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Everything posted by JJWooten

  1. [quote name="Raiders99LHS80" post="908362" timestamp="1289710956"] well if you watched the game it did too!! [/quote] I turned the game off after the third quarter because it was boring. Don't be mad that LHS isn't drinking your rose colored Kool-Aid
  2. Back a few years ago when the national champion (LSU?) had 2 losses, someone developed a computer program that let you chose your team to see what roads made them the national champions. Even Sam was able to do it in about 8 or 9 teams. I know one team that couldn't, and that was SFA, because they went 0-11 that year.
  3. USD is just pounding it into Lamar, one play at a time. The defense has GOT to be tired
  4. Woodard must want to put together the Golden Triangle All-Star team.
  5. This is really awesome, I would love it if Sam did this for free. My only problem is that it might discourage fans from going. Maybe not football since you guys pretty much sell out every game, it's good for it to be available somewhere, but it might discourage some from basketball games. BUT, for all those who don't go to the game, you've got alumni out there that get to watch. I think the positives outweigh the negatives in this situation. I'm jealous.
  6. [quote name="bigred360" post="904400" timestamp="1289507387"] Just giving ya a hard time.  ;) First game I predicted a win that I remember unless I did versus Langston or Webber International. Hope it doesn't bite me in the rear-end as you are right. They have a good team and went on the road and beat a Big Ten school in Minnesota. [/quote] I know. I think it just dates back to people predicting wins against SFA, who is a monster in the FCS. Even since then, against pretty good teams, there are more wins predicted than losses. I chose South Dakota, but I hope I'm proven wrong.
  7. [quote name="bigred360" post="904316" timestamp="1289501944"] Could happen JJ but it sounds like you are hoping Lamar get's beat. I thought you pulled for all SLC teams OOC. Are our fan's too outrageous for you to pull for a Cardinals victory.  :D [/quote] Oh, no, trust me, I would love for y'all to win. I just don't see it happening, IMO. I guess it's just I see these crazy win predictions week in and week out, even if it's against better competition. This is a team that beat a Big Ten team, people need to keep that in mind, they have athletes.
  8. [quote name="puddin tane" post="904301" timestamp="1289501156"] [quote author=puddin tane link=topic=75704.msg901176#msg901176 date=1289182910] ...it could get ugly..does their qb run? but, since I have  unrealistic expectations LU-17 SD-13 [/quote] [b]this is SD last game, they think its meaningless....already bombed in conference,  they come out flat, its raining, they just want to go home ..so, i've updated my prediciton[/b] LU-18 SD-13 [size=10pt]krapola, they've got a running qb............[/size] [/quote] Or, they've under performed to their own expectations since the Minnesota game and this is there chance for a statement game before their season is over.
  9. [quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="904101" timestamp="1289489390"] Only 5 home games.  Need to be in a position to have 6 home games a season. [/quote] The SLC schedule used to alternates where you get 4 home one year, 3 home the next. Now that y'all are in, it levels out to 4 and 4, but now that TSU leaves, it will go back to the alternating 4 and 3. Since you're returning to SD and SA, that's the benefit of getting them at your place this year. Once TSU leaves, you'll get 4 OOC games, probably 2 of which will be home, 1 will be an FBS away and 1 will probably be a good FCS team away. It looks like a solid schedule, and it will be damn hard. Hope the fans are in for some tough knocks this second year unless Woodard can work some miracles.
  10. [quote name="geezer" post="903893" timestamp="1289446835"] I am cautiously optomistic.  The black team beat the white by 41 points: it looks like the black team was mostly newcomers and the white team was mostly last years players. [/quote] Racist ;)
  11. If you've gone this long, why stop now? Just chunk the ball against Okie Panhandle.
  12. [quote name="puddin tane" post="903080" timestamp="1289367428"] [u]Changing captains[/u] The previous captains were quarterback Andre Bevil, wide receiver J.J. Hayes, defensive end Jacody Coleman and linebacker Johnathan Ekpe, all juniors. Last week's captains were Prewitt, center Kyle Gillam, defensive back Branden Thomas and defensive end Jesse Dickson. All are freshmen. "You've got to lead by example," Woodard said. "You can't be saying you're going to be on time if you're late. You can't be saying, 'Hustle,' if you're the one dogging. You can't be saying, 'Have a great attitude,' if your attitude is poor." booyah [/quote] Wow, that's gotta be an ego knock to Hayes, Bevil, Coleman, and Ekpe.
  13. [quote name="HardHitter" post="902890" timestamp="1289353448"] Heard from a good source that Bevil has been moved to slot receiver for this week.....Awesome  ;) [/quote] Don't be surprised it TW dials up a WR screen that turns into a throw down field.
  14. USD's Starting O-Line: LT 76 Compton,Tom - 6'6" 311 LG 75 Slotten,Scott - 6'7" 330 C 69 Ross,Tim - 6'2" 280 RG 64 Johnson,Brent - 6'5" 304 RT 78 Polley,Rj - 6'6" 330 That is a BIG O-line to go against a relatively undersized Lamar Defensive line, even on the defensive side of the ball, USD has size: DT 96 Weisbrod,Jesse - 6'5" 270 NT 93 Capper,Evan - 6'1" 279 DE 85 Neilson,Michael - 6'3 218
  15. [quote name="sleepy" post="901819" timestamp="1289246724"] [quote author=JJWooten link=topic=75757.msg901791#msg901791 date=1289245205] [quote author=HardHitter link=topic=75757.msg901715#msg901715 date=1289240333] I agree that Bevil should have been at least benched in a game or two by now....Prewitt didn't perform bad for his first start...Like to see starts 2 and 3........ ;) [/quote] Considering this was his first collegiate start, on the road in the Georgia Dome of all places, I think he played admirably. His completion numbers weren't great, but that's to be expected for a first time start and not really getting the solid connection with receivers. Also, he threw a lot of incomplete passes toward the end when the team was trying to rally back for a final score. I think Prewitt is a game manager, not a game controller, like Bevil was. [/quote] I heard a rumor that this kid may be a gamer.  Literally gets better when pressure rises.  Interesting to me!! [/quote] Perhaps, I base what I said solely off of what I heard on the radio Saturday. I've never actually seen him play.
