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Everything posted by jake94

  1. Who cares what the name of the offense is? Vidor runs it and they run it well! I agree with the Pirate fans for the most part that it is a misdirection offense with a lot of fakes and disguised handoffs vs. the triple option which involves a lot of pitches. Rarely when we have played Vidor do I remember much wide running with the option to pitch. Call it the oopty oop or whatever you want, but when the Pirates are clicking on offense they are tough to stop. They are definitely not a team you want to fall behind against. I have a question for Vidor fans.. How many total passes have been thrown this season? I know y'all threw it 16 times vs. Nederland, but what is the TOTAL for the season? I think that will give outsiders an indication of how successful the offense is, no matter what they want to call it or how they want to describe it. :-)
  2. Nederland by several TDs and Lumberton won't score much. The margin in this game is irrelevant and I think the Dogs willl just want to be sharp and avoid injuries. I would say if the Dogs get up by 21 plus in the 2nd half that mass substitutions will occur.
  3. [quote name="NDNation" post="1312690" timestamp="1351386660"] And to give Vidor even more props...You hung 49 on us where Nederland could only manage 35. I think if Vidor played Nederland at this point in the season..the outcome would be different. [/quote] Nederland matches up very well with Vidor because of our front 4 and LB play. We are able to slow down their running game and force them to pass which is not their strong suit. That is why we beat them. They are very good, but I feel that Ned is a more complete team because we can run and throw and have a defense that is well equipped to slow down the Pirates.
  4. [quote name="ram0524" post="1309154" timestamp="1351167502"] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=105187.msg1309149#msg1309149 date=1351167254] I see the next two or three years dc being decided between the vidor and png games with Ned, central, and ozen in the mix as well. [/quote] Next year I would not throw Nederland out of the mix for district champs, we have some talented Sophmores and Juniors [/quote] Nederland will be VERY good again next year and probably the following year. The sophomore and junior class is very good. I am concerned about the depth of the freshman class though. We lost several kids to basketball. We do have a couple game changers on that freshman team though that will start paying dividends on varsity as soon as next year.
  5. I will go with Nederland by 8. Always a good game when these two clash.
  6. I think e point differentials have a 16 point cap if I remember correctly.
  7. I will say Vidor wins here 41-22. AJ and Rose will make some plays, but the Indians can't stop the run against normal running teams and Vidor is far from normal running the ball.
  8. [quote name="indianforever" post="1305510" timestamp="1350740550"] [quote author=jake94 link=topic=104903.msg1305395#msg1305395 date=1350709113] I keep telling you guys that the Bulldogs just win. No style points, no blowouts, just good defense, opportunistic offense, and WINS. 14 straight district wins to be exact. The Dogs were sloppy tonight and STILL won by 25. Think San Francisco 49ers style. Nothing flashy, good defense, win ugly at times, but tough to beat. Congrats Dogs on another win. You Indian fans that weren't impressed, we weren't very impressed with y'all either. Come pull for Summer Creek in the playoffs if you'd like. [/quote] For what it's worth, Summer Creek was undefeated last season heading into the playoffs and were upset in the first round if I remember correctly. No doubt that they are a very good team, but not unbeatable. Just a question, who are you picking when Summer Creek faces Dayton in the final week of district? That game will more than likely determine who Nederland plays the first week of the playoffs. I promise if y'all play summer creek they are going to run y'all up and down that field...I predict who ever has to play them the 1st round will get beat badly....they are a step above anyone in 20-4A... Just wait and see!! [/quote]
  9. Not that it matters, but that was AT LEAST 30 minutes before the game started because both teams are still on the field warming up. I think people overreact to crowds, crowd sizes, leaving early, etc. Who cares? I will say this though the Indians never quit tonight and the fans should be proud of their effort.
  10. I keep telling you guys that the Bulldogs just win. No style points, no blowouts, just good defense, opportunistic offense, and WINS. 14 straight district wins to be exact. The Dogs were sloppy tonight and STILL won by 25. Think San Francisco 49ers style. Nothing flashy, good defense, win ugly at times, but tough to beat. Congrats Dogs on another win. You Indian fans that weren't impressed, we weren't very impressed with y'all either. Come pull for Summer Creek in the playoffs if you'd like.
  11. Nederland does not have many blowouts this year, but they are very good and know how to win. I think it will be fairly close with the Dogs pulling away late with a defensive TD. 31/14
  12. [quote name="NDNation" post="1301254" timestamp="1350329543"] [quote author=C O Wilson Bullpups link=topic=104613.msg1301250#msg1301250 date=1350329400] [quote author=NDNation link=topic=104613.msg1301185#msg1301185 date=1350324542] [quote author=James Mosley link=topic=104613.msg1301177#msg1301177 date=1350323845] This year it's not even fun to trash talk, PNG simply is out coached and out manned this year, next year, year after that, and the year after that. Gonna be a long next 4 years!! [/quote] Dont know how you can say that...last time I checked our Freshman team and JV team are both undefeated so far, We are not exactly without the next few years. [/quote] 9th graders and JV don't win playoff games do they???? [/quote] Nederland wont be winning a playoff game...at least not this year. Dayton or Summer Creek will take care of that. [/quote] Both of those teams are good, but not unbeatable at all. Neither are as good as the Pearland Dawson team last year that narrowly edged us. The first round will be tough, no doubt, but a winnable game in my opinion.
