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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. She is getting her thoughts together on how to tell you that your source is unreliable
  2. IF they are truly coming here for political asylum, why not go to one of the 9 american consulates in Mexico rather than making the dangerous trip to the border?
  3. Make special note about the two different ways to shrink the welfare state. Also, note the drop in food stamp(snap "benefits") usage. And, of course, the growth in the size of the labor force.( meaning fewer people find job prospects to be hopeless) [Hidden Content] Be forewarned that Big Girl thinks I have little knowledge about the economy and that my sources are, somehow, less than adequately educated.
  4. Good thing those fighting didn't do it in H-town. Gestapo would have taken strong action.
  5. Will "deplorables" be a key strategy again?
  6. How can this be? Mr. Obama declared his administration to have been scandal free AND, of course, the most transparent administration in history.
  7. I think it is one of those small private academies- he plays with Arceneaux for one of Sneeds teams
  8. All of you have left out a young man named Ardoin, who in my opinion, is the equal of Arceneaux.
  9. Our government ought to be doing more for those people!!!!!!!!! Let the evil rich foot the bill.
  10. State Senate is 77% Dem/progressive and 23% Republican. What a surprise!!
  11. I wonder where his body will soon be found?
  12. I guess this is just the latest and apparently has replaced tearing down historical statues. So "caring" So "compassionate" So "engaged" So "refined" So 'sophisticated" So "dignified"
  13. Nah, the left will be considering him as a VP candidate
  14. So, if you are not a progressive socialist, you are hiding behind sheets?
  15. And the first 4% ( annualized) GDP quarter in over 10 years ""Evidence of stronger growth, coupled with the uptick in the pace of job creation, should keep the Fed on their current path toward winding down their bond purchases," said Jim Baird, Chief Investment Officer for Plante Moran Financial Advisors, in a report. Dove, please tell me about these stock declines- very interested
  16. Then I guess he could also agree that the passage of Obamacare ( by the same margin) also wasn't "right")
  17. Will the left begin hassling the Supreme Court Judges when eating at a restaurant?
  18. Just saw a cartoon of a mother scolding her young child and pointing her finger at her. She said, "if you don't stop lying, you are going to grow up to be a reporter for CNN"
  19. You are assuming you heard the same circumstance that I heard
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