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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. But didnt Mr. Obama say that this was just another phony scandal contrived for political purposes?  I have to believe that because I know he never lies.
  2. Since you have obviously done the research, just tell me where you found the info about those whose land was being crossed that were unhappy.  I cant find an article attesting to the dissatisfaction rate amongst Nebraska landowners who were complaining.  I therefore respectfully ask do you have a link, or is that simply a conclusion you drew on your own?
  3. Didn't someobody tell us that Butch was "untouchable"?
  4. Can you point me toward a link that tells what percentage of Nebraskans were complaining about the pipeline?   It might be interesting to compare that percentage with the percentage of AMericans against obamacare
  5. There is going to HAVE to be pain for someone somewhere.  My thoughts are we should give someone one year max of unemployment.  If it gets extended beyond that, reduce the benefit by 25%.  After another year, another 25% reduction. You effectively tell someone in advance that you are going to help them but not in a permanent manner.  It just might encourage the freeloaders to try to find work.
  6. How can that be?  After all, NOBODY CARES about for the little guy than our President.  He always said that everyone would get a "fair shot".
  7. Solyndra, Amtrak and the U.S. Postal Service ( to name just a few) are perfect examples of why our Federal Government should be involved in most businesses either by insightful management or via more regulations.
  8. Surely you are not suggesting that there are things that can be managed better by someone other than the Federal Government?
  9. Nope- ERic Holder and President Obama knew absolutely nothing about this
  10. I am all for helping those who need help for  a year.  But am very much against those who use it for most of a lifetime and teach their offspring(by example) that it is a viable alternative to working for a living.
  11. She never served as a community organizer
  12. No more so than George Soros
  13. You are right and it is just another case of Obama delivering what he believes is social justice.
  14. I consider the problem to be how easy it is to get in line and how much encouragement our system gives to people to get in line.  "getting in line" ought to be more difficult and, once in that line, there ought to be time limits and benefit limits.
  15. They don't grow up saying they want to be on welfare but they grow up learning that welfare is an alternative for them. Many of those that live on welfare for long periods essentially teach their offspring to do the same thing. We don't teach personal responsibility any more. We, instead, teach people that they are victims of an unfair society and none of their problems are their own fault and that they are "owed" a living provided by someone else.
  16. You folks are just a bunch of racists
  17. Giving those who are "already down" a free wage/income/subsidy that exceeds what is paid by many jobs ultimately trashes them and the entire country.
  18. About half of the individuals in this country also pay an "effective" tax rate of ZERO. At least the corporations that you like to malign employ people.
  19. I think its fairly obvious that the early apology tour and drawing lines in the sand without honoring them have both proven to be counterproductive.
  20. You will never have to worry about taxes if you vote for Obama and those like him.
  21. Is wanting to get rid of crooks and cleaning up a large pot of corruption considered "throwing smokescreens"?
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