  13. [quote name="badndn" post="1301137" timestamp="1350321064"] Agreed Jake. A hurried AJ is not good for the NDNs. That and some semblance of a defense! I will say if PNG somehow pulls this out, many of you Big Ned fans are going to look like chumps! [/quote] There would be plenty of crow, that's for sure. I don't think there would be any shortage of volunteers to dish it up either :-). It would be interesting, yet difficult, to look up the history and see how many times that Nederland or PNG has been heavily favored and what the results were in this years. I wonder how many big upsets there have been?
  14. I don't see this one being a big blowout either.. These two teams typically bring out the best in each other. Should be lots of fun. Both sets of fans can argue until blue in the face, but it is evident that PNG had the historical edge with Nederland enjoying the more recent success on the series. Neither of those have much impact on Friday night. If the Indians can keep the Dogs off the QB, then it will be a good game. If they can't, I don't think it will be much of a game.
  15. [quote name="NDNation" post="1301115" timestamp="1350319727"] [quote author=jake94 link=topic=104723.msg1301107#msg1301107 date=1350319375] Y'all do have an impressive football history and do have the upper hand overall. I will give you that. The pendulum has swung though since Neumann has been boss. I don't even think switching to leather helmets could help y'all this week though... [/quote] Neumann was coach in 2009? PN-G 23-7...and we had a new coach. [/quote] That win gave your new coach a 100% winning percentage against the Dogs. The next year it dropped to 50%, last year it dropped to 33%, and this year it will drop to 25%!! Impressive resume. One outta four ain't bad!
  16. He's been coach since '93 or '94 I believe. Don't pull up the results from that time period. It's not printed in purple...
  17. Y'all do have an impressive football history and do have the upper hand overall. I will give you that. The pendulum has swung though since Neumann has been boss. I don't even think switching to leather helmets could help y'all this week though...
  18. [quote name="PN-G bamakid" post="1300029" timestamp="1350179702"] So let me get this straight. Faircloth interviewed for one school in the town where his wife's family lives that's only about a hundred miles from his hometown (where his family still lives), and all of the sudden he must be looking to get away from PN-G at all costs because there's no possible way he could win in the coming years with the supposed lack of talent (keyword being supposed) on a JV team that's 5-1 and a Freshman Purple team that's 6-0. Or, in other words, Faircloth has no commitment to PN-G because there's supposedly little talent rising through the ranks, despite the fact that he's spent four years here building a program from top to bottom (by that, I don't just mean high school) that is already bearing fruit at the lower levels. Right. ::) Faircloth is going to be at PN-G for the foreseeable future. He's done a fine job so far, the community wants him there and he's working in some of the finest facilities in the state in front of the largest high school fanbase in the state, arguably the nation. The only way I see Faircloth leaving is if he can get on as HC at an already prominent program such as Lake Travis or Southlake Carrol, and that's realistically not going to happen until he has strung together some deep playoff runs. [/quote] Some good points. I don't think he is going anywhere right now either. But, it should be noted that the freshman and JV teams were very good last year too and it does not always equate to Varsity success.
  19. Jack- it was a strange game. Nederland dominated the first quarter. Jumped out to a 14/0 lead very quick. The Dogs threw an INT late in 1q that gave the Bears a short field. The Dogs got conservative for the rest of the half and most of 3q and the Bears defense stepped up. Sezar broke a big run to tie it at 14/14. Ned took lead at end of 3rd 21/14. Then had a pick 6 to go up 28/14. Then intercepted again and scored a few plays later for a 35/14 lead. LCM scored their final touchdown with 11 seconds left.. The Dogs looked awesome in the first and fourth quarters, but lethargic in the 2nd and 3rd. The INT at end of 1q really turned the game around for the Bears. It was looking like it might be a rout before that play, but the Bears took the momentum and rolled with it for the next two quarters. It was a pretty good ball game with several momentum changes throughout. Both Hopkins and Sezer were very impressive. LCM has a classy team and some good athletes. I like how they do things over there.
  20. I'm not sure if this game will be a blowout or not, but I remember from last season that the front 4 of Nederland was all over the PNG QB all night long. That was against a better PNG offensive line than they have this year and they had a solid running game last season. The Nederland D Line and overall team defense is even better than last season. I don't think the Indians will find success running the football and I am not sure the offensive line will be able to give AJ time to do much. PNG has struggled on defense this year and I don't see them scoring more than 20 against Ned. I will take Nederland 31-14.
  21. I think this is gonna be a really good game. Bears are tough at home, no doubt, and do have Cezar who is a home run hitter at RB. We did hold Livingston to 7 points last week and I believe they scored a bunch on LCM defense the week before. I think the defense will hold the Bears under 20 points. If the Dogs can score in the 20's then I think we should win. My guess is Nederland 27 LCM 17. P.S.  Does LCM still have the entertaining announcer? I used to love listening to that guy. Touchdowwwwwwwwwwwwwn Bearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs! Hope we dont hear that a lot tomorrow night, but that guy is/was the best announcer in the district!
  22. Great job! This kid is an animal. There are gonna be LOTS of scouts in the stands the rest of this season and next season watching Caleb and DeShawn! I think both will get big D1 scholarships.
  23. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1286796" timestamp="1348967330"] [quote author=badndn link=topic=103868.msg1286683#msg1286683 date=1348960315] P Rats and NDNs don't play for several weeks! And PNG will fair better against the Vidor O then the Ned O. For what that's worth?? [/quote] Don't be so sure of that. The vidor offense did outperform Ned last night and we were missing j Moore. [/quote] How is 13 outperforming 20? There were no defensive scores in this game.
  24. :D Just trying to win a free meal.. By the way, you should have covered the spread last night. Up by 14 Ned dropped an INT because the corner was thinking pick-6...
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