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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Maybe its because they didnt have to provide them with free educations, food, and welfare.
  2. To what success do you refer? If LeBron James averages 30 points a game and then has a game where he only scores 8 followed a game in which he has 16, should the headlines say "James last two games scored considerably below his average" or should it say " James pours in 16 points, 100% better than his last game"?
  3. Hey Rem- regarding the "unfair" justice system toward blacks: As of a few minutes ago, in spite of the perpetrators yelling Fluck Trump and Fluck White people, the investigators have still not identified this as a hate crime or having political or racial implications. Is this what you consider "unfair" treatment toward those accused of the crime?
  4. And why isn't BLM protesting those huge number of black deaths vs what they are actually protesting?
  5. If he isn't ECO, he is his twin brother.
  6. Come on, Rem. You need to tell Tigers that none of what he said is true and he has been indoctrinated and can't think for himself. Oops. I forgot- all of his sources are unworthy of consideration unless they include ThinkProgress.org
  7. Ahhh yes, comparing the bottom of a recession to an 8 year recovery that is weaker in terms of GDP( widely accepted as the best total indicator of an economy)than any other and about half of the average post recession recovery. Wonder why they didn't include the number of people on food stamps for those two dates or the amount of national debt for those two dates? If the recovery/economy was/is so vibrant, why has the Fed continued to hold interest rates lower than they have been in 50 years and why was our national debt downgraded for the first time in history- Don't tell me, I think I know your answer. These are either lies perpetrated by Fox News or it's George Bush's fault.
  8. Is this your solution for Chicago?- you know, the town where not 10 or 20 blacks are shot by cops but where many hundreds are shot/killed by other blacks but it doesn't concern you or BLM.
  9. Ok We could talk about the guy in Charlotte who allegedly was "just reading a book". Check that one out and let me know what you think. By the way, the election says that "Trump Country" covers a considerable portion of this country.
  10. Let me see- hmmm- you advocate "community" policing but favor one single police department for the golden triangle? How interesting.
  11. Come on Rem- tell Tigers2010 that, in spite of what he has gone through, it is worth it because it is for the "common good "and if the government says it is good, it is and it is high time that he finally pay his "fair share". ( at least that is until "free college" makes it to the forefront again at which time his "fair share" is insufficient and he needs to pay more)
  12. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Easy way out is to demean the source of the news. Incidentally, the folks whose news you accept are the ones complicit in promoting the cops killing innocent citizens narrative - They are unwilling to post news such as what is above. But, it happened and you cant deny it any more than you can deny your Michael Brown "suggestion"
  13. You are obviously one of those who believes that every ill experienced by this country has a solution that is tied to another tax and another bureaucrat. So much for Centrism.
  14. Yea, right. The individual states are certainly incapable of dealing with such issues. For the record, I needed no indoctrination to see how incompetent the Federal Government is when it comes to business matters. If my statement is extreme, it would be easy to counter by giving me a list of business successes that involve the Federal Government.
  15. Translation: When cops doing their jobs are convicted of crimes of which they are not guilty
  16. Capitalism doesn't have the answer for every scenario? I agree. But government is the ABSOLUTE WORST BUSINESS MANAGER that ever existed and its goal ought to be less involvement rather than more. The collective wisdom of the private markets in solving issues is far greater than that of a bloated bureaucracy that is under no obligation to compete/perform. Greece is a great example of where the government has been over involved in all aspects of public life. Brazil? How does it look versus Venezuela? I would submit to you that private enterprise has considerably more to do with the advancement of this country in the last 200 years than government does. Let me know how the citizenry has benefitted from a couple of stalwarts such as the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. After that, let me know why Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had to be bailed out in the 2008 financial crisis. Then I would like to know why the U.S. Postal Service has defaulted on its debt several times and how Solyndra benefitted this country. Following that, I would like to know if the fiscal methods of Detroit are, in your "Centrist" opinion, desireable ones.
  17. Sorry but the word HA refutes absolutely nothing
  18. I never made that statement, but, in typical lefty fashion, you are trying to attribute it to me.
  19. Did the "crazies" at tea party rallies shoot anyone ?
  20. Really not much different than finding a couple of isolated cases where a white cop unjustifiably shot a black citizen and then creating the "perception" that there is an epidemic of those type shootings taking place in our country, right?
  21. Sorry, but the cops operate based upon the law as opposed to what someone "perceives". But you have avoided my question/suggestion about the 18 out of 20 subject because I don't think you can document your claim JUST AS YOU COULD NOT document your "contention" that there was a separate report supporting the "hands up don't shoot" contention which everyone knows is a lie. ( but those supporting the "cause" will not acknowledge)
  22. Rem- Your theory that the profit motive is the problem with healthcare is, from my perspective, way off base. It is the profit motive that has lead to most of the discoveries of life saving and life extending medicines/treatments rather than the product of government involvement. The VA is a sterling example of what happens when the government is the major player in the healthcare business, or for that matter, just about any other business. Competition is the best hope for cost control rather than a bloated bureaucracy accountable to nobody. I have stated this before but since you are new to the board, will restate again. In 1991, 1 GB of flash memory cost $45,000. Today, a phone with 64GB of flash memory can be purchased for $99 plus a two year contract. Rest TOTALLY ASSURED that this was accomplished by the public and NOT by the government. If I have a doctor/nurse taking care of me, I want them compensated well enough to do their job well and I want the pharmaceutical companies to make enough profit to allow them to do as much R&D as possible for the sake of my offspring. Government is not the answer.
  23. I don't know the exact numbers, but my perception is that the majority of them WERE JUSTIFIED. If I am not mistaken, the courts/legal system have, in most cases, validated the contention of Bullets13.
  24. I am sure you will be told by the left that the plan is too detailed and intricate for you to understand and you should just accept it because their intentions are so "pure".
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