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TradinUp BH

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Everything posted by TradinUp BH

  1. I've looked at Faircloth and they have a small article in the Odessa newspaper talking about some of what he has done as the OC at the most historical HIGH SCHOOL in Texas. I haven't heard hardly anyone push for this guy, and he's only coached at Westlake Powerhouse, Highland Park powerhouse and now OP. He's been right there with the HC at these places. This is my dark horse if I had to pick one. I think we're getting hung up on one that didn't apply, and two who knows what thier real intentions are.
  2. Celina and Prosper 9-3A would probably give them a run this year, maybe mud hole was too harsh of a word ;D I notice that you didn't put 4A on there like Lake Travis, Dayton, Sulphur Springs, Longview, etc...
  3. I wouldn't let the focus stop on just the two HC, I would throw Faircloth and Garrett in there as well. If rumors are true about Vance and Danaher, and who knows if they are then we need someone else waiting in the wings. Need to read Odessa paper, has some accomplishments of Faircloth and talks highly of PNG
  4. So let's say for the sake of arguing that a 5A coach should always be hired over any other 3A or 4A coach because the competition is so much better? I think if you look around the state, you could find some 3A schools and alot of 4A schools that would stomp a mud hole in WB and other 5A schools on a regular basis. No knock on WB, but I truely believe that's the case. There is good competition at all three levels, more so at 4A and 5A level because of how many more kids.
  5. You asked earlier why he would want to leave WB other than $20K. 1. He is not AD at WB and won't be any time soon. Having control over athletics is a big plus. 2. PNG has better facilities. Even with BMT's bond issue and new stadium plans, WB has to share with Central and Ozen. 3. 5A elite talent gap is much wider than 4A talent gap! Easier to win titles in 4A. 4. Community support. PNG packs 'em in. WB not so much! 5. Doesn't have to share talent with other BMT schools. The middle schools are not under his direction because they go to different HS's. At PNG he could start his program from Junior league on up! 6. I hear that his 9th grade son might get one year on the Varsity level because of a Sophomore QB. Could start multiple years at PNG. Also someone posted that Stump only had one 10 win season, but least we forget that two of those four seasons (where they had only 2 losses) were hurricane shortened seasons. He has a 0.773 win percentage and is 6-4 in the playoffs. Looks pretty good to me. I put about only 1 10 game win season, and this year he wouldn't have gotten it. WB got lucky and didn't have to play KATY because of the hurricane. Like I said beat the big teams year in and year out with the talent you have then I'll say he's way above the others on the list. I think everyone is hyping him up because they don't know too much about the other applicants. Do some research and then put them side by side to make your points.
  6. LSU and A&M would play each other in Super Regionals, which sucks that both couldn't go. My wife is an Aggie, but I would love to see my Tigers go instead. Should be a good Super Regional though.
  7. true, good luck on whoever ya'll get. It's time PAm shows off some of the talent I know they have
  8. To be honest with you, I doubt it. I don't think he's in the top 5, but I do hope that he gets a second chance somewhere around here. Has alot of good coaching experience and been around the game for a while. He's fairly young also. He's not 40 yet
  9. I agree. On a side note didn't Stump use to be an assistant at Hardin Jefferson. I was talking to my wife and she taught at HJ when she first started teaching and said that he was there.
  10. He had recruiting issues, but this guy is a good one. I'm bias cause I played ball with him from little kids through hs at WB. He went on to play play for OU. Very intense coach, and I think he would motivate the players at Memorial.
  11. I figured I'd be comical and say this past year we had like 48 SR's the most ever for PNG varsity. Equaled 3-6 record ;D Alot of bodies as you would say
  12. I agree, but there are exceptions Lufkin? Tyler Lee? Ball?
  13. Never claimed to be a high school coach, only a player and an avid HS football fan. I understand what your saying, my wife taught at Katy for 3 years one of which they beat Southlake Carroll. I just see one 10 game win season with Stump as HD. Look at Vance, Danaher. Garrett played for Plano winning back to back state titles, Faircloth been around programs like Highland Park, Odessa Permian, Westlake. It's just my opinion these guys are just as impressive. Once again no knock on Stump, but I think people see what Dodge did, and since Stump was from the same school and era that he's going to be the same way. Dodge had alot of talent at his fingertips with NFL players kids and big time MONEY area to back whatever he did.
  14. Actually my give it to the top athlete was from a preious post made. I understand the team concept as I was part of the successful teams at WB in the early 90's. By the way we had probably one of the most explosive offenses and stingy defenses(Ask Coop what we did to his Stangs in 91) with James Brown at QB, but what I want to know is coming to PNG your not going to have a James Brown, or Calvin Collins, Frank Middleton, David garrett, Ronald Antoine, and so on. What does he do to make him such a great coach that everyone is so hyped up on. BTW, unless they've changed the numbers of varsity players, WB usually suits out 55-56 players. Always been like that unless changed.
