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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Wait a minute, Dove. Should we " move on" in this fashion? [Hidden Content]
  2. Tell me please, was half the country plus the media blaming the War on the President? Were they attempting to vilify him at every turn? As for beating the invisible enemy, it would appear that Pfizer and operation warp speed are making very good progress on this. I also love the FACT that about 3 weeks ago, the President stated that relief was just around the corner and he was immediately mocked/criticized regarding that statement. I would say that a 90% effective vaccine coming much sooner than all of the "scientific experts" said was possible is a pretty good effort. I hate to disappoint you, but there is NO WAY on earth that the upcoming vaccine can be credited to Biden, Schumer, Pelosi etc.
  3. You must remember that only the left has the right to be offended.
  4. The emerging pattern is that Da Dove only comes on here when the President is a Democrat😄
  5. Three of those players played last night
  6. 3 varsity missing 2 of them starters
  7. But the conduct of the left for the past years suggests otherwise for them?
  8. But someone as wealthy as you doesn't pay cash? Does that mean you put your groceries on a credit card so you can invest that money?
  9. Mouthbreather, don't you think the left, instead of crying, should burn some buildings and steal some flat screens?
  10. There is no censorship. You simply havent grasped the fact that you must conform to certain standards on this board. But I understand why you dont because you and your ilk believe that your cause is so noble that all methods to achieve said cause are acceptable.
  11. Mouthbreather, I hope this name survives longer than the last couple of ones. You just aren't very good at this.
  12. Does this mean it is time for the right to burn buildings and steal flat screen tvs?
  13. Yes, but predicting a 400 electoral college landslide is somewhat extreme. Just as the "blue wave" is extreme.
  14. Do you mean like Russian Collusion, Quid Pro Quo, and calling soldiers losers?
  15. Begin? It's been going on constantly for the last 4 years. If crying takes place, it will likely be without rioting and looting.
  16. The difference is that you were taught by your parents how to conduct yourself rather than being taught defiance.
  17. They do not have near the appeal that they think they do. They also failed to flip a single state legislature.
  18. This is all propaganda but the Trump Russia Collusion was legit?
  19. Same reason nothing being done about influence peddling by the Biden family.
  20. The " Blue Wave" predicted by most of the media and majority of pollsters was very impressive.
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