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Everything posted by jake94

  1. I still think this game will be a WAR. No team is ever as good or as bad as their last game. Dayton was 9-0 before a bad outing against a very good team last night. This will because very tough game for us. I hope the Dogs come out hungry and focused.
  2. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1325974" timestamp="1352525000"] Someone have up on Mitchell and the cental football team.  Mitchell got hurt, but came back and threw an interception.  He was then benched for the rest of the game.  More on this later.  But I'm glad that the unemployment line will be so kind to someone. Congrats to Nederland on the convincing win.  I wish y'all well in the playoffs. [/quote] Not sure what the update is.. Mitchell played first two series and had little success. Fumbled on 3rd play of game fighting for yardage. Got hit hard on the next series and left with injury. Sat out a few series and came back in. He was limping at that point. Threw a pick 6 toward end of first half and never returned. I think the coach made the right call leaving the soph in. He was a dual threat and with the injury I don't think Mitchell was gonna run much. I was very impressed with the soph. He's gonna be a good one!
  3. Good game, Jags! These two teams seemed to have a lot of respect for each other. Pretty clean game for the most part. I was quite impressed with your soph QB that came in. He is gonna be a really good one I think. Also, your WRs made some great catches in traffic. My Dogs played pretty well other than a few too many penalties. Most importantly, I think the Dogs escaped injury free. Central will definitely be in the playoff mix in 2013 in my opinion.
  4. [quote name="ace2335" post="1322782" timestamp="1352311630"] Nederland will win this game. Jags still clearly the underdog? That's why they play the game. The defense is the weak link besides coaching. They contain LCM Sezer and their half decent pass game. Why is it so far fetch that the jags even have a shot? [/quote] Yes, Nederland is the favorite. Why? Because they have been more consistent and won all their district games. Yes, Central is the underdog in this game. Do underdogs sometimes beat favorites? Yes, they do. Can Central win this game? Yes, they can. If both teams play the way they have most of the season, who would you pick to win?
  5. [quote name="ace2335" post="1322412" timestamp="1352267687"] OBAMA pulled off the upset according to TEXANS. again without the states electoral votes. So why can't the Jags do the same? Comparison OBAMA hated by most TEXANS as you can see based on the numbers in Texas!! The Jags straight an clearly the underdog in this district match!! Anything can happen. Good luck to both teams. [/quote] Nice try. Obama was far from an underdog in this election. Vegas had him as a 3 1/2 to 1 favorite. He was the underdog in Texas and did lose Texas. I have no clue what this has to do with Friday night's game though.
  6. Very young team. Gonna have to be patient in early season. The schedule is brutal, but we should be ready by conference. Of the new guys, I was most impressed with Kieland Blanks, Amos Wilson, and Rhon Mitchell. The only returnee that played well in 1st exhibition was Donley Minor. Our inside guys were non-existent against McMurry.
  7. [quote name="SFA85" post="1319794" timestamp="1352048920"] [quote author=jake94 link=topic=105709.msg1319664#msg1319664 date=1352040139] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=105709.msg1319593#msg1319593 date=1352035262] Also, Nederland is due for a letdown.  Better before the playoffs.  Really, nothing to play for.  Just  to think about it, didn't those guys have a near letdown against that same LC-M Bear team already in district?  And on top of that, Central sees the light at the end of a very dark tunnel thus far.  Beat this team and then, cha-ching.  Your playoff ticket is punched. [/quote] Since we are talking about letdowns and pointing out flaws about Nederland, let's look at what the Jags are going to face. Critique all you want and pick apart any of our WINS you want. A WIN is a WIN and Nederland has won their last SIXTEEN district games! Central has 3 losses in district and by the way the Dogs beat those teams by a combined 78-20! Central has been Jeckyl and Hyde all season long and if you are depending on us being "due for a letdown" to win this game, then good luck with that. Back to back undefeated district championships and a HOME game to boot? Nederland also has Back to back shutouts the last two games and out scored thd opponents 83-0. Can the Jags win? Sure they can. But, give me the consistent team with the consistent results week in and week out vs. a Jeckyll and Hyde team any day of the week. No team is ever as good or as bad as their last game either. Things normally revert back to the mean. Nederland wins against an inspired Jags team in this one 31-20. [/quote] Calm the bleep down Jake and breathe..... [/quote] LOL. I am extremely calm. Our playoff ticket is already punched. :-)
  8. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1319689" timestamp="1352041902"] [quote author=jake94 link=topic=105709.msg1319664#msg1319664 date=1352040139] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=105709.msg1319593#msg1319593 date=1352035262] Also, Nederland is due for a letdown.  Better before the playoffs.  Really, nothing to play for.  Just  to think about it, didn't those guys have a near letdown against that same LC-M Bear team already in district?  And on top of that, Central sees the light at the end of a very dark tunnel thus far.  Beat this team and then, cha-ching.  Your playoff ticket is punched. [/quote] Since we are talking about letdowns and pointing out flaws about Nederland, let's look at what the Jags are going to face. Critique all you want and pick apart any of our WINS you want. A WIN is a WIN and Nederland has won their last SIXTEEN district games! Central has 3 losses in district and by the way the Dogs beat those teams by a combined 78-20! Central has been Jeckyl and Hyde all season long and if you are depending on us being "due for a letdown" to win this game, then good luck with that. Back to back undefeated district championships and a HOME game to boot? Nederland also has Back to back shutouts the last two games and out scored thd opponents 83-0. Can the Jags win? Sure they can. But, give me the consistent team with the consistent results week in and week out vs. a Jeckyll and Hyde team any day of the week. No team is ever as good or as bad as their last game either. Things normally revert back to the mean. Nederland wins against an inspired Jags team in this one 31-20. [/quote]It's true what you say about the Jags.  We are how you describe us as....  Inconsistent.  But, my comment about Nederland was not more of a diss, but as a compliment.  Those Guys are playing so good, one would think they are due for a letdown (better now than in the playoffs).  So, in a sense, I guess I'm HOEING for aBulldog letdown.  :D [/quote] Fair enough! Always enjoy your posts, Soulja!
