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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. My quarrel with the Benghazi siltuation was her INTENTIONAL LIE about the video causing the attack when all involved ALREADY knew that NOT TO BE THE CASE. It is also very sad that some wont acknowledge this FACT. Do you think it is problematic for those in power to lie intentionally about the situation? Do you think it is also "sad" that our Secretary of State would tell the parent of one of the deceased that " we are going to get the guy who produced that video"?
  2. Who needs the email? We all know that she blatanly lied via the video excuse and even offered same reasoning to one of the deceased victims parents when they were brought back to the States
  3. Enlightened- Do you believe that Mr. Trump will eventually be the Republican nominee?
  4. I copied this from another social media page and thought it was interesting: " Does anyone find it ironic that during the week of 9/11, our Congress and President approve of a nuclear deal with a country that shouts "Death to America, and, we get an ORDER to allow 10,000 Muslims into our Country where they must be cared for with American taxpayer dollars"?
  5. Wonder how many of those refugees will be entering this country with the intent to destroy it?
  6. You wouldnt respect him so much if you knew how well connected he is to the Gestapo.
  7. Almost as misused as " I did not email any classified information"
  8. Prepare to be told you lack compassion and tolerance
  9. Are they wrong? Do we not need a strong defense?
  10. Could this nut be a relative of Crystal Mangum or Tawana Brawley?
  11. Dove, it may also interest you to know that over 99.5% of all arrests are made without incident. Therefore, there is NOT an epidemic of police killing people/police brutality.
  12. And what even more interesting is that a lot of people believe the government can change all of that.
  13. They also believed everything Brian Williams and Dan Rather said.
  14. Very unlikely. You have convinced them they do not belong on the same court with Memorial.
  15. Hmmm- Doesn't Illinois/Chicago have stricter gun laws than most?
  16. Dove, don't worry about the oil. You had better fear the ATM.
  17. Just called one of my connections at HJ and BG, you are correct. They said that HJ was scared to death of Memorial and would never play them and after reading your posts, will likely pull out of the Memorial tourney. You win.
  18. It wasnt me who suggested that if a team didnt schedule Memorial for a regular season game that it was, somehow, out of fear. And pot calling kettle black is, for sure, pot calling kettle black.
  19. Done- Why didnt you just leave it at that the first time I mentioned HJ played in tourney last year and this year?
  20. Obivously you want me to talk to my coach but you dont want to talk to yours. I assumed since you were the one making allegations that you would be willing to prove your claim rather than just stating it. We will just wait until December over in Pt. Arthur. At that time, maybe we can find out just how much bigger the Dog in Pt. Arthur is as compared to the pup in Sour Lake.
  21. Didnt realize you would have to go to Sour Lake to introduce yourself to the Memorial coach. Or did you think I meant for you to ask the HJ coach? My point was I will ask my coach if you will ask yours. Thats only fair since you were the one making the inference/accusation.
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