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Everything posted by jake94

  1. Ned has 4 TD. Three passing TDs-- 2 to Kimler and 1 to Seay. The other TD was a long run by Hopkins. QB looks very comfortable. Defense looks solid. Running game much better than last week.
  2. This should be a much more productive scrimmage than last week. The Indians probably won't be able to dominate both lines of scrimmage like they did last week vs. a smaller opponent. This will be a much better test and should get them ready for their season opener.
  3. [quote name="kparkfootball" post="1425709" timestamp="1376937000"] It sounds like Nederland's defense line is the best in the area and Dayton's offense line is young  and only one starter back.  Nederland should control Dayton at the line? Nederland sounds like they have one of the best passing game with their star receivers.  How is Dayton's DB? [/quote] Lets not exaggerate too much here.. Our QB only has 3 quarters of experience at the varsity level and that was a scrimmage. He does have some good targets, but lets not get carried away. I'd like to see improved run blocking, better tackling, and better touch on the long balls this week. The QB looked good after the first quarter last week and should continue to improve as he gets more experience.
  4. Left one thing out. Those 2 big WRs also play safety and are very good. Each had an INT and both can lay the lumber. Also, Ned backup QB is very calm and composed and had nice touch on the ball. I would have liked to have seen him throw to the first stringers, but he only played in 4th q.
  5. I agree Griff. Both teams are better after that physical scrimmage. Ned/WOS is always a hard fought and usually close game. Of course things on both sides would have been much different if it was a real game. Game plans, starters, scouting, play calling etc. I think both teams have a lot to look forward to and will make playoff runs. There is plenty to work on for both teams as well.
  6. Here is the report you will probably get. Nederland could not run the ball in 1st half. Pass blocking was much better than run blocking. Our QB started slow, but once he got comfortable he threw very well. He feels the pocket well and prefers to throw it vs running it. The Ned WRs are very big on the outside, both over 6'2 and both over 200 lbs. There are 5 guys that I think will catch a bunch of balls and they all have great hands. The FG kicker is top notch and will be important in close games. The front 4 on defense is very solid especially the interior 2. Linebackers don't have varsity experience but one of them looked really good last night. The secondary looked a little shaky at times and we missed some tackles but WOS speed is hard to simulate in practice. That's all I got.
  7. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1425211" timestamp="1376778536"] I have a contact that was at the game that will give an unbiased opinion.  I want to see what information he has... [/quote] Central's OC was there. He sat right by me.
  8. [quote name="orangecoog" post="1425135" timestamp="1376760180"] The story line should be: Big 4A gets schooled by a small 3a. Nederland always talks big but never delivers. [/quote] If you were there and that is what you saw then I need to get you a pair of glasses. It was a very positive scrimmage for both teams in my opinion.
  9. [quote name="WOS95" post="1425003" timestamp="1376709520"] both teams looked solid...good scrimmage...i think both teams are better now after playing each other... [/quote] Agree 100%. Love playing against the Stangs. They always bring it and its always a great game. I think both teams will be atop their districts again.
  10. [quote name="prepballfan" post="1424999" timestamp="1376709003"] Im a little shocked at the outcome of this scrimmage. I really thought Nederland would outplay them [/quote] When Ned pulled the starters in was 26/13. WOS made sine great plays in the 4th quarter, but you can ask either set of fans the Ned starters did not play in the 4th Q. Both teams looked solid. Nederland looked way better than they did in last years scrimmages. WOS has 2 good QBs and a great run defense. This was a great 1st scrimmage for both teams. I'm happy with the outcome and most importantly NO INJURIES!!
  11. We can see lots of overreactions to the first scrimmages. Remember these are opportunities for teams to work on things and improve. Rarely are teams as good or bad as they show in scrimmages. Remember last year when the panic button was pushed by many on the Nederland Bulldogs after 2 lackluster scrimmages? We all know how that turned out as the season progressed. With that said, let the overreactions begin on Friday. Obviously we all want our teams to look great in scrimmages, but it rarely happens and often times not indicative of what is to come.  Let's see who "beats" who? LOL
  12. I think we will be very good again. The Beaumont schools should be much improved though and have my attention. Vidor is always salty and PNG is young but improved. Livingston always has speed and athletes. Ned should be the favorite but it is no sure thing.
  13. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1420875" timestamp="1375472224"] 1. Nederland (2 time undefeated champs.  You have to go with them). 2. Central (The talent and speed is definitly there...and I believe that you can't get any worst than the coaching staff that was walking the sidelines for the last 2 years) 3. Ozen (Very good talent and they will actually be extremely good on defense unlike most years) 4. Vidor (Although they've lost Quirante, they have a winners mentality, and you can't take that away from them) 5. Livingston (they'll probably be one game out of the playoff hunt before it's said and done) 6.  PN-G (they have some talent back, but won't get it done this year) 7. LC-M (They were medeocre with the fast RB from last year.  Now that he's gone, I just don't know if they can compete) 8.  Lumberton  (Because RaiderGirl92 said that they'll be #1) [/quote] This doesn't happen often, but I actually agree with Soulja predictions! Spots 5-6 could be flopped and with injuries the 4 spot could be up for grabs depending on how many and who.. I think he picked the likely 4 playoff teams though.
  14. Kimler and Seay should have huge years on both sides of the ball as well...
  15. In all the years I only remember the Dogs doing Spring workouts maybe one time. Neumann likes to utilize the extra time and extra scrimmage before the season starts. The "physical" comment was a joke aimed at my PNG buddies.  ;D
  16. The Powder Puff game was at PNG last year. This game is expected to be much more physical  ;D
  17. Did the twins start on Varsity as freshmen? If not, they are winless against Nederland as is the rest of this PHENOMENAL group you speak of...
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