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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. But we need to add free college first and then have an "investigation" into the "possible" abuse:)
  2. Is it worth mentioning that you copied this from here? [Hidden Content]
  3. I guess all that talk of diversity and tolerance doesnt apply in some circumstances.
  4. We don't need to be made great again. All we need is "change we can believe in"
  5. I am sure Tobie has a poll that says otherwise
  6. Love it- facts no longer matter and are being replaced by polls. Polls are so reliable. In the Brexit polls ( tobie when you seek a blog for this, please know this is in reference to Great Britain leaving the European Union- Great Britain is also known as England and the European Union is a political/economic union of 28 member states- I wanted to give you and Big Girl some background to save you some time so you didn't come back and say it had something to do with Bush, republicans, racism or Hannity and O'Reilly) All of the polls virtually guaranteed Great Britain would not leave the European Union- WRONG
  7. Can any of you tell me whether or not Sandra Fluke will speak tonight at the convention?
  8. S&P said the downgrade "reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics." It also blamed the weakened "effectiveness, stability, and predictability" of U.S. policy making and political institutions at a time when challenges are mounting.
  9. Big GIrl- The government shutdown for which you give Mr. Cruz credit occurred in October of 2013, about two years AFTER the credit downgrade. Try harder!!!!!
  10. CHeney had a severance package which included a set amount in deferred cash compensation, as well as 400,000 shares in stock options. This is COMMON PRACTICE for CEO's of major corporations. When he became vp, Cheney, though not required to do so, signed a legal agreement stating that all POST_TAX benefits received from exercisied stock options would be DONATED TO CHARITY. He also agreed NOT to take a tax deduction for a charitable donation even though he was entitled to do so. Additionally, for the umpteenth time, nobody, but nobody, benefitted more, either directly or indirectly than Lady BIrd Johnson who owned a boat load of Halliburton. My guess is she did not donate to Charity.
  11. No, its absolute proof that they are truly steeped in compassion and caring while racist, sexist, homophobic folks like you and I cling to our guns and bibles and care only about ourselves.
  12. Bottom line- Lots of symbolism accompanied by ZERO substance
  13. Really? You are bullet proof?
  14. That ranks right up there with the debt/deficit disaster. Even Thinkprogress.org would not try to push or promote either one of those.
  15. I don't think it matters. Comprehension is minimal in English let alone any other
  16. Are you speaking at the convention? Does that mean you are a close relative of someone who was killed by police while either breaking the law or refusing to co-operate with the police?
  17. And do you believe that justice was not properly rendered in Baltimore and Ferguson? The current administration dispatched a bevy of employees to make every effort to find something on which to base a conviction. Not even they could find anything. And yet you believe that the legal system got it wrong?
  18. Really? When did this take place? I will need your superior intellect to let me know how not voting on a supreme court justice nominee shuts the government down. As I said, please give me the dates. I think you are the only one with this amazing knowledge. Warning: Moderation is the key. Too much of anything can be very harmful. One can even drown on kool aid.
  19. Nope- the free stuff platform is a proven winner
  20. That is a very deep, objective, and well reasoned statement. Something that most of we common folk are unable to grasp. Does kool aid help you gain such insightfulness?
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