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Posts posted by jake94

  1. 5 hours ago, BIG SHOW said:

    Nederland scrimmages Crosby this week and plays WOS next week for the 1st official game of the season. I hope the dogs can keep it close but i don't see it happening. Nederland needs to find a QB ASAP.  

    We got the 4 headed monster at QB! Lol. Talk about tough to prepare for!

  2. 1 hour ago, NDOMAKONG said:

    I dont think Lange or Fernandez separated from each other, both manage the game fairly well and made a few plays.  The new QB has the best arm it appeared, but didnt look ready, had a rough series.  The running game is going to be a strength to set up the pass

    In all fairness, #17 the new QB was playing with the 2nd team OLine, backs, and WRs. Would like to see him with the starters. I believe he's the starter by district. What classification is he? Was nice to see Mayfield and Johnson in the stands supporting their former teammates. Hopefully they can make an impression and find their way back on the team.

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