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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Big Girl, don't worry about your reproductive health.  Since you are preventing the production of any more little Big Girls, that is being offset by the multitudes of people coming in from Central America.  Do you have any idea how those folks will vote in future elections?
  2. Those perceptions  of Palin extend to members of this board.  It contributed materially to creating the perception that she was/is stupid or ignorant.  Nothing is further from the truth.  It is still my hope that some day we will elect a less than eloquent speaker who is able to lead rather than an eloquent speaker than can do nothing else.  Same thing was done to Rick Perry over the television gaffe  and yet, the "campaigning in 57 or 58 states is given a complete and total pass as are a number of blatant and overt lies expressed intentionally.
  3. Ok- I'll try.  My guess is that the country is comprised of X number of low info voters.   I  would further guess that low info voters do not understand the issues facing this country very well and hence, are not highly motivated to go to the polls at election time.  Some will and some won't.  However, when they hear someone promising to take something away from someone else and giving it to them, it encourages them to show up at the polls in much larger numbers as they feel it increases the likelihood that they will be a recipient of what the candidate is promising them.  The class envy approach works very well when presented to low info voters because it is something they can grasp/understand.  So, I would suggest to you that a lot more of them voted in the last couple of elections than they had in the past.
  4. Dawe Van Der Walt, Chris Stroud, and Shawn Stefani all will play in the British Open next week.  Speaks very well of Lamar Golf
  5. I believe it suggests that this board will not be functioning must longer
  6. Precisely how it was used this time- hypocrisy accusation
  7. :D  :D :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  
  8. No he doesnt.  But he also is smart enough not to evaluate someone on some words written on a message board.
  9. And that action came about as the result of a BIPARTISAN decision.  Bottom line, from my perspective is this.  Most folks think that one should be covered when it comes to mental health but they dont agree when it comes to decisions one makes in their sex lives.
  10. Big Girl- If you knew this, why were you asking everyone what it was?
  11. And there are other politicians who want to extend the reach of the EPA to a very dangerous level.  They are currently claiming they have the power to garnish wages without approval from anyone.  Sorry, but that is going to far.
  12. Very good point.  My immediate supervisor of the last couple of years, recently was promoted and I sure hated to see him go.  But I stay in contact with him on a weekly basis.  He is an African American as well.  He never accused me of bigotry, hatred, or racism.
  13. I will read it when I have time but right now I am trying to become more conversant with "macroeconomics" since your friend said ( with little or no knowledge of me other than what you said) I didnt understand them
  14. I think you are wrong.  Clinton merely signed a legislative bill that was passed.  I suspect it was a bill that got support from members of both parties UNLIKE the affordable health care act.
  15. Not sufficiently familiar with it to offer any thoughts.  Isn't that a novel idea?
  16. Very logical and well conceived  response.
  17. Then consult with one of your MBA type friends, that you trust.  It is obvious you aren't going to believe anything that anybody on this board tells you.  And, of course, (although you have already done so) simply go to Wikipedia and type in Dream Act.
  18. Except for that was going to be part of "change we can believe in"
  19. I think that, from now  on, when I don't have a credible response to a comment, I am going to simply resort to one or all of the following standard responses and tell myself that I won that particular exchange   1.  Boom, roasted 2.  I am smarter than you( oft times poorly veiled within another condescending comment) 3.. You are a racist
  20. I guess that means we had better change the rules and elect Mr. Obama to a third term.  Lord knows, we don't want to make them mad and inflame relations that the President has worked so hard to improve.  "Al Qaeda is on the run".  " The word is a safer place".  I don't want to give up that status.
  21. Big Girl- Regarding your comment to TVC about comparing mental health coverage  to birth control.  I would guess that a lot of people would support more coverage for mental health but just don't see the need to be involved in Sandra Flukes sex life.
  22. She already knows what it is.  She thinks she is setting another trap.
  23. No = Nobody can logically explain it- but you can bet your bottom dollar after a short visit to thinkprogress.org, you will have a convoluted response
  24. Big Girl- I have a "friend" who is in the grammar/spelling business and that friend told me  you don't know the difference between prostrate and prostate.  Since prostrate means lying stretched out on the ground with your face downward, there is no such thing as a "prostrate" exam.  The prostate gland is the one for which a regular exam is necessary.     Of course, you could always go back to the original post and change the spelling and then tell everyone that I lied- that's why I took a picture of the post.
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