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TradinUp BH

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Everything posted by TradinUp BH

  1. No California or Florida teams? Thats strange.
  2. Let him play up, we'll take care of him I went through that dilemma this past year, but I didn't know about the 10 year old pitching. It's kind of a big difference, but I think your son will adjust. The positive side is the 10's will be more accurate with pitching than the 8's are, and I think he would get some better strikes to hit, instead of four balls and the coach coming out to throw three pitches. I hate that about our league.
  3. Summer Creek will not play varsity for 2 years. Kingwood Park will be 5A soon, as will Goose Creek Memorial. What the UIL needs to do is add a 6A division. We need apples with apples. I do not think it will ever happen due to the logistics of the larger 5A schools. North Shore has a distinct advantage (with nearly 4,000 students) over any of the other teams in its district. You can not compare apples to oranges here. Size does matter! I just threw that around if they did stay 4A, but your probably right they might be 5A and not start varsity until the realignment after next. As for as the advantage look at the Alief schools, very large but thier butts handed to them by the Katy schools year in and year out. I still think they should add BH and Dayton to our district, it would only make sense.
  4. OK so with the New Caney schools in the mix, I predict the following: 19-4A New Caney Porter Livingston Crosby Summer Creek Kingwood Park North Forest CE King GC Memorial 20-4A BH Dayton PNG Nederland Vidor LCM Central Ozen Lumberton That gives both districs 9 teams. Of course with the UIL it make too much sense. ;D You talk about 20-4A beating up on 19-4A wow
  5. Some tough teams, If Tomball has all of their players they would be a favorite at sectionals. Tomball is always tough. I remember back in the 90's after senior league they had big league which was 16-18 year olds. This was before all of the select stuff. The way it worked was if your team ie. Amelia won district then they had the option of picking up other kids in the district to create like an all star team or keep the normal team. We picked up kids from all over and had a really good team with lots of pitching and hitters. We went to sectionals and got beat in the final game by Tomball/Woodlands/Magnolia They were very good.
  6. While size offers an advantage, it isn't everything. The program, the kids, and the coaching are what make up a good football team. Because of the structure of BISD, it's hard to put together a program and it's even harder to predict which kids each high school will get. And PN-G's problem was its program for all those years. The Beaumont coaches have a struggle no matter what. I honestly believe that Central's run at the playoffs last year was a lucky streak, and what I mean by that is that they had the right combination of players and coaching, but such a combination is rare in a district like BISD. The fact that they had that combination last year was a stroke of good luck, a rare one at that. Every now and then, Ozen, Central, and Westbrook will have one or two consecutive playoff runs, but, because of the structure of the district, won't be able to sustain long term results. You need a tiny big of luck along the way for any kind of state or long playoff run. This goes for all teams in all classifications that have deep runs. I'm not buying most of what you're saying. Especially about your 'lucky streak' comment. I suppose I should be more clear. It's not that Central got to the playoffs and made that run on luck alone. It had the two of the big three components: kids and coaching. It was lacking in the program sector, which is understandable because of BISD's structure. When you've only got two of the three needed components, you'll have some success, but it'll be hard to sustain that success from year to year. Central won't be able to sustain its success over the years without a program, and you can't really build a program in a district like BISD. It'll have some spurts here and there, but no solid, sustained success. The same goes for Ozen and Westbrook. BISD's structure. Success here and there. Spurts. I think you have listen to some older guys (who knows nothing) to come up with this. If Central or any BISD school is a hit an miss deal, then what the heck is PN-G? They appear to be the same way. They had a brilliant '99 season with Long at the helm and made it to state. Since then, what have they done playoff wise? I remember. They lost to the eventual state champions (Lamar Consolidated) a few years ago. So I guess it's safe to question PN-G's 'structure' and say that they are less than a hit and miss and only do good in 'spurts'. PN-G's problem was its program. Much like Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, PN-G had a good coaching staff and good kids, but a bad program. Much like Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, the combination of the first two components provided for some spurts (which depended more on the kids our team had from year to year than anything else, just like Ozen, Westbrook, and Central), but the lack of the third component made sustained success (meaning success for more than two consecutive seasons) virtually impossible. The difference here is that PN-G has more potential for a program because, unlike Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, the coaches at PN-G know exactly who is coming up the ranks and their strengths and weaknesses as far out as 2-5 years before those players are on the varsity team, not counting any work that is done in football prior to the athlete's 7th grade year. That one difference is what makes us better-suited to create a program, which is what Coach Faircloth and his team are doing. Central, Ozen, and Westbrook coaches have virtually no idea who they will be putting on varsity until the freshman year of the potential varsity player. This fact is what makes building a football program (or a program for any sport, for that matter) in BISD much more difficult than building a program in a district where each child's high school is picked the day said child enters kindergarten, such as PN-G or Nederland. It's not that creating a program is impossible, but rather that it is easier to do and has a better chance of success in a single-high school district than in a district where there are multiple high schools and each child doesn't know what high school said child will be attending until the end of said child's eighth grade year. Your argument would be a lot better if you used a team that consistently wins (unlike PNG). What has PNG done any better than the three Beaumont schools? 1999? Not trying to argue, but I threw that one at you, sorry ;D
