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Posts posted by jake94

  1. 8 hours ago, NeDeRlAnD b-DoG fAn said:

    Any idea who the front runners will be to start at QB for Nederland this season? I assume Simmons and Nguyen will be in the backfield. Perkins, Fisher, Johnson, Garrett, and a Mayfield give experience returning at WR and i've heard the line should be pretty solid....

    I'm ready for football season to be here!

    I talked to a former coach on the staff a few weeks ago and he indicated that Mayfield was the front runner last he had heard. Also said the offense would be more similar to what we ran with Sage Seay at QB if that was the case. We are deep at WR and RB and you even forgot to mention the very talented Leleux who played fullback last year and was our 2nd leading rusher behind Krautz! Ned has a big experienced OLine and will be just fine regardless of who the QB is. I think it'll be Mayfield and I think he will have a very good season. Also, remember this name ... Wistner... I think he will shine on defense for the Dogs this season. Played quite a bit as a soph last year and brings a ton of intensity!

  2. Should be an interesting match with our receivers. Giblin 6'3" Sulivan 6'1" McZeal 6'5" Mcgough 6'3" all are very athletic. They key for Angleton would be to put pressure on Morse. If you give time time he will tear you up. Robanadana, Yes I agree that Vidor wasn't really up to their last game. But I think by us playing against you guys over the years has helped us against the wing-t.

    I think PN-G has a good shot of winning this game. But, if you are comparing Vidor's version of the Slot-T to Angleton's version of the Wing-T then I think you will be greatly disappointed. 

  3. Will you show New Caney respect should they win? Have to say we respect Nederland. You don't make the playoffs for years and win district championships without having a good program. Having said that, no one has been able to hold the New Caney offense down this year. We will score at least 6 touchdowns. Will Nederland be able to match NC in a high scoring game? You will have to have a balanced offense to do that.

    You were right about the 6 TDs... for Nederland....

  4. If Nederland has better coaching and better athletes, wouldn't their results against common opponents be better?  If you throw out Lee and look at the other 5 common district opponents, Lumberton is avg 31 pts to Nederland's 30.  Defensively, Lumberton is allowing an avg of 25 to Nederland's 24.  Looks pretty even to me. Maybe you mean "more" coaches and athletes.  It's hard to compare individual stats because of the drastic differences in styles this season, but if I look at how our QB and RB did against Nederland last year, their #s were pretty impressive.  Yarbro and Rhodes accounted for 6 TDs in the last matchup vs 2014 District Champion - Nederland.

    Stephen Yarbro,  19/31 328 yds    3 TDs  0 INTs

    Tim Rhodes

    18 rushes for 120 yds - 3 TDs

    6 rec. 120 yds - 1 TD

    240 Total yds - 4 TDs

    I could pull up #s for Caleb Thomas which were also impressive vs Nederland, but this should at least refute the idea that Nederland has better athletes.  I'll take our backfield over Nederland's.  I'll take our O-Line and Defense over Nederland's.  And I wouldn't trade our coaching staff for Nederland's staff.  In fact, the more I think about it, you are right.  Lumberton is a matchup nightmare for Nederland. But that's why we play the game.  Good luck Nederland.


    Still want your backfield, and O-line, coaching staff, and defense over ours? I'm just kidding by the way, but I had to give you a hard time. Good luck in the playoffs.

  5. Interesting game. Two solid football teams. Neither are world beaters. Lumberton has an impressive season, but no signature wins(lost to PNG and Central). Nederland is coming off their worst outing of the season, a road loss to GCM and now must win to share the DC. It will be a good game in my opinion and both teams are headed to the playoffs with a tough game next week. Hoping for a clean and injury free and rain free game! Oh and I almost forgot the old disclaimer, BF is a good coach!!

  6. A lot of teams would have beaten Ned last week. It was a very flat game. Credit to GCM on the win, they earned it. But, I feel like it had much more to do with NED struggling than it did GCM being world beaters. Senior night, in Nederland, share of the DC on the line. I don't see the Dogs coming out flat. I will take the whole body of work vs. a bad game last week and say Nederland wins a hard fought, close ballgame like they usually do. The Raiders are much improved and a formidable opponent though. If you remember, I predicted them at the end of last season to make the playoffs this season. RaiderGirl remembers...

  7. Nederland has trouble with multiple threat speed teams in my opinion. A running QB that has good backs and a WR weapon gives us fits. I think GCM has the overall speed edge and for some reason they don't have the miscues against the Dogs that they seem to have vs. other teams. It's all about match ups. Even if we escaped with a win tonight, I feel it would have been a bit lucky. I thought GCM outplayed us in every phase of the game except kicking. We were extremely flat as well. Credit to the GCM players and coaching staff for a well played ballgame. Keep your head up, Dogs. You are never as good or as bad as your last ballgame.

  8. Great game, Patriots. Two years in a row this team upsets us. It's a real head scratcher to me because they always look good against us, but struggle vs. the other good teams in 22-5a. Ned was sloppy all night, dropped balls, forced throws, INTs, timely penalties. GCM looked quicker and had a great game plan to control the ball. Both years they've looked like a playoff team to me, but I guess they lack consistency. Congrats to GCM, y'all beat us again and deserved it. I don't think it was luck. Herman had a great game and was a matchup nightmare. Good luck the rest of the way. If my Dogs play like this next week, we won't even be sharing the DC in my opinion.

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