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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Do you mean the current stance or the one that he "evolved to" several years ago?
  2. Permit me to counter with the lefts cry for individual freedoms but when it comes to me and my money, to he-- with individual freedoms. Then its all about the "common good"
  3. At what point do you draw the line? If you have three applicants with virtually identical credentials and one of them is black and the other two are white, I understand, for the sake of diversity, that it is a good idea to hire the black. On the other hand, if the two other applicants have superior credentials, punishing them because their only fault is the wrong skin color is not helping society but rather hindering it. It is suggesting that hard work and dedication are less likely to help you improve your life. If those three applicants had the same opportunity to get an education and did so, the evaluation, going forward, by society, ought not to involve skin color.
  4. Big Girl- Lets take a different angle- Is there anything that Mr. Obama has done that displeases you?
  5. And how do you know about that supervisors qualifications?  Did she give you a copy of her resume?
  6. Lets see- A guy comes on here and tells everyone else how common they are.  He also tells him he is a major player for a major corporation and has a sizeable intellect and is very broad minded and objective.  But he then criticizes someone else for not being very humble.  Hmmmm
  7. I see the main difference being that society has "taught" or "conditioned" us to believe that if you are an American citizen you are entitled to a certain living standard whether you want to work or not.  In regard to Hippys question. I will venture to guess that the vast majority of welfare recipients have cable, internet, and cell phones and buy expensive foods and services with their EBT cards. Yes, someone can come on here and give an example or two of those not doing the above, but I see the other examples every day.  Saw a gal in the beauty shop getting a manicure and a pedicure lamenting the fact that if she tried to buy a certain priced auto, she would lose some of her benefits.  She used the card to pay for her manicure and pedicure- two very essential needs.
  8. Are you saying then, that in this particular instance, the supervisor was unqualified and got the job strictly because she was white?
  9. Just wondering:  If you are on welfare but are working a couple of jobs and doing all of the rights things to get out of your situation and you see your neighbor also on welfare but gaming the system and living a seemingly easier life, would that be an incentive to keep up your efforts or a disincentive?
  10. Nice try but you are off the mark considerably on this one ( even though you believe you are omniscient)
  11. And the problem is properly defining who is deserving of assistance and who is not.  Unfortunately, we have the most incompetent business manager in existence making those decisions and giving out your money and mine and that of everyone else.  If you believe that the economy is improving, why are the needs for assistance increasing?  Why are we being told that we are STILL not   providing adequate assistance to the needy?
  12. Intent is all that matters to some.  If our leader says "it is my intent to create a 21st century VA"  then the waiting lines and non treatment of patients does not matter.  If our leader say, " my program will provide shovel ready jobs" and nothing happens, it's ok because he meant well.  If our leader says, " if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it" but you can't, it doesnt matter because he was only trying to help the poor get coverage.
  13. In another thread, you mentioned a white supervisory nurse who had an associates degree and those working below her all had bachelors degree.  You also mentioned that she didnt know anything and nobody respected her.  As I said earlier, I have learned that people skills and managerial skills are learned and developed on the job rather than in the classroom.  Are you saying that this individual had no experience and was simply given this job because of the color of her skin?  Or could it be that she had a demonstrated track record of doing that particular job well and her superior elected to place her in that position for that very reason?
  14. And you believe he is hypocritical for wanting to find ways to lower the number of people who have to rely on government assistance?  Good, solid, well reasoned approach.
  15. My issue with Benghazi has always been the video issue and not the unfortunate deaths.
  16. EOC- I have known Bullets for much longer than you would ever imagine which includes years before knowing him on this board. He and I have differed on a number of issues in the past and I am sure there will be many more in the future.   If you consider these exchanges as a BOOM ROASTED KAPOW, continue your celebration.  He is a social liberal and fiscal conservative.  I know, you claim to be the same.  I guess the main difference is that he has always been what he has claimed to be while others have been on this board under multiple identities thereby watering down their credibility on claims they make.  I have no problem with those of differing opinions.  It is always instructive to exchange thoughts/ideas with them.  I have a problem with those who, when they sense the "other side" will not give in, resort to personal insults and name calling.
  17. Of course, none of these types of individuals are crossing the borders these days because everyone coming in is just an innocent endangered child who should be provided for by our government.
  18. I am waiting anxiously to be told how the Wall Street Journal lacks credibility.
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