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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. There would not be any eruptions if Trump wasnt president. After all, his words embolden the volcanoes to erupt.
  2. You are going to be told that, since Hillary isn't President, it doesn't matter what she did.
  3. If you are gonna complain about a plant closing, you also need to know that here is something positive that offset that negative. Hmmm, wonder if the reduced corporate tax burden had any influence on this Detroit decision?
  4. Before the Mueller report is released, I would like each of you to give me your opinion on whether or not there was a legitimate concern about collusion or this was simply a tactic of the left
  5. It was the higher tax rates and more regulations during the Obama era. When the next inevitable recession/economic slowdown arrives, he will declare that the lower taxes and fewer regulations were "proven" to be ineffective as evidenced by the recession
  6. It's based on "Trump says mean things"
  7. Participants viewing the economy as good: 71% Participants viewing the economy as poor: 27% Margin of error +/- 3.8% This poll must be credible because it was conducted by CNN
  8. Come on, man. Don't you understand that the objective of a corporation is to provide as many jobs as possible,. along with healthcare insurance and retirement benefits. Evil profits are not important.
  9. It was " the chosen one" It was '" the smartest man in the world" It was a Nobel prize winner. It was the "hope and change" man. And many fawned over every word he uttered. How would Trump be portrayed if he made those statements?
  10. " If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy... it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue collar Americans" " The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country in over a century" "There's no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our southern border"
  11. Trump is far from infallible. Plenty of issues. But, then again, who doesnt have issues? Speaking of dictators, who is the only President in U.S. History who decreed that every U.S. Citizen much purchase a particular product? Hint, it wasn't Trump. In spite of his very poor bedside manner, I am pleased with some of the results he has brought about. Much of that comes from having a business background instead of being a lifetime run for office guy or a background of community organizing.
  12. Why on earth would the Chinese come here. According to some, the medical system sucks, stock buybacks are robbing the workers of money, and taxes aren't high enough?
  13. Yes, a company brought to you essentially by the U.S. Government. A company where many holders of the debt were left with nothing and the UAW was given a substantial number of shares in new company
  14. You must remember that you cannot say that about Mr. Obama, but you can call Mr. Trump any vile name you wish and it is perfectly acceptable. Yes, Mr. Obama's call for tolerance and civility is certainly being honored by his party.
  15. She has publicly proven that she is "too enlightened" or "not sufficiently enlightened", depending on ones perspective. Either way, she is going downhill. The last time the Dems ran a presidential candidate from as far left as possible, it was George McGovern. Didn't work out well. Bill Clinton evolved by trying to portray himself as a "down the middle" guy an it worked. Good luck, Pocahontas, Beto, and AOC.
  16. That is because you and I are not "compassionate" and "enlightened". ( Even though the Dems know that they don't have a hold on the Chinese vote like they do on some other ethnicities)
  17. why did Mr. Obama refuse to call Radical Islamic Terrorism Radical Islamic Terrorism?
  18. Do you expect him or anyone else ( including his predecessor) to be 100% correct 100% of the time
  19. Those folks are very industrious and highly intelligent people( as a whole) and seek only an opportunity rather than government provided subsistence. They come to this country to make their own way and care NOT to be beholdin to a "benevolent" big brother.
  20. Food stamp at lowest participation rate in a decade. there are 1 million more jobs available than unemployed to fill them. Neither is an attack.
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