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Everything posted by jake94

  1. In all fairness, we never know who our QB is either...
  2. How many rebounds, steals, and assists did High Island have?
  3. The next great player at Nederland is Devin Simmons. He is on the team now, but has been injured the last 3 games. Maybe you will get to see him this week. I agree with most of what you said, other than the Kenny/Larry comment.
  4. Gotta get to 4 before you can get to 5. 4 wins has you in the discussion for playoffs, but you are correct that 5 would seal it. I think there is an above average chance that fourth place is 4-4. Agree or disagree?
  5. We are 1-3 after the forfeit. If we finish 6-2 in district, then Neumann truly is amazing. lol I'm a realist. We will be scrapping for 4th place which would be impressive I guess given the circumstances...
  6. Livingston isn't good, but will certainly get to 4 wins with Lee and Ozen still on the schedule. I guess they are still in contention if 4 wins is the key number to get to... I think PAM will beat PNG, PNG will edge Vidor. I actually think Vidor due to their style might play PAM the closest, but I don't think they can stop their passing game. PAM should run the table in district and has the talent to make a little noise I think.
  7. Good game Titans. The better team won for sure. I think yalls toughest game will be Vidor due to their style, but I don't see them stopping your passing game. Should be a high scoring affair. Hated to see Perkins go down. Ned has been decimated by injuries and it just continues to mount. Huge game vs Central next week. Loser isn't looking good for playoffs. We need Simmons back!
  8. Perkins hurt? Haven't seen him last 2 series...
  9. Ned settling down a bit. PA speed very impressive. I don't think we have the horses to keep up, but I like the fight we are showing.
  10. I agree. I noticed that, too. It was changed finally after a couple minutes. Carry on... I have my opinion that these kids should shake hands and y'all have yours. Is it required? No. Is it respectful? Yes. I will agree to disagree.
  11. Maybe we won't shake afterwards the way this is going... lol
  12. PAM wins toss, defers, and refuses to shake hands... classy...
  13. If it was under investigation and the outcome of the UIL decision wasn't known, then it would have been foolish to start him against Vidor and have to forfeit had we won.
  14. Next man up! Time to put it behind us and put all the distractions behind! The kids on this team have been very resilient thus far. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Keep fighting, Dogs!
  15. Bru- Have you been impressed with PNG the last 6 years?
  16. We shall see. Ned held Vidor to 275 yards rushing. They average 450. I will make a side wager that Vidor runs for 275 plus on PNG.
  17. If Ned has Laday and Simmons for this game, I think it could be somewhat competitive. I expect that both will miss this game though. PAM is the class of this district and should be favored by at least 2 TDs against every team in the district in my opinion. PAM By 24 without Simmons/Laday PAM By 14 with Simmons/Laday
  18. Memorial Kirb NC WB SC BH Cen Vidor PNG CS Legscy Sil Huffman Jasper WOS OF Shepherd Liberty Tatum Pius HF OCC Mont Woodlands Atas
  19. I think they had around 275 rushing which is 175 below their season average. Most of it came in the first half or so it seemed.
  20. I thought he transferred from Crosby? Heard he's 6'7 with a cannon and runs a 4.0 flat 40. Heard he has 11 D1 offers and is a freshman. He left when they lost to Porter. Or is this a rumor?
  21. When they have these realignment meetings, what is on the menu? I heard it was cheese and WHINE, but haven't confirmed that.
  22. With 140 hours left until game time, the Pirates lead 8-0 since the game is at the Boneyard. Why not 7? Because the Pirates aren't scared to go for 2...
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