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Everything posted by jake94

  1. Hey Coach Wells, it ain't golf. The lower score LOSES!
  2. [quote name="songone" post="1346226" timestamp="1354338549"] Great win Nederland! You guys played a very good game.  5th & 2 almost got you guys, but your team flat out beat Dawson tonight.  Them Bulldogs kids are disciplined and aggressive... Be proud and Good luck down the road.  I hope you guys next game is in Reliant because I will be there.  Again Congratulations!! [/quote] Very classy post. +1. Dawson has a heckuva team.
  3. [quote name="jake94" post="1345420" timestamp="1354320141"] [quote author=indianforever link=topic=106670.msg1345111#msg1345111 date=1354292145] Nederland does not have enough offense to keep up with Dawson Dawson    35 Nederland 21 Dont hate me...just my opinion cause if the Bulldogs pull it out i will be the 1st to congratulate them and the 1st to eat crow!! [/quote] You pick against Nederland every week. Law of averages say you will eventually get one right. Hope it's not tonight! Should be a great ball game! [/quote] I bet your bookie drives a Lamborghini!
  4. [quote name="indianforever" post="1345111" timestamp="1354292145"] Nederland does not have enough offense to keep up with Dawson Dawson    35 Nederland 21 Dont hate me...just my opinion cause if the Bulldogs pull it out i will be the 1st to congratulate them and the 1st to eat crow!! [/quote] You pick against Nederland every week. Law of averages say you will eventually get one right. Hope it's not tonight! Should be a great ball game!
  5. [quote name="wolf6151" post="1343646" timestamp="1354067245"] I think Nederland will have a hard time keeping Dawson's score so low.  The offense is very powerful.  James White is the workhorse, no doubt, but you also have to consider Tony Upchurch, McDuffie, Sharp and a few others.  Dawson has quite a few offensive weapons that sometimes get overlooked.  Every team we have played have focused on White, yet he manages to push through to get the yardage when needed.  I understand N has a good defense, but Dawson's offense is more than a one man show.  On most teams, without a James White, these other guys would be the headlines. The Nederland Offense will have to score quite a bit to stay in the game.  Just my thoughts. [color=red][b]Go Dawson Eagles!![/b][/color] [/quote] Honest question.. Are y'all better than last year in your opinion?
  6. Some very memorable runs. I was there for both! Micah was an AMAZING back and everyone always underestimated his speed. He could fly! Those were LaMarque corners chasing and not gaining on him one bit!
  7. [quote name="foosballfan" post="1342952" timestamp="1353969070"] What was going on with the NED "D" when they gave up 250+ rushing yards to Goose Creek, Angleton & Vidor? [/quote] Vidor and Angleton definitely earned their rushing yards against Ned. Ned did hold Vidor well below their season average though. Angleton ran it well on the Dogs but had single digit passing yards. Goose Creek had a 75 yard TD run against our 1st teamers. The majority of their rushing yards came on 2 long rush TDs against the 2nd string and one of those was the final play of the game. The 2nd string played the ENTIRE 4q against Goose Creek. Ned will have to come up big against a great offense like Dawson, but the Eagles will have to earn every yard.
  8. [quote name="SummerCreek it is!" post="1341881" timestamp="1353815048"] [quote author=Brubaker link=topic=106719.msg1341849#msg1341849 date=1353814353] We'll be chillin in Reliant next Friday, for our 6th playoff game in the last two years.  We may lose, but PD will know they were in a WAR.  And if we do lose, we'll tip our cap and congratulate the better team.  We won't talk about the boogie man, the guy on the grassy knoll, or any other myths... we'll just congratulate our boys on a fabulous run, soak in the moment, then move on with our lives with the history these kids have made.  I'd put our boys up against anyone, and hate that SC couldn't hold up to their end of the bargain.  Wrote a check their high flyin offense couldn't cash. [/quote] I guess y'all should have thrown the game against Dayton then if the playoff route would have been easier.. Poor planning if you bask me! Facts are facts.. Summer Creek is a great REGULAR SEASON team theblast 2 years, but obviously can't cut the mustard in the playoffs. How is yalls basketball team? Yea thanks to a weak playoff schedule I guess y'all should have thrown the game against Dayton then if the playoff route would have been easier.. Poor planning if you bask me! Facts are facts.. Summer Creek is a great REGULAR SEASON team theblast 2 years, but obviously can't cut the mustard in the playoffs. How is yalls basketball team?
  9. Georgetown was at its best when Patrick Ewing was there.
  10. [quote name="DemDAWGS!" post="1341030" timestamp="1353794000"] 31-21. Our defense is d factor as I predicted. [/quote] Actually you predicted that Georgetown was way to SLOW to be on the field with y'all!
