better than Kirbyville. If Jasper had the Qb that they played against us against Kirbyville, I feel they would have beat them. If both teams make they playoffs, I feel they can do well.
  22. People are saying our 3a district is way down? maybe it is, but 22AAAA is down as well. Anytime you have a team like Lumberton challenging for a playoff spot, should tell you all you should know about that district. Lumberton didn't do much of anything last year and all of a sudden in one year they are challenging for the district title. Come on now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this district is pretty weak. There is alot of inconsistant play by all teams in that district. I can remember earlier in the year, people were making jokes about Png and their inability to score, now all of a sudden people act like they are they best team in the state. They are in a weak district. The district haven't been the same since Wo-s left. Put Wo-s in that district and it's teams fighting for the second and third spot just like they are doing in 3A. Wo-s is young, but they are still the best team in this area.
  23. The 8th grade kid that your talking about name is Britton Lindsey and he is a running back. I saw him for the first time last week(cause I had heard so much about him) and he is as good as advertised. If he continues to improve, he can go down as one of the best running backs that Wo-s has ever had...and that's saying alot. On a previous thread I mentioned about Wr Mark Roberts, who plays on the freshman team. Already he is about 6'1, has great hands and can flat out run. He's good enough to play varsity now. Also a Qb for the freshman team by the name of Reggie Garrett is a great athlete and can throw the ball. Our future is bright in years to come with the talent that we have with the underclassman.
  24. We can bring the dumb playcalling and you still won't win. You won't be able to score enough.
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