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Everything posted by jake94

  1. Getting ready for the game. Picking up my old man at 6:30 and heading to the game. 50 yard line, 17 rows up. Anxious to see how we do against a BIG step up in competition. I've been pleasantly surprised with what I've seen so far, but the competition has been marginal at best. Anxious to see how we compete against the best team in the district.
  2. It's a bye week during district. AKA "no chance in hell"
  3. I thought everyone said Dayton was terrible since Nederland beat them...
  4. Nederland is much improved over last season. I am cautiously optimistic about this group! It was nice to see us throwing downfield last night with lots of success. We are very deep at WR and Blaysin is spreading the ball around nicely. It was mostly swing passes and run plays vs Dayton with very few downfield passes, but last night was much more balanced and aggressive play calling and throwing downfield more. I like what I'm seeing thus far and the team plays with lots of energy! Reports of the Bulldogs demise are greatly exaggerated in my opinion!
  5. I see what you did there. Clever. So you will be picking Ned vs Central I assume?
  6. I wish I was your bookie... just kidding. You were a little off on this one though.
  7. Now that Edelman is hurt, Crosby is now the favorite to win the Super Bowl.
  8. We are more secret than the Super Secret Spring Game! HaHa!
  9. I heard the same thing... we will just stay quiet for now, Bro-schon. We will leave the talking to the team that's won one of the last six.
  10. The article only talked about Ned's TD. Did CE King score?
  11. They were 7-4(4-3) that year... If you don't agree that a slick handling QB makes that offense really go, then we will have to just agree to disagree.
  12. I think y'all are overhyping Vidor. The years that they are really good is when they have an ELITE QB. What makes that offense go is a slick handling QB. Both of the Quirantes, Maverick and Montana fit that mold. They always have great RBs, but the QB is most important to them when they have REALLY good teams. Do they have someone that can step up at QB? Maverick is a huge loss for them. Just my opinion.
  13. He means they've been winning lots of games in Crosby during playoffs and are familiar with the venue. I was surprised Tomball agreed to play there.
  14. I think Wistner will make some noise at LB as well. 2 year starter headed to his senior year and has and goes all out every play.
  15. Simmons is gonna be great. Lewis will be a 2-way stud like Colton Kimler was. Mark my words. Leday looked good at QB in limited action. Forney will lead an underrated defense. The secondary should be solid in my opinion. The cupboard is far from bare.
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