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Everything posted by xomerlin

  1. Lance Dale of Lumberton, "A good coach will make his player see what they can be rather than what they are" :!:
  2. SFA needs to be awarded for the funniest post of the year! Good Luck to Central GO BH and WIN
  3. :shock: so what are you saying now, the 3rd place team in 22-4a is the underdog to the 3rd place team in 21-4a? :roll:
  4. North Shore is in a weak district 10-0 :? Lufkin is in a weak district 10-0 :? S.L.C. is in a weak district 10-0 :? Texas High is in a weak district 10-0 :? Euless is in a weak district 10-0 :? Cedar Hill is in a weak district 10-0 :? Katy is in a weak district 10-0 :? Spring Westfield is in a weak district 10-0 :? WOS is in a weak district 10-0 :? Beaumont Central is in a TOUGH district 8-2 :shock:
  5. hey jags while you boys are over here why dont you just beat the crap out of northshore since they come from a weak district also :oops:
  6. Cameron Swart, Defense from Barbers Hill, leads the state in FB's with 6 and is #2 in state in TFL's with 23. The juggernaut of BH's defense.
  7. cameron swart at bh deep squats 520 for sets of 3, that's not like a half squat in powerlifting.
  8. cameron swart from barbers hill clean and jerk last march in the national juniors in alto monte springs florida was 385lbs. he can clean over 400 and snatches around 350 lbs. as far as bench, i dont know probably around 375. as far as proof check the usa weightlifting site.
  9. etbu come and set with me on bh's side and go down and see the players after the game. :idea:
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