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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. When Sean Spicer resigned recently, according to the media, it was an indicator of chaos, incompetence, yada yada yada. But when Jay Carney resigned during the Obama administration, it was just another ordinary day.
  2. Your statement is simply a product of the media that you follow. The very same ones who stated that Trump could not win the nomination, and/or the Presidency.
  3. I prefer the firing to a sudden heart attack or disappearance.
  4. If you put someone in a position who mishandles the job, you get rid of him/her.
  5. I am sure she believes that the VA is effective and efficient.
  6. Big Girl- Regarding the millions of people losing their coverage and dying- Please document for me the "outrageous" number of deaths that occurred prior to Obamacare so that we can understand the "glaring" difference.
  7. Free healthcare, free cellphones, free food, free education. At some point in your life, there is a likelihood that you will grasp the understanding that nothing is free and someone has to pay for all of these freebies.
  8. Do you have any friends in the neighborhood who are white nationalists? If not, does that make you a bigot?
  9. Hmmm- That's all that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had also.
  10. If Jerry Springer ever retires, Tobie, you will need another idiotic former Democrat Mayor to take his place. Read up on Jerrys background- He represents your party so well
  11. Tobie, if you are still naive enough to believe that Lois Lerner and Company have not already scrutinized the heck out of his taxes, then enjoy you naivete.
  12. Just words, Tobie. Typical lefty. Lob those accusations with nothing more than innuendo.
  13. By most standards, no. But by the standards of the left, absolutely.
  14. Tobie- why dont you bring it rather than sing it?
  15. Once again, the article states the facts. You can't change them. It's killing you because it has occurred while Trump is President.
  16. We werent talking about expansions. The subject is the increase in wages for the lower paid workers. It's a fact and you can't change that
  17. Reducing regulations and pushing for tax cuts instead of tax increases removes lots of uncertainties for many businesses and for many contemplating whether or not to establish a business. I can assure you that this perception did NOT exist in any way, shape or form. 8 months ago.
  18. For the first time in years, pay for the lowest-income Americans is rising faster than for other groups. Weekly pay for full-time earners at the lowest 10th percentile of the wage scale rose at a faster rate last quarter, year-to-year, than for any other group measured by the U.S. Labor Department—including those at the top of the income scales who earn five times as much. The shift for low-income workers—including restaurant workers and retail cashiers—who make about $10.75 an hour, is a sign that a tightening labor market is delivering better pay to workers who largely haven’t shared in gains since the recession ended eight years ago, according to economists and government data. Last quarter marked the first time since late 2010 that this earning group’s gains outpaced all others, including the 90th, 75th, 50th and 25th percentiles.
  19. And what is more amazing is that they maintain that posture in spite of being thrashed at every level in the elections.
  20. Most of the left truly believes that, as compared to the right, they are erudites overflowing with perspicacity and have the need /"compassion" to save the right from themselves.
  21. Very depressing news for Hillary, Barrack, and Lois Lerner
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