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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Then maybe we should try something other than someone who speaks well?
  2. AI have a relative who is a school teacher and the family coverage cost is $1500 per month. Wasn't it Mr. Obama who stated that he was here to help the "little guy" and make things more fair? This all happened since the Affordable Health Care Act was passed. Arent school teachers "little guys" and "average Americans"?
  3. I think it would be interesting to put someone in the top office who has a record of speaking poorly and accomplishing much rather than speaking well and accomplishing nothing.
  4. Also suggests that Trump is a better steward of operational funds than his opponent. Might be able to use some of that stewardship in the Federal Government
  5. Yes, kind of reminds me of calling everyone a racist or sexist or homophobe. Lets see now, who is it that does that name calling?
  6. Funny, but I don't remember any extraordinary amount of deaths prior to the "Affordabe(misnomer) Health Care Act. The latest proposed "act of compassion" being proposed is "free" college. Do you believe society needs that, regardless of the cost and the long term impact on our budget/solvency? If the Repubs don't support it, will you drink the kool aid and start chanting that the Repubs want to deny everyone an education? How about free automobiles? Isn't "transportation" a basic right to which everyone is entitled in a country like ours?
  7. Yes, there is a reason and it applies to both parties.
  8. No it wasnt. It was his intent to not raise taxes. He negotiated with Congress ( something your current President has never done) and the hike was a result of those negotiations. And silnce you are a devout lefty, you should CELEBRATE any tax hike that comes from the right. If you wish to concentrate on lies, tell me what you think of the following: " If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it" " My Affordable Health Care Act will reduce the average annual health care premium by $2500 per family" " I will build a 21st Century VA" " My new stimulus plan will provide shovel ready jobs" " ISIS is the JV"
  9. Then why did the "smarter, more enlightened" democrats vote for the invasion?
  10. Tobie, do you think the growth in food stamps is good for the country?
  11. True leadership could have overcome that. But, from the Presidents viewpoint, ideology is far more important than compromise.
  12. You havent the foggiest idea how Bush or anyone is going to vote.
  13. Very interesting that you listen to Hannity and Rush. And sure, you have not the slightest idea what free stuff is. Is it also 60 degree outside right now?
  14. Something that will never be uttered by the candidate from the left.
  15. Reagan and Clinton both were willing to reach across the aisle - I believe its called leadership over ideology
  16. Does that mean that Mr. Obama was guilty of plagiarism when he stated " elections have consequences" which are the same words his predecessor used when he was elected?
  17. STOP working. STOP being productive. Why not accept the "cradle to grave nanny state" mentality? After all, it appears that a goodly portion of this country believes that the government truly knows better than you what is good for you.
  18. And the corn trough issue has become a generational one for many
  19. Come on, Reb. You know dang well that this took place because of an internet video and wouldn't have happened if the aforementioned individual had not felt economically "disenfranchised"
  20. Tobie- Lets go over this ( for the umpteenth time) The economic decline to which you refer was caused by the sub prime mortgage crisis. Read up a little on the Community Reinvestment Act. Here are a couple of items that might interest you. The left insisted that our economy should become more "inclusive" and part of that inclusiveness was making a home more affordable for the less fortunate. That certainly is a noble objective. But the methods to achieve that end weren't very noble and cannot be credited to the Bush Administration. Credit standards were lowered drastically as were requirements for down payments (other wise known as "skin in the game") We woke up one day and realized that many thousands of people had purchased homes with no money down and without a verifiable ability to pay their obligations. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ( two quasi government organizations) buy and own the vast majority of mortgages in this country. In 1992, there was a "rule" put in place that 30% of the mortgages bought by Fannie and Freddie had to be mortgages that were given to low income families. That was soon raised to 40% and, by 2004, it was raised to 50%.. Your crowd LOVES to blame the Bush administration and Wall Street for what happened. When the crash came to be, 76% of the sub prime mortgages were held by Fannie and Freddie and 24% by Wall Street. How does that become the fault of Wall Street? How does the Community Reinvestment act and its ramifications become the fault of Bush?
  21. Maybe beginning the time Michelle Obama declared that, for the first time in her life, she was proud of her country? ( during her husbands pursuit of the Presidency)
  22. I think it was one who had a congress demanding that costs be kept in check
  23. Never said that free stuff is something new. However, the EXTENT of free stuff is my concern. I also NEVER SAID that blacks are the only ones getting free stuff. I am just amazed/saddened by how so many TRULY believe that free stuff is actually free and have no earthly idea of the long term consequences of too much free stuff. Greece and Venezuela( street rioting and inflation are beyond control) have gone overboard on free stuff and are paying a very stiff price for that. Furthermore, the "compassion" that many like to associate with free stuff ultimately is precisely the opposite of compassion. Those who have lost their "lifetime guaranteed" pension plans likely understand very well now ( even though it is too late) that free stuff is not the answer.
  24. Of course, I was referring to Ferguson, where it never happened but "some" pushed the narrative anyway in spite of knowing it was a total lie.
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