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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Come on now. This is highly important. Almost as important as Romney leaving a dog on the roof of his car and beating up a classmate 50 years before the election. The Dems believe this gives one "real insight" on who a person really is.
  2. That doesnt seem right. AFter all, when he made that horrific statement, he was a Democrat. Doesnt that earn him a complete pass?
  3. Many thanks- seems like a reasonable approach- cant help but look at this stuff through a jaundiced eye. Used to pretty much accept anything snopes said but am now convinced they have an agenda as well. I wonder how they felt about Dan Rathers reporting, the editing of the Trayvon Martin tapes, and the implied dishonesty of the media via the hyping of Ferguson and Baltimore but little, if anything about Kate Steinle? Furthermore, I must confess my concern about the "committee" who quantifies the truths, half truths, etc. Obviously, if that committee is comprised of Jon Stewart, Michael Moore, and Bill Maher, or a group of Ivy League professors, I may have a lot of difficulty in accepting their "quest for the truth".
  4. Interesting- Since you seem very familiar with this, please let me know exactly who decides what is true, what is half true, what is mostly true, and what is false. I then of course, want to know precisely the method used to make such quantificiations.
  5. I'll bet you are glad that NBC, CBS, ABC, and MSNBC are not guilty of that, right?
  6. If it is a joke, why not provide several instances and demonstrate where they tell more lies than the truth. According to you, it ought to be very easy to provide and document.
  7. You get these kind of responses when the individual(s) to whom you are asking a question, spends a great deal of time at ThinkProgress.org and affiliated sites.
  8. That would be "you're sick"
  9. And you always ask me if I can read. There were 12 casinos in Atlantic City at the start of this year. There are 8 left and that will be down to 6 in a very short time. That ought to answer your question about how can a casino go under. If one puts one's money at risk ( regardless of how it was obtained) it is being risked. If you are so upset with the casino bankruptcy, you must be TOTALLY ENRAGED over Solyndra and the City of Detroit. ( you do know what party has been responsible for operating Detroit, don't you?) If that isn't enough, I will be happy to bring to your attention some other fantastic government managed businesses such as the U.S. Postal Service.
  10. Please note where I said money/credit- In either case, Mr. Trump either provided his own money or borrowed it( and you cant borrow it without a good credit history and good collateral)- in both cases, he is responsible for both. He took the risk. The only risk that she has ever taken is with taxpayer funds. Furthermore, let me assure you that if you contract with me to build something in my backyard and you dont build it as specified in the contract, you will not get paid either. I had a contractor erect a small building in my back yard- He gave me a price and told me it would be done in 30 days- I paid him half of his money in advance- Sixty days later, the building was less than 50% complete and, during that time, he had gone to 4 new customers, collected half of their monies, and made the same promise. Can you understand what is going on here in this situation? I told them that if the building wasnt complete in two weeks, there would be no payment of the other half and we would let the courts decide what solution should be. Amazingly, the work suddenly was completed.
  11. That is something that, I am sure, is beyond your comprehension. When one takes risk with his own money/ credit, there are likely to be failures involved. Steph Curry makes less than half of the 3 pointers he attempts but he is quite a success. Now if you have NEVER put YOUR MONEY at risk, it is very easy to pass judgement on the success/failure of others. Here are the names of a few who went bankrupt that you might recognize: Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Milton Hershey, H.J. Heinz, P.T. Barnum, and Burt Reynolds. Look over these names and tell me that they didnt make meaningful contributions to society. ( and I will also bet you that, somewhere in their past, they said some things about women or minorities that werent very nice). But, if you would rather elect someone who has been professionally trained to say the right things while being as crooked as possible, please vote for Mrs. Clinton. If you want more government, more redistribution, more taxes, and more regulations, then vote for Mrs. Clinton. Then, when those programs dont work out, please accept her contention that it is somehow the fault of Republicans, and vote for the next Democrat who promises you more free stuff based on making somebody other than you, pay for it.
  12. Since you dont get your info from Rush, Hannity, Al or Jessie, please do tell where you are able to get the pure truth.
  13. Looks like some believe that eloquence is not the only factor when it comes to voting. [Hidden Content]
  14. And if you assume that anyone who disapproves of the way the current administration conducts itself gets all of its decision making information from Hannity and Rush, you are being manipulated by those to whom you listen and don't even realize it.
  15. Then what do you propose as a solution? Do you think that looting and rioting is a viable means of resolving such issues? Does the Jim Crow era or the era that your elders discuss exist today?
  16. What do you mean we will have to get tough? We already are. We have drawn a line in the sand and have labeled them the JV.
  17. You couldn't be more wrong. I was taught to be responsible for my own actions and to reap/accept the positive or negative that accompanied said actions. I never tried to paint myself as a victim as certain segments of society have so happily learned to do.
  18. If "you all" are so ignorant, why not stop exchanging insults with "you all" and go to another, "more enlightened" board? It would seem that one who is so intellectually advantaged would want to avoid all of this ignorance and naivete.
  19. Hmmm- I thought the dems abhorred making statements/judgments based on appearance? That certainly is not very tolerant or civil of you. Tolerance and civility are two qualities that our President feels are very important in our quest for "total equality".
  20. First of all, it is customary to end a question with a question mark. As for commenting on something I know nothing about, does it remind you of your "expertise" on the difference between the debt and the deficit?
  21. I love it when you lecture me on my comprehension abilities.
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