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Everything posted by ooc98

  1. Yes some of the girls are from that team. 12u girls tried out for the 12 u team and the 14u girls are trying out for the 14u teams on Aug 22 2-4 and Aug 28 2-4.
  2. Give me a call and I would be glad to discuss that with you.
  3. OOC 12u new team tryouts will be Thur 6pm and Sat 11am at the Lumberton High school field. Come prepared to give it all. Need all positions.
  4. Most of our girls have a 98 & 97 birthday, so we are a young 14u team looking to add players.
  5. OOC 98 12u out of Lumberton.
  6. Out of Control 98 is still looking for about 3 or 4 more players.  We are looking for girls and parents that are dedicated and enthusiastic about softball.  Give us a call if you are interested in joining a great fastpitch softball organization.  Coach TJ Adams 779-4691, Assistant Coach Brent Strother 617-3409.
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