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Everything posted by jake94

  1. I'm gonna go with the Pirates by 5. It would not shock me to see Ozen win here, but the Pirates can't afford to start 0-2.
  2. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1286704" timestamp="1348962121"] Lions by 10 [/quote] Dinner on that?
  3. Malveaux for Ned went down on a chop block. Looked bad initially, but he came back in and then exited again. Hope he is ok.
  4. District.. It will compare apples to apples since everyone will eventually play everyone. By the way, I knew the Pirates defense was good but they were even better than I thought. Nederland and Vidor both have outstanding defenses.
  5. LCM by 10. The Train put up 25 on PNG.. LCM is solid on offense.
  6. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1285865" timestamp="1348893756"] Now its no where near the capacity of the Ned PNG rivalry but it is somewhat of a rivalry. Kinda like the UT and AM rivalry compared to the UT Baylor rivalry. Its not the same but still a rivalry. [/quote] AGREE! Atmosphere tonight was ELECTRIC! Great game by both teams. I am still not sure why we don't let our kicker kick touchbacks, but we got away with it.. Good luck the rest of the way, Pirates.
  7. Very impressed with both defenses. Both team had "almost TDs" on their first offensive play from scrimmage. I think Nederland is playing too conservative on offense, but we are controlling clock. The key to this game will be getting to 10 or 14 BEFORE the Pirates get to 7 in my opinion. Much respect for both defenses! Great game and great atmosphere!
  8. Thanks. I had not heard Stevensons name this season. Mostly just Moore and Quirante. I remembered he looked solid last season, but had not heard anything about him this year. I remember Novak looked good vs Crosby. If y'all were going to lose a player for any reason, RB would be the place. Y'all are always deep there!
  9. Was the Stevenson kid a senior last year? I could have sworn he wasn't. Did he move away or graduate? Who was the underclassmen RB that played in the playoffs last year?
  10. Both of you guys are dreaming with those scores!
  11. This game won't be close. PNG is not as bad as everyone is making them out to be in my opinion. I think they will win this game by 4 TDs or more. Lumberton is definitely in a rebuilding year and struggling to score points.
  12. Actually,almost as many Pirate fans are picking Vidor by double digits as Ned fans are. I believe YOU picked Vidor by 10 and a score of 31/21 so why are you asking Buddy for 10 points now? I don't think the margin on this game will be double digits no matter who wins it. I also think it will be fairly low scoring. Vidor by double digits: Robanadana, dustoff33, vidor96pirates, jmoore.. Nederland by double digits:thedogs1987, buddy Garrity, tdavis9, bulldog1984,mr. Happy, trocket, dmeast11111, png proud, dogs1988, godogs27. I think it will be a close and low scoring game. I agree with a previous post saying that a big key in this game will be what happens the handful of times that Vidor throws it. I will take the Dogs 17/14.
  13. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1273964" timestamp="1347852471"] Never thought you would resort to the kid type argument of "we beat a team that yall lost to.......last year" You do know how silly that sounds right? [/quote] As silly as comparing defensive stats between teams with no common opponents?
  14. Awesome game! Both teams will be better because of it. Good luck to both the Cats and the Dogs the rest of the way.
  15. Great ballgame! Congrats to Angleton. Y'all deserved the win. I do like the call to go for 2 in a non-district game. Great job Dogs and Cats! Very entertaining. Hopefully, Prior and Hopkins will be healed up for the Vidor game. Can't wait!
  16. Great win, Pirates! Much better competition and y'all still whooped them!
  17. I've seen some wild predictions on this game with a lot of disparity. Anywhere from Nederland by 21 to Angleton by 24! I'd like to have both of those points! I think this will be a closer ball game than both of those predictions. This will be a good early season test for both teams and I hope it is injury free for both teams!
  18. Looks like a good list. All four of those are good.
  19. [quote name="Tim Riggins" post="1264808" timestamp="1347120680"] [quote author=OlDawg link=topic=102784.msg1264783#msg1264783 date=1347118934] CB not bad at all. As mentioned-- 0-2 deceiving. Option running game. Some good standout players. Good size. Good speed. (Surprised me for sure. Not that that says much.  ;)) DE excellent! Pass game virtually non-existent. How's Vidor's balance? [/quote] Vidor leans a bit more to the run game. [/quote] This may be the understatement of the year. I know the Pirates did not throw a pass last night. Did they in week 1? It is just a question, not knocking your offense at all. Vidor is a great power running and misdirection offense with a solid defense.
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