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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Ok_ lets talk about HJ basketball. What facet of it interests you?
  2. the left must believe Beto can win because nobody has suddenly claimed sexual harassment on Cruz (yet)
  3. This cant be. Anderson Cooper and CNN have too much integrity to do that.
  4. If she cant come up with an answer, she will tell you she doesn't trust the source.
  5. How many of those workers were coerced or forced into that profession? Does the same not apply to teachers?
  6. The debt situation was a fact rather than a prediction.
  7. The more alarming rate was a certain president took on more debt than all previous presidents combined.
  8. Big Girl- " your thoughts"?
  9. Dove, does this mean he should be the Dem Presidential candidate in the next election?
  10. Then you are saying that while the Russians interfered, it had no impact on the outcome?
  11. Yes, I am willing to go tic for tac. I will let you deploy the tic and my tac will follow. And I did notice you had NO comment on my question about the comparison of the Obama and Trump statements.
  12. Carryover impact of the Obama financial acumen. In the "wisdomic" words of financial guru Nancy Pelosi, it was just crumbs.
  13. Apparently the electorate was not as offended by that statement as you were. What did you think about Mr. Obamas statements on keeping your healthcare plan if you wish and the $2500 annual premium reduction that would come to the average U.S. family? What was more damaging- Candidate Trump saying he would accept the election results if he won or POTUS Obama making his healthcare statements? Which statement had the more dramatic impact on the lives of U.S. citizens?
  14. I agree. However, these days, it is fashionable, apparently, to run for an office, claim you have it won before it is official, and then, when the results were not what you thought they should be, you create as many controversial issues as you can with the hopes of somehow delegitimizing the election. Bottom line, " If I don't win", its because somebody else cheated and the electorate was simply wrong"
  15. I am also hopeful he will explain the "values" held by Hillary and those who supported her.
  16. LOL- Mr. Trumps predecessor was eloquent when he lied and he did so with considerable frequency. Does that make it acceptable? Regarding the values of Trump supporters, how do you know what "values" are held by everyone who voted for Trump? Of course you don't, so find another way to take what you perceive to be the "high road".
  17. Yes, down 50% but just imagine how much more "enlightened" each student is.
  18. More simply expressed, I would say the voters will decide if they want someone like Cruise as opposed to someone espousing the values of Bernie Sanders and/or Elizabeth Warren. ( If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it and the average family will see a $2500 annual insurance cost reduction as a result of my plan- there is not one smidgen of evidence of corruption at the IRS)
  19. This may be hard for you to comprehend, but many people make their voting decisions based upon in what direction they think the candidate would take .
  20. I'll bet Colin Kaepernick will be wearing some Levis
  21. That is today. I am speaking over a long period of time.
  22. Have you ever worked in the private sector? I know of many industries where there have been few, if any, raises over the past 20 years. In my own industry, the compensation rates have declined for many years consecutively. The federal pay freeze in 2011 was the first time since 1986 that there were no federal pay raises.
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