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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. But a certain enlightened poster is confident that Trump is the danger
  2. They need Donna Brazil as moderator. completely fair and unbiased!!!!!
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Finally, a true scientist offers reliable evidence.
  6. Dear Democrats: This is an open letter to you on the loss of SCOTUS Justice Ginsburg. I’ve heard your typical shrill screams, the demands to postpone a replacement nominee, and even the threats you’ve made if you don’t get your way. Let me give you a reality check. You don’t get to call the shots or make demands. Here’s why. 1. The Constitution gives the President the authority to nominate and the Senate the power to confirm Justices. Since Trump is a Republican and the Senate is controlled by the GOP, they can and will exercise their responsibilities with or without you. There’s nothing in the Constitution that compels them to wait for any reason, least of which is a cabal of whiny, angry, leftist buttwipes like you. Don’t like the balance of power the PEOPLE elected? Go out and win some seats (without the usual fraud, thank you). 2. While certainly sentimental and touching, Ginsburg’s reported ‘Dying Wish’ that the next president fill ‘her seat’ is irrelevant. Again, there’s no Dying Wish Clause in the Constitution. 3. It’s NOT HER SEAT! Get over it. She was a temporary occupant in the SCOTUS like every Justice who ever took the oath to serve on the bench. The seat belongs to WE the People, and WE elect the President and the Senate and demand they exercise the Constitutional responsibilities outlined in #1 above. 4. Stop with the threats to kill, burn, and destroy everything every time you don’t get your way. Seriously, you’re not winning the hearts and minds of America with that nonsense. You are most certainly NOT getting the desired effect. If anything, you will make President Trump and Leader McConnell more determined to rush a nominee through. You numbskulls are like broken records. Yeah, we get the fact that you likely will double down on your destruction, but you improve Trump’s chances of reelection with each city you burn and that will also bolster the odds for down ballot candidates in the GOP (hint: more GOP Senators and House members). 5. Yes, we have our @$$hole& too: Murkowski, Collins, and Romney (we'll take out our own trash, don't worry). We know they’re really Democrats who happen to have an R by their name. We know they will all likely vote ‘no’ on any new nominee, regardless of merit just to spite Trump. It’s cool. Even if the vote is 50-50, the tiebreaker is Vice President Pence, so we’ll prevail. 6. Do your best to muster some dignity and decorum this time. Your playbook is old, worn, and tired, and we know your next three moves before you play them. The disgraceful way you crap weasels treated Justice Kavanaugh was beyond the pale. You did nothing but make yourselves look smaller than you already are and in the end you lost anyway. I hate to give you election advice but consider this. Your Senators, many of whom are up for reelection (and one hopes to be the next Vice President), will be the ones the American people see lower themselves into the contemptible gutter on live TV while the hearings are broadcast. Voters will be watching your clown show right before they cast their votes this November. If you again attempt to discredit a good person with false allegations of racism, sexism, sexual assault or other ridiculous assertions, you will have to answer to your voters. 7. After 4 years of constant attacks, endless investigations into nothing, impeachment, and a failed coup attempt by the former Muslim-in-Chief and his treasonous minions, do you really think Donald Trump owes you anything? Man, that's downright laughable. Finally, get over yourselves, your bruised egos, your anger, vitriol, and your violence. I realize your party is gasping its last dying breaths and you have nothing left but your broken record playbook but understand that WE the People are done. We’re numb. You can’t shock us anymore. We’re moving on with our lives, our freedoms, and our Constitution and Republic. President Trump will give us a new Justice before his term ends, hopefully before the election itself. Deal with it.
  7. How can that be? I thought Chuck Todd was a man without an agenda?
  8. Pot meet kettle.
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. without a doubt
  11. +1000000000000000000000000000000
  12. FACT 1: BEnghazi was NOT the result of a spontaneous reaction to an internet video FACT 2: It was an OVERT and INTENTIONAL lie by that administration because elections were near
  13. Translation- at that point in time ( as illustrated in the ;video) it was ok for Fauci to be wrong but Trump should have known more than Fauci(but only at that moment)
  14. NetCat- He is telling you to get out of the bubble while he still believes Benghazi was the result of a spontaneous reaction to an internet video
  15. and the democrats want cancel culture and history revision.
  16. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  17. He knows indoctrination is taking place. Just cant admit it
  18. Nah, its just hyperbole and we are drinking kool aid!!!!
  19. Sexual predator accusations are being prepared for whomever the replacement nominee will be
  20. Ginsberg has passed
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