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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Tobie, I know this may come as a complete and unbelievable SHOCK to you, but tax cuts OFTEN provide MORE REVENUE to the government coffers. Since you appear to be fully "indoctrinated" you are unwilling and unable to grasp that concept. What you also are unwilling and unable to grasp is that the financial crisis that came about in 2008 was the result of the sub prime mortgage debacle which can be traced directly to the party you love. But, congrats on your effort to be a soothsayer. If I were you, I wouldn't quit my current job to be a full time omniscient. You might find yourself in the same predicament as all of the "expert" pollsters. By the way, Trumps family has been "set up" long before running for President ever crossed his mind. His children actually work and earn and don't need government subsidies or influence to be successful.
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. I didn't realize you have seen and measured his house. How did you do that?
  4. My point is twofold; 1. It would appear that if he softens his stance against a program or two that was instituted by your crowd, this is known as reaching out( you might not understand that because it hasn't been done in 8 years) 2. If you don't understand it yet, the government CANNOT control the price of anything in the long run. Every time the government gets involved, the price of the product or service goes up, the quality goes down, accountability disappears, and the new part of the ever expanding bureaucracy that was added in order to oversee this rising price and quality decline, has, in itself, a bunch of additional costs. I would like to ask, however, why this potentially troubles you since the obamacare DEBACLE does not?
  5. The reality, from my perspective is, the less free stuff, the more economical
  6. Dove- does this remind you of " The average annual health care premium will decline by $2500"?
  7. Age old belief of the left- It is more qualified and can do a better job of running/managing an economy than private enterprise can. Only problem with that is it never works anywhere.
  8. The thing that, in my mind, is most ironic about this election, is that the ref( main stream media)continually stepped between the two opponents and stated that Mr. Trump was playing unfairly. I guess the "judges" decided that not to be the case.
  9. I wonder if we could gain the perspectives of Big Girl and New Tobie on this subject?
  10. Says and does nothing about national rioting? ( Especially if leader constantly promotes compassion and civility)
  11. Dove, this is going to be fun. What do you think will happen in the area of "free stuff" policy?
  12. If the dems believe they are truly the party of the "educated", they wouldn't spend so much time getting endorsements from Hollywood because I believe the "educated"(not necessarily formally) are unimpressed by what Barbara Streisand or Beyoncé or Miley Cyrus think.
  13. You need very badly to wake up when you are reflecting on what the American people want. As I write this, the American people have given the republicans control of the house, the senate, the Presidency, U.S. governorships, and a solid majority in state legislatures. Are you so naïve to believe that there isn't a message there for you and your party? Do you honestly believe that all of these results are due to an electoral college?
  14. The Chicago Cubs are being forced to give up their World Series title. Cleveland fans have rioted across the country in protest of the 2016 World Series. Despite knowing the rules of the game prior to playing, they were unhappy they lost and demanded the outcome be changed. They could be heard changing #NotOURWorldSeriesChampion all across America. Even though the Cubs won 4 games and the INdians only won 3, since both teams scored 27 total runs through all games, they are being declared co-world champions. When questioned, Commissioner NTBG stated, "We felt as though it was the right thing to do for the nation. What kind of example would Major League Baseball be setting if we expected the adults who play this game, and their fans, to gracefully accept defeat? Instead of creating a bigger divide between the Cubs and Indians, MLB is confident that the Cubs will gladly share their victory with the Indians."
  15. Novel idea- but unacceptable to the left. Best thing is all of the media questioning Trump for several days prior to the election ( thinking they had the election like they wanted it) demanding that Trump say he would honor the election results but unable to do so themselves.
  16. Have you seen the pic circulating with a guy holding up a sign that says "Cubs are NOT my world champions?
  17. Hope you can digest your food properly while lamenting the lib predicted total decline of America.
  18. Rest TOTALLY 100% assured that, if you wish, I can outlast you with videos of the Clintons and Mr. Obama
  19. No need- the media has done it 10,000 times and it still didnt work. I guess the public was less offended by that than by Mrs. Clinton telling the parents of the Benghazi deceased to take comfort in the fact that she was going to get that guy who made the video
  20. At least he didn't say he campaigned in 57 states. He also did not refer to one our service folks as Corps-Man when it is supposed to be corpsman ( the p is silent)
  21. Tobie, are you a Christian? Is Mr. Obama a Christian? Is Mrs. Clinton a Christian?
  22. AS for the "Christian B.S., lets take a walk down memory lane and listen to Mr. Obamas minister: [Hidden Content] \
  23. Tobie- will you quit complaining about our new President if we give you a participation trophy?
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