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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. I respect and admire every one of those people. What is wrong with that?
  2. There you go again, generalizing and playing the race card. How about Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas,Mia Love, Herman Cain, Allen West, Ben Carson, MIchael Steel, Thomas Sowell. Of course, in your infinite wisdom and high degree of objectivity, you will undoubtedly classify all of these folks as tokens, right?
  3. Or bullied someone when he was in Junior High. Dems dont care if there is impeachment or not ( and their won't be). They and the media are causing enough hysteria that they believe they have already won the next mid term in both the house and the senate. I guess that is a possibility. But if they do, I would expect nothing more than a repeat of what happened after 2008 mainly because they are so arrogant and believe they are so superior that they only lose when opponents rig the election or gerrymander because, in their eyes, any sane/rational person would only support them .
  4. If Trump is replaced by Pence, there will suddenly be several women who will come forward ( not for political reasons, of course) to point out past sexual harrasment and their only reason for doing so will not be motivated by politics or money but to protect other women from his actions
  5. Apparently a woman can do what she wants with her body but not her mind.
  6. Reminiscent of the EDITED George Zimmerman.
  7. Trust me, the only conversation Trump had was about grandchildren and yoga.
  8. Yes you do and your perception of a token is, as I said, quite revealing.
  9. Not referring to your healthcare views but rather a composite of your social views. Declaring her and several others as tokens is, in itself, pretty revealing.
  10. Much easier to "float the accusation" in order to create more upheaval and consternation after an election than to float it before election time and risk being proven wrong. One other quick question. If the "honorable" Mr. Comey made notes that reveal obstruction of justice, wouldn't it have been the right thing to do to bring it to someone's attention at the time it took place rather than after he lost his job?
  11. The good old New York Times. If my memory is correct, this is the same paper that published stories about a couple of women claiming Trump groped and kissed them but the story never gained much traction. I wonder why?
  12. But she didn't and that is what is driving you insane. It is unacceptable to you that she not take the very positions in which you have been indoctrinated to believe are right and just.
  13. Whats said about Benghazi is the administration insisting( a planned and overt lie) it was caused by a video in order to neutralize the potential negative effects for an upcoming election. That is exceeded only by Mrs. Clinton looking directly into the eyes of the bereaved parents assuring them they would "get the guy who made the video"
  14. Pretty interesting that this topic never came to the surface during the Presidential campaign, don't you think?
  15. Is it safe to assume that you and Mr. Obama are celebrating the emboldened above?
  16. Dove, could you give me the names of two or three role models whom you greatly respect?
  17. Just a token and an "Auntie Tom"- They want more of Susan Rice and less of Condoleeza Rice
  18. Could not the same have been said about Dan Rather?
  19. The obvi The congressional reference was intended to include state governments as well as fed and the numbers are correct. So it all happened because of gerrymandering? How on earth could those intellectually inferior Republicans figure a way to do that not once but several consecutive times? Also, please clue me in on how one gerrymanders when it comes to governorships and the Presidency. You , of course, are not going to mention how gerrymandering works in states such as Maryland.
  20. Perhaps that hearing will come around about the same time the prior administration promised to "investigate" the behavior of the IRS.
  21. You can't possibly like a "token". That's what the "enlightened" believe.
  22. A loss is a loss is a loss is a loss. Still trying to explain it away? Still trying to suggest that an ignorant America moved over 1000 congressional seats from the left to the right? Still trying to explain why a plurality in governorships became substantial minority? Still believe that the world series should be awarded to the team with the most total runs rather than the winner of 4 games? Self delusion can be very rewarding if one ignores introspection.
  23. We finally officially arrived at your veiled inference. Sorry but have heard it so many times and am not interested in hearing once again how the left is so much more intelligent, enlightened, objective, fair minded, and civilized than the right. And to dismissively condescend to the "foothill people' violates your crowds insistence that there be mutual respect and tolerance for people from all walks of life. I would have thought the last presidential election and the last 3 or 4 congressional elections would have made some think, " hmmmm, is it possible that I am not as smart and superior as I think I am"?
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