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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Your sad attempts to portray yourself as the sophisticated, refined, and objective evaluator has failed in everyone's mind but your own. I guess you continually need to convince yourself. Nobody else is buying.
  2. " Sounds bogus"? Just like anything else that is a negative for the left. And you, alleging objectivity and fair mindedness in all circumstances. What a joke!!!
  3. total annual deaths in the US 2018 2,839,205 2019 2,855,000 2020 2,033,736 through Sept 24th If the 2020 trend remains intact, it will be less than 2018 and 2019. I haven't been told this by the media. I wonder why?
  4. Have you seen the video of a lady who resides at the same address in Florida as her brother and both requested mail in voting packages and one is republican and the other is dem? On the return envelope, everything is identical except that one serial number has an R with a series of numbers and the other has a D with a series of numbers. Pretty easy to "lose" one of them when the votes are returned. I wonder which one might get lost?
  5. Outweighed by your intense need to classify anything from the right as propaganda. You , of all people, are the LAST one who should appraise the reasoning and judgement of others.
  6. Wait a minute SW1966. You just called Baddog a suckass. Your memory is short. Michelle Obama said " when they go low, we go high". Former President Obama made a call for more civility and tolerance. You are not adhering to either.
  7. But no concerns with Burisma, Ukraine, and payment to Hunter from Russia? How convenient.
  8. Do you have the same curiosity about 3.5 million to Hunter Biden from Russian?
  9. Biden will also have a skin colored ear mike through which he will be prompted
  10. Also, remember that you are entitled to your opinion as long as it is congruent with his.
  11. BS Wildcats- You cannot question sw1966 omniscience- He is truly" Karnack, the magnificent" If you don't believe me, ask him and he will tell you
  12. No, they will stick to tough questions like " What is your favorite color" or " do you think Donald Trump could have prevented Covid 19"?
  13. SW1966 will have a plausible explanation in a few minutes. For the record, in modern times, Donald Trump is the only President whose net worth decreased while in office
  14. Conmen? LIke the old poster DontheCon ( alias Donkey Kong) Would you happen to know him? How about the eoc?
  15. New York city was supposed to be under water 10 years ago.
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