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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. And according to your logic, we need more of the same in running/operating this country. Does that qualify as deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning?
  2. BG- here is another way that Mr. Trump will make America great again: He wont stand before the American people and smugly declare that ISIS is the JV ( bet you didnt question that statement one bit, right?) He also will not create a general attitude that when a Christian refuses to bake a cake, it's a hate crime but when an ISIS devotee kills 49 in a gay club, it's a gun problem.
  3. If a person is being investigated by the FBI, should they not be allowed to buy guns? If a person is being investigated by the FBI, should they not be allowed to run for President?
  4. Let Big Girl digest that a bit. After all, since she is definitely not "set in her ways" perhaps she will, in all of her splendor and objectivity, see the light.
  5. Why should we move on? Is there a time limit on these issues? Please find a recent post of mine that refers to Benghazi or emailgate. You had no problem referring to the Bush Administration for a VERY long time after it was over. Have tried to bring up all of the deaths that occur weekly in Chicago but you have no interest in that. Hmmmm I wonder why?
  6. Dove, I know for sure that you would never accept anything that Mr. O'Reilly puts forth. Why the sudden change?
  7. How does Trump plan on making America great again? I am not privy to his plans, but I would strongly guess that he is going to propose that the government become less involved in a number of areas and he will try to re establish the attitude that what made America great was entrepreneurship and self responsibility/accountability rather than a government nanny state.
  8. Good comment, Big Girl. Especially about those who are "set in their ways" You certainly are not guilty of that now, are you?
  9. It will be a while because Nap is going to need to come the left wing blogs thoroughly before trying to present something as credible.
  10. For the first time in modern times, the current President will have presided over an economy that, in 8 years, never had a single year of 3% or greater GDP. Nappy/ Big Girl- cant blame this one on Bush. More free stuff is part of the problem and more taxes and more regulations wont solve it as they are two of the primary reasons it happened.
  11. Remember Englebert- the facts don't matter Nappy will also maintain that Michael Brown had his hands up and said don't shoot even though it is well proven that was not even close to the truth.
  12. Apparently this is not a big issue because Big Girl and Da Dove say that Muslims kill more Muslims than they do Americans ( whatever the heck that is supposed to mean)
  13. Somehow I get the feeling that Trumps lawyers have likely made this request and I suspect they are a little better qualified than you to determine how pathetic that request is.
  14. Or you can save yourself that trouble by simply stating what you actually feel/ believe: any problems caused by non white people are the fault of white people.
  15. Nappy, was this perpetrator a white male terrorist?
  16. Very good. Exceptional display of tolerance and compassion
  17. What about blacklives matter and New Black Panthers?
  18. And that answer has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the thread, but nice try. By the way, was this act committed by one of your "top ten terrorists"? Think it might qualify him?
  19. [Hidden Content],_January%E2%80%93June_2016 I know how important the truth is to you. The above Wikipedia site lists all 2016 terror attacks. Please point those initiated by white male terrorists.
  20. sites pop up for anything you google. Can you accept Orlando, San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, and New York City (9-11)as well as Brussels and Paris as the truth?
  21. Well, Dove it appears Baddog has responded to your inquiry. It's your turn.
  22. Do you enjoy posting "facts" that are believed by nobody other than yourself?
  23. Yea, sure sounds good. Just like Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez.
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