  11. [quote name="dayton" post="1337758" timestamp="1353416388"] A lack of familiarity with Vidors offense can cause problems.... which it did for sc . I think if you play that game a few more times, sc would win bigger each time.  One thing Ned would have to do if they were to play sc is finish. They had several short fields against Dayton and came away empty handed. Neds run game won't move the chains on sc like it did Dayton unless they find a way to start hiding he ball and sc's defenders won't let kimler run by.... for multiple reasons. Lots would have to happen for this game to be possible, but i just see sc stopping most traditional running attacks. Another worry in opinion is the fact that the Dayton qbs were able to scramble around.... sharp will hit the open man in this situation . [/quote] All very good points! Also, it had credibility coming from a guy who has seen both teams in person!
  12. [quote name="DemDAWGS!" post="1337539" timestamp="1353376252"] You gotta discount anything a Pirate fan says about SC. Vidor got embarassed any they're still pissed. It had to be very disheartening to know exactly what SC was going to do an not be able to stop it. Our offense is as complete as it gets. Now if U want to pick at our defense, you may have more luck. Having said that, SC's defense is the best Vidor has seen this year. All those forced turnovers and go back and look at the game [Hidden Content] and you'll see a very physical defense that laid down some vicious hits. [/quote] So, what happens when the "Greatest Show on Turf" faces a complete defense? You keep picking on Nederland, but who would you say is the best D you have faced? I promise Nederland has a better defense than ANY you have faced. Here's a few stats since you are a numbers guy: 1. Vidor had the most yards all season on Ned with 311. They scored 13 points and their last TD came with 1 minute left. How many yards and points did they have against y'all? 2. Ned defense has allowed only 87 yards per game passing And has 17 INT. I bring this up since you feel that your Bulldogs would burn Neds 2ndary all game long. Doubtful. 3. Angleton is the only team all season to score more than 21 on Ned. They scored 39 and were aided by 5 Ned turnovers. The only other 2 teams to score more than 14 BOTH scored on the last play of the game against 2nd string D. Those teams were GCM and LCM. 4. Y'all gave up nearly 500 yards to Crosby. Ned held them to 159 and 7 points. 5. You asked earlier if Neds defense is similar to Vidor. Nederland is much bigger on the D Line and has a much better secondary in my opinion. I hope this game happens down the road. Lots of work to be done for both teams to make it happen. I have no doubts that the SC offense would be by far the best offense Ned has faced, but I will promise SC has yet to face a defense as Ned. Good luck this weekend vs. a very solid Georgetown team. Are y'all good? Yes. Are y'all great? I'm not ready to say yes to that YET. I don't know how good Ned truly is or how far they will go, but I can assure you they aren't near as bad as many of you are thinking!
  13. Montana and three or four of his teammates were at Lamar yesterday supporting Nederland. They seem like good kids and I liked the blonde playoff Mohawks!
  14. [quote name="cougar14" post="1335355" timestamp="1353193410"] Exact same score as the Crosby game the first week of the season, has Ned made major improvement since then? [/quote] Nederland is much better now than they were at the beginning of the season. I am sure that can be said for most teams across the board though. The major improvement in my opinion has been the development of the offensive line, the emergence of Hopkins, and the opening up of the playbook the last few weeks. The defense has been salty since the beginning.
  15. [quote name="indianforever" post="1335220" timestamp="1353189855"] i think it has been a big down year for most of setx....other than a few teams in the area most teams were a lot less talented than previous years [/quote] Ummm.. The only 20-4A team still playing is not having a down year. In fact, I think this is the best overall Nederland team in the Neumann era.
  16. It was a good ball game. Nederland was firing on all cylinders for most of the game but left a few points on the field with penalties and a couple miscues deep in Bronco territory. I was very impressed with #60 on defense for Dayton. He was a monster all game long. I was also much more impressed with the Dayton offense when #10 was QB. Nederland D was flying all over the field and would have probably gotten the shutout if not for a couple 4th and long conversions. Broncos made it interesting at the end with the onside kick and never quit. Nederland is starting to show a lot more on offense and it's pretty exciting to watch. Keep it going Dogs! Good game, Broncos and I am sure we will meet again soon. P.S. the officiating was not very good but thankfully it did not impact the game too much.
  17. [quote name="KET92" post="1334812" timestamp="1353171911"] Dayton vistors or home? [/quote] Visitors
  18. This should be a great game. The team that makes the least amount of mistakes will win it. I expect a great effort from Dayton after last weeks debacle. Nederland has been looking better and better each week. Hoping for a clean and injury free game. About to head out in about 30 minutes!
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