  7. I called it, Groves and BC in the final. I think BC is too much for Groves though. Groves played BC a good game last time, but now they'll face Shugart and I don't see them hitting him much. Good luck to both teams
  8. While size offers an advantage, it isn't everything. The program, the kids, and the coaching are what make up a good football team. Because of the structure of BISD, it's hard to put together a program and it's even harder to predict which kids each high school will get. And PN-G's problem was its program for all those years. The Beaumont coaches have a struggle no matter what. I honestly believe that Central's run at the playoffs last year was a lucky streak, and what I mean by that is that they had the right combination of players and coaching, but such a combination is rare in a district like BISD. The fact that they had that combination last year was a stroke of good luck, a rare one at that. Every now and then, Ozen, Central, and Westbrook will have one or two consecutive playoff runs, but, because of the structure of the district, won't be able to sustain long term results. You need a tiny big of luck along the way for any kind of state or long playoff run. This goes for all teams in all classifications that have deep runs. I'm not buying most of what you're saying. Especially about your 'lucky streak' comment. I suppose I should be more clear. It's not that Central got to the playoffs and made that run on luck alone. It had the two of the big three components: kids and coaching. It was lacking in the program sector, which is understandable because of BISD's structure. When you've only got two of the three needed components, you'll have some success, but it'll be hard to sustain that success from year to year. Central won't be able to sustain its success over the years without a program, and you can't really build a program in a district like BISD. It'll have some spurts here and there, but no solid, sustained success. The same goes for Ozen and Westbrook. BISD's structure. Success here and there. Spurts. I think you have listen to some older guys (who knows nothing) to come up with this. If Central or any BISD school is a hit an miss deal, then what the heck is PN-G? They appear to be the same way. They had a brilliant '99 season with Long at the helm and made it to state. Since then, what have they done playoff wise? I remember. They lost to the eventual state champions (Lamar Consolidated) a few years ago. So I guess it's safe to question PN-G's 'structure' and say that they are less than a hit and miss and only do good in 'spurts'. PN-G's problem was its program. Much like Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, PN-G had a good coaching staff and good kids, but a bad program. Much like Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, the combination of the first two components provided for some spurts (which depended more on the kids our team had from year to year than anything else, just like Ozen, Westbrook, and Central), but the lack of the third component made sustained success (meaning success for more than two consecutive seasons) virtually impossible. The difference here is that PN-G has more potential for a program because, unlike Central, Ozen, and Westbrook, the coaches at PN-G know exactly who is coming up the ranks and their strengths and weaknesses as far out as 2-5 years before those players are on the varsity team, not counting any work that is done in football prior to the athlete's 7th grade year. That one difference is what makes us better-suited to create a program, which is what Coach Faircloth and his team are doing. Central, Ozen, and Westbrook coaches have virtually no idea who they will be putting on varsity until the freshman year of the potential varsity player. This fact is what makes building a football program (or a program for any sport, for that matter) in BISD much more difficult than building a program in a district where each child's high school is picked the day said child enters kindergarten, such as PN-G or Nederland. It's not that creating a program is impossible, but rather that it is easier to do and has a better chance of success in a single-high school district than in a district where there are multiple high schools and each child doesn't know what high school said child will be attending until the end of said child's eighth grade year. Since 2000 the following schools have won state, some multiple times and all have more than one high school. Lamar Consolidated, Alamo Heights, Midland Lee, Katy, Mesquite, Denton Ryan, Galena Park North Shore, Tyler Lee, and Lewisville Hebron. Most of your 4A and almost all of 5A programs have different feeder schools and the coaches can't keep up with all of the kids because there is so many. For example, in Katy there is approximately 2,000 kids involved in youth football. The coaches have no clue until high school. It computes to the more athletes you have, usually the better the program is going to be or you have an exceptional group of kids that can gel together in HS. There are exceptions to the rule just like anything. ie, WOS, but even then when was the last time they won state.