  16. [quote name="HardHitter" post="901715" timestamp="1289240333"] I agree that Bevil should have been at least benched in a game or two by now....Prewitt didn't perform bad for his first start...Like to see starts 2 and 3........ ;) [/quote] Considering this was his first collegiate start, on the road in the Georgia Dome of all places, I think he played admirably. His completion numbers weren't great, but that's to be expected for a first time start and not really getting the solid connection with receivers. Also, he threw a lot of incomplete passes toward the end when the team was trying to rally back for a final score. I think Prewitt is a game manager, not a game controller, like Bevil was.
  17. [quote name="HardHitter" post="901681" timestamp="1289237642"] We sure need and OC.....thats for sure.....When Lamar hired Whitten the other schools laughed  :D [/quote] Don't worry, we're still laughing. Now you know what it was like to follow Bearkat football the last two seasons. It stings.
  18. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="901695" timestamp="1289238773"] I personally think so. He outplayed Bevil from the past 5 games. He at least protected the ball. [b]It comes down to whether or not you believe a player should lose his spot to injury[/b]. I personally think you can and would like to see him given a chance. [/quote] Bevil should have lost his spot because he played poorly BEFORE his injury. The team sounded like they were really clicking with Prewitt in the game. Putting Bevil back is would send the wrong message to this team.
  19. [quote name="Ruckdad" post="901594" timestamp="1289231518"] Wooten - I think you bring some knowledge and insight to the board and you do it with a whole lot less condescension than TT does.  I enjoy your posts even though I don't agree with all of them. I thought the Cards played much better Saturday than they have of late.  I am excited to see what the boys can do the last couple of home games.  Also excited to see what Coach does in the off season. Go Big Red!! [/quote] Thanks Ruckdad. While I don't have any educational ties to Lamar, I am from the area, so I like to think I know a little bit about what's going on in the mindset of people in the Golden Triangle. I don't make any crazy comments that someone else hasn't already said first, and I also try to be quick to give credit when credit is due.
  20. [quote name="Green Menace" post="901428" timestamp="1289193903"] Takes 2-3 years for a new coach to come into a program and make a difference.  After that, all bets are off. I think Lamar could have done better than hire a JC Coach.  There are quality assistants at major colleges all over that would salivate at the opportunity to be a head coach at the FCS level. [/quote] I was shocked when I found out that Woodard had only 1 year of collegiate head coaching experience before getting the nod at future DI Lamar. I think the number one thing people will tell you is that coaching professionals (Scottish Claymores) and college (Navarro then Lamar) are totally different, see Nick Saban. Just curious, who else was in the running back in 2008 when Woodard got the job?
  21. [quote name="the sports guy" post="901340" timestamp="1289188067"] Would you rather walk into the unknown or have film to watch?  Film means something. [/quote] Film means everything. We played a team in high school out of Houston that was "the prison school," I can't think of the name of them, but that was the toughest game we played all year, and they only had 14 players on their team. We watched game film on them, but they had different players week to week because they had to get good behavior in order to play. They ran certain plays based on who was in the lineup. We had to prepare for certain players and hope that they got to play that week. We only won 14-0 because it took us till the second half to figure out what they were running. They had 14 pure athletes though, and I was shocked that they were able to play both sides of the ball and not pass out at the end of the game.
  22. [quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="901267" timestamp="1289185171"] I was at the first game at McNeese and I am just baffled at how the cards have digressed.  I don't buy the "game film" explanation for how far we have gone backwards in our performance.  If this team would have played at the level they played in Lake Charles, 6 wins should have been a lock with 7 a good possibillty IMHO.  I think from a fan perspective, it would have been better to have lost that game big if we were going to perform as poorly the rest of the season than to raise expectations to a phenomenal level that the McNeese game did only to witness the poor play the rest of the season.  [b]Even you SHSU fans were right on board with the LU fans thinking that this would be a breakout season for the Cards, openly expressing concern that LU would win the game against the Bearkats.[/b]  I surely don't have the answer to the many questions that we all have.  I'm hoping that Woodard & Co can get things sorted out with the schemes and personell over the next two seasons. [/quote] And that fear came straight from the near upset of McNeese, followed by the victory against SELA. At the beginning, Lamar looked like a real threat to win a lot of games.
  23. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="901231" timestamp="1289184271"] I like to say no way, its early, and we have won 3 games but I think Whittens offense is crap. But all things considered I definitely think they have done enough to earn another year of employment with Lamar. [/quote] I agree with you there. I think you're in for a tough time with Whitten as the OC, even Hall, who looks like a stud athlete might not have the best time at Lamar because of Whitten. We had two quality backs, one that even got onto some practice squads in the NFL, but Whitten didn't utilize him much.
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