  9. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1319677" timestamp="1352041325"] [quote author=jake94 link=topic=105709.msg1319664#msg1319664 date=1352040139] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=105709.msg1319593#msg1319593 date=1352035262] Also, Nederland is due for a letdown.  Better before the playoffs.  Really, nothing to play for.  Just  to think about it, didn't those guys have a near letdown against that same LC-M Bear team already in district?  And on top of that, Central sees the light at the end of a very dark tunnel thus far.  Beat this team and then, cha-ching.  Your playoff ticket is punched. [/quote] Since we are talking about letdowns and pointing out flaws about Nederland, let's look at what the Jags are going to face. Critique all you want and pick apart any of our WINS you want. A WIN is a WIN and Nederland has won their last SIXTEEN district games! Central has 3 losses in district and by the way the Dogs beat those teams by a combined 78-20! Central has been Jeckyl and Hyde all season long and if you are depending on us being "due for a letdown" to win this game, then good luck with that. Back to back undefeated district championships and a HOME game to boot? Nederland also has Back to back shutouts the last two games and out scored thd opponents 83-0. Can the Jags win? Sure they can. But, give me the consistent team with the consistent results week in and week out vs. a Jeckyll and Hyde team any day of the week. No team is ever as good or as bad as their last game either. Things normally revert back to the mean. Nederland wins against an inspired Jags team in this one 31-20. [/quote]Great post. [/quote] I do agree with ya Soulja that if Central wins this game and makes the playoffs that they would definitely be peaking at the right time and could make some playoff noise! Looking forward to a great game!
  10. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1319593" timestamp="1352035262"] Also, Nederland is due for a letdown.  Better before the playoffs.  Really, nothing to play for.  Just  to think about it, didn't those guys have a near letdown against that same LC-M Bear team already in district?  And on top of that, Central sees the light at the end of a very dark tunnel thus far.  Beat this team and then, cha-ching.  Your playoff ticket is punched. [/quote] Since we are talking about letdowns and pointing out flaws about Nederland, let's look at what the Jags are going to face. Critique all you want and pick apart any of our WINS you want. A WIN is a WIN and Nederland has won their last SIXTEEN district games! Central has 3 losses in district and by the way the Dogs beat those teams by a combined 78-20! Central has been Jeckyl and Hyde all season long and if you are depending on us being "due for a letdown" to win this game, then good luck with that. Back to back undefeated district championships and a HOME game to boot? Nederland also has Back to back shutouts the last two games and out scored thd opponents 83-0. Can the Jags win? Sure they can. But, give me the consistent team with the consistent results week in and week out vs. a Jeckyll and Hyde team any day of the week. No team is ever as good or as bad as their last game either. Things normally revert back to the mean. Nederland wins against an inspired Jags team in this one 31-20.
  11. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1319489" timestamp="1352007810"] We need to throw the quick pass early and often.  The Nederland front 4 is intimidating, but they can't do anything if the ball is already gone... [/quote] That was PNG's plan of attack against Nederland. It did keep the D Line off the QB, but it also produced many 3 and outs...
  12. [quote name="PURPLE 4EVER" post="1319389" timestamp="1352001232"] Delusions of grandeur... Name the last time a black and gold team from 20-4A beat the Broncos? Not going to happen this year neither. A Central victory tonight (as predicted by Toups Graphics) clears the way for the Pirates to be in division II.  Pirates have a chance to make it to quarterfinals there. [/quote] I'm pretty sure the last time the Broncos lost to a black and gold team from 20-4A was the last time they faced Nederland in a playoff game if memory serves correct. Not talking trash, just answering your question. I am sure I will have to hear about the year y'all beat us to a pulp in Bulldog Stadium again now for answering your question though...
  13. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1319441" timestamp="1352002949"] Jags upset Ned by a late TD with the NED starters out to avoid injuries for the playoffs. [/quote] I highly doubt Neumann would pull the starters in a close game with an undefeated outright district title on the line. I think it'll be a close game, but if the Jags are to pull the upset it probably won't be because our backups are in...
  14. [quote name="robanadana" post="1318104" timestamp="1351915538"] I thought you guys don't run the score up? Did a lot of kneeling the ball did ya'? [/quote] Backups played 1 1/2 quarters and did not throw any passes while they were in. All running plays. Let time expire inside the 10 with 3 timeouts in first half up 28-0. Also kneeled the ball late in the game while driving. Ask the Lumberton fans, Ned did not run the score up.
  15. [quote name="dawgnut" post="1317242" timestamp="1351896247"] It really feels weird setting on the wrong side of this stadium. [/quote] I agree!
  16. I understand not running up the score, but in the FIRST Half??? Will be interesting to see if the starters are done for the night now...
  17. I think the Indians will have big problems stopping Jakobi Jones. Ozen 26 PNG 22
  18. I agree. That stat shows how successful and dominant the ground game has been all season.
  19. I think this will be a close game like last year. I will take the Pirates at home though. I think they have the better defense and are tough to beat at the Boneyard.
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