  9. Don't see all three Baytown or Humble schools going to 4A, but I might be wrong. I think we'll lose Livingston and add Dayton and/or BH in 20-4A Central Ozen Lumberton Vidor LCM PNG Nederland Dayton BH
  10. Our new stadium is a number of things, but it is not cursed... *knock on wood* ;D And maybe some day PNG can win a game on their new turf and prove the no curse theory. Maybe the Nederland fans will change thier mind about the bond after seeing a nice TURF field. ;D
  11. West Brook has always gotten the football players and Central got the basketball players. Now with Ozen in the mix it has spread them out further. When I was playing football in the early 90's we would get kids from Central transfer for football and then go back to Central for basketball. I don't know that still happens, but it use to. I remember at Vincent middle school, due to the ping pong ball half of us were going to WB and the other half to Central the next year. We still kicked butt at the high school level, although we weren't running the HS plays at middle school. I think it's just like the majority of HS across Texas, you have a talented group come through and then a not so talented group. You have kids that have talent that quit along the way for whatever reason, not making the grades, trouble, etc.. Beaumont should've kept two high schools or opened a fourth school and dropped all of them to 4A to help on travel cost and be more competative at the 4A level. My two cents
  12. I think Livingston will be out of 20-4A, just not sure who we'll get. Possibly Dayton, Barbers Hill, Baytown Memorial, or none. Anyone heard anything on it?
  13. It's even more embarrassing to use the "buy" instead of "by" in your sentence. Atleast we beat you in academics ;D
  14. Good job NLL against a very good BC team
  15. Yea Slade, but how many pitches did he throw against NLL. If he threw more than 20 he's done for one game. I know ya'll have the first baseman and two 11 year olds left for this game and burned two pitchers for sure against NLL. My son is friends with one of yall's players and we got the scoop
  16. Same to ya'll, take it easy on us
  17. See you there Unless ya'll throw a pitcher that ya'll didn't throw in the regular season then I don't see anyone including our team throwing in the 60's.
  18. I agree, I didn't think it looked like FHWS pitchers were throwing above maybe 60-61. I think more like 58 or so, but I may be wrong. They were throwing much, much slower than the BC pitcher, and that I can promise you.
  19. I wish this was a betting site
  20. Shugart does throw 73 to 74 range seen it on the radar gun when we played them. You would just have to see it to believe it. As far as anybody else in this area, I don't know of any others. The kids I seen throw in the NLL and HF game was about 56 to 61.
  21. BC is probably good, but PNLL is probably the most depleted league in southeast TX. They are on the Optimist Southern road. Not to be mean or rude, but if you would have asked me last year what the score in a 12yr old BC and PN game would be, I could have given you a round about figure of 20-0. These are the same 11 yr olds from last year that are now 12. Every 11 year in the league made allstars last year, due to the numbers. I may be mistaken, which I dont think I am, but PNLL didnt add many, if any, new 12 year olds to help them out. Did every 12 year old make the allstar team? PNLL needs to find something else to keep the league going....talk to Groves, etc....combination, because the competion is nil in PNLL. The allstar teams they have been putting out the past couple of season would not even be able to win a league championship in any other league.....against regular teams. Hey I agree with you, but I'm telling you that I don't see any team besides maybe Groves National even coming close within 10 runs of BC. We talked to Groves this year about playing regular season games, but they refused to play with us. Therefor FHWS was nice enough to play some games with us. Our league isn't devoted to bringing the league to where it needs to be and seem content on the level of play. I'm not going to sit here and bash our league, but I'll say it's just different. We had 15 12 year olds to pick from and our league doesn't allow 11's to play up. It's hard to be competative when you have numbers like that and only 3 major league teams. I've heard that some of the select kids may come back next year, but that might be rumor I don't know. Good luck to all area teams.
  22. Nederland won 8 to 2, but I don't see them even coming close to hanging with BC. My prediction is Groves National and BC will play for the championship with BC edging them out.
  23. Who dat, who dat, who dat say they beat the Tigers, who dat.... LSU sawed the horns off and shipped them back to Austin where the people on 6th Street did no telling what with them ;D Great series and Great baseball. Can I say I told you so, Anyways atleast I get to talk a little trash for a year until we meet up again next year.
  24. The good thing is that both of them are young and might be in the same game come next year. Which means that LSU has a chance to win it two years in a row. ;D Geaux Tigers
  25. FHWS & NLL play tonight @ 7 pm About six of the kids off of that 11 yr old team did not play little league this year and another is ineligible because he didn't play enough games due to knee surgery. I am an FHWS parent and I will try to be at every game pulling for them, but it could be a struggle. Bridge City should have little trouble winning our district. Remember a couple years ago when Nederland was going to march straight to Williamsport? BC is not unbeatable and they will need a few breaks and their kids will have to be on top of their game every night to get as far as they hope to. If they can do this, they have a chance to be very successful. We play the loser of ya'lls game on Friday and our league is depleted as well. It should be a good one. We played some games against ya'll in the regular season and I think the two leagues are comparible with the slight edge to ya'll. I'm telling you I've been around little league for a long time, and we played at GNLL the year they went so far. This 12 YO BC team is very good, and as long as they don't look ahead, I can see them going pretty far, atleast to the Southwest regionals. If you get a chance go check them out. We didn't give them much of a game, pitcher faced 12 batters and 11 k's and one ground out to SS. They are stacked. We'll see, but I'm going out on a limb and saying they sweep through district and sectionals. Tougher games at East Texas state, but I think they'll be in Waco for the SW Regionals.
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