  15. First off, I hope you were kidding when you made that comment. WB had great success in the early 90's and then fell off when Rabb took over. Like i said with the talent coming to WB from all over Beaumont, they should be plowing over most teams they face. I think your the one that coached with him so your bias, but I'm not drooling wanting him. If he doesn't want to come here then that's fine, give us someone else. I simply asked a question and nobody has answered it without saying give the ball to the best athlete. I'm not a coach and I think I could figure that one out.
  16. This is going to cause an uproar, but what makes Stump so great. He went to WB in 05, that district is probably one of the weakest 5A districts in the state. Can't win the big game, blownout by Spring Westfield every year, and North Shore beats them around. Kids practically pick what school they want in Beaumont, so you have alot of talent and the best you can do is get to the third round. If you look at who WB gets in 1st and 2nd round playoffs, weak teams. Third round when they meet up with a big time school, that's right they get that butt handed to them. So the question is what has Stump done that makes him better than guy's thats won state championships or a young coach looking for a chance and truely wants to come to PNG? Don't give the old he turned WB into a powerhouse, because first they aren't a powerhouse, and two they were good when I was there in the early 90's. Not knocking Stump, but tired of the oohing and awing with no apparent substance.
  17. Call me crazy, but i would like to see Brandon Faircloth, David Satcher, and Chris Garrett in the mix of finalists. All three are fairly young and seem to be energetic. They are from proven teams and I think could kick start PNG again. Faircloth is at Permian as OC enough said on that, and before was at Highland Park power house programs. Satcher has proven to be a defensive guru at a respectable school Garrett seems to be a good guy , younger, and is also at a good program school. He has also showed serious intrest and I spoke with him.
  18. OK, your starting to sound like some people from another school district! Some people want to see the list and according to law, they have to provide it. It's as simple as that. I would like to see it to see what choices the school has. I have no "hidden agenda" nor do I want to "blast" people in public. This is a public forum and if something is posted on it expect some opinion's. This forum is for discussion. That's what makes America Great!! P.S. I even get along with TD! OOOK, then I wasn't talking about you, don't so defensive. ;D Don't I get my opinion? Thank You, doesn't all this sound childish.
  19. OK, your starting to sound like some people from another school district! Some people want to see the list and according to law, they have to provide it. It's as simple as that. I would like to see it to see what choices the school has. I have no "hidden agenda" nor do I want to "blast" people in public. There hasn't been discussions, it's been an all out war against PNG because of media people on here. I mean look at how many threads have been made over this. It's ridiculous, and Coop slipping in enterprise stuff about giving them hell, they desrve it. What's up with that. I can't remember the last time that ya'll bashed another school this bad on a topic. It's insane. This is a public forum and if something is posted on it expect some opinion's. This forum is for discussion. That's what makes America Great!! P.S. I even get along with TD!
  20. Not all members of the hiring committee are elected. I know they are just going to recommend the person and the elected officials are going to make ultimate decision, but it's crazy how the tax payer thing gets thrown around like it has. People it's not that big of a deal. I'm going to try and use an analogy, may not be that good, but take an NFL owner and he hires a coach that TAXPAYERS don't like. I don't see them wanting the team to move out of town. Heck the school board are taxpayers too, they don't get a voice. How about they say they want the taxpayers that are whinning just shut thier trap. What drives the outsiders is all the division between PNG supporters over this issue. Trust the people that we put in there. I think no matter what they do there's people out there with a hidden agenda against the members that take every chance to blast them to the public. It's sad we have a handful of citizens in this community that love to have turmoil.
  21. The media will probably put us in a bad light because they're upset they didn't get their way. To me that's wrong because they're taking advantage of being able to put whatever they want (spin) on TV. Now who do you think is above the law, that's right the media. Go cover somebody else and leave PNG alone. I haven't seen but a couple of PNG fans upset over not seeing the list and everybody else from every other school and area dog us out. There's been so much school and community bashing PNG on these articles, but since the person that runs this site is in the media business then the rules can be bent and nothing happens. Sorry guys, but this has pissed me off. It's hard not to take this stuff personal when people post personal attacks against school and community that you live in
  22. OK here's the list I got today 1 through 35 BLANK J/K come on guys ease up on PNG
  23. And Ware is a PNG guy. He needs to support PNG > I was just kidding around, but if it's hurting the so called image, atleast put something positive for us. ;D Now that is funny.....How could he keep his credit as a reporter if he did? Seems like Channel 4 is picked up in Vidor, LCM, Ozen, Central, Lumberton homes, not just PNG...Sheeez.... ;D
  24. And Ware is a PNG guy. He needs to support PNG >
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