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Everything posted by jake94

  1. I'd like to play. Can you find me a league to play in, please?
  2. he is undefeated against st. gregorys, louisiana college, huston-tillotson, and lyon college.
  3. [quote name="CATMAN" post="928538" timestamp="1291782969"] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=77164.msg928521#msg928521 date=1291782531] [quote author=CATMAN link=topic=77164.msg928516#msg928516 date=1291782259] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=77164.msg928511#msg928511 date=1291782066] [quote author=ForeverADog link=topic=77164.msg928471#msg928471 date=1291779998] Christian Life over Nederland. [/quote]Yep! [/quote] what u pick BLUE ;D ;D ;D [/quote]I ain't picking, CATMAN. I don't know enough about Ball, but I do know they have some good players. One of those kids will crash the boards, don't know his name. [/quote]  Terran Petteway  6-5 [/quote] Any relation to Terrell Petteway that played for LU several years ago?
  4. [quote name="coachacola" post="923976" timestamp="1291263376"] Just got back from the game.  Stupid traffic made me miss the 1st minute of the game.  Here's my observations: UT's tough defense didn't kick in until about halfway through the first half.  I was impressed with the way LU took the ball to the basket, but UT's big guys, while not that big, were good defenders and had a lot of blocks. LU was only 1-6 from behind the arc mostly due to UT not allowing LU any good looks.  When LU did have a few open 3s, for some reason they passed them up and took some long jumpers instead. Texas has one of the best defenses in the nation so it's not surprising Lamar didn't shoot well, but I definitely was surprised by how well Lamar played defense. Custer played a lot because Roc needed a big guy inside.  He had a decent game but LU definitely needs a good inside player.  Brazier had a few bright spots but he's not there yet.  Brown probably needs another year under his belt before he'll be a factor.  But LU was about even on the boards with UT and they even got some good offensive rebounds. Mike James wasn't a factor in this game.  He looked out of sync.  Davis had a decent game but he's inconsistent.  That probably sums up all the new guys.  They should get better as the season progresses.  With all the talk about the new guys, I was surprised how well the veterans played.  Harris looks like a whole new player.  Miles started the game strong.  Harper had a solid game. I thought the refs called a decent game.  The Texas fans were complaining during the whole game about the refs.  The alley-oop dunk by Davis (I think) really impressed the Texas fans. On the way home on the radio UT's color announcer said that both Harris and Miles will cause a lot of problems in the SLC.  I hope they are right.  I'm sure UT has played better games and they are a young team, but Lamar hung tough most of the game so hopefully they'll build on this. [/quote] alley oop was lamb. he had a solid game
  5. There are more than a few frustrating things about the "spread" that we currently run in my opinion. A couple that stand out, again just my opinion.. 1. The tempo is very slow. We look to the sidelines for 15-20 seconds before hiking the ball. We rarely vary from that and many times the defense is not set against us because they know they have all the time in the world to align. Quick plays and different tempos might soften up the defenses and catch them off guard at times. 2. We are in shotgun from the 1-yard line, which makes us need 5 or 6 yards instead of 1 yard. Is it that hard to get under center for 1 play and run a sneak with a 6-5 240 lb QB? I also saw a few times at the end of games where we are in shotgun to take a knee? Really? It seems a lot more can go wrong in shotgun, especially if just taking a knee. I like the old offense better. What was wrong with having one of the top rushing attacks in the district, controlling the clock, and having an effective passing game when needed? It was that we were having trouble geting over the hump in the 3rd round and beyond in playoffs? Now making the playoffs has become the hump! I think we have fine coaches and am not bashing them in any way. I do, however, feel that if we are going to stick with the spread(which I think we will) that we need to tweak it some and get better at the tempo of it. I really like our coaches decisions to put in the "Wild Dog" and feel that in many games it was the difference. Hopefully, if we stay with the spread we will continue to evolve and get better at it. I am excited about all the underclassmen and looking forward to the next several years. We have plenty to be excited about. These are all opinions of mine and I am by no means a coach(they know way more than I do), but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once!  ;)
  6. [quote name="SFA85" post="921877" timestamp="1291041121"] [quote author=jake94 link=topic=76721.msg921788#msg921788 date=1291007162] Nederland stopped winning in my opinion when we switched to the spread offense. We went from getting 1st and 2nd in district year in and year out to trying to hang on for fourth place. I think we have talented coaches, I just don't think the spread has been good for us. [/quote] Ned never finished first during Neumann's tenure Jake...... [/quote] No outright district champs, I agree. But, co-champs is TIED for 1st place. When Nederland did not run the spread we were constantly at the top of the district(i.e. 1st-3rd) and now we seem to struggle to get the 4th spot and have lost our starting QB for several games every season since we switched to the spread. Defense has also been on the field a lot because we have been unable to sustain drives in the spread, just my opinion. A 3 and out that lasts 25 seconds is not good rest time for a defense. I like the coaches and think we have some good minds, I just don't think the spread offense is a good fit for us.
  7. Nederland stopped winning in my opinion when we switched to the spread offense. We went from getting 1st and 2nd in district year in and year out to trying to hang on for fourth place. I think we have talented coaches, I just don't think the spread has been good for us.
  8. Line is now Lamar -8 and SMU is -6 vs. Portland St.
  9. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I think Nederland played the Willis Wildkats in a playoff game once. I think it was around 2000-2002. Willis had a stud running back then. I think Nederland won the game, I can't remember. I do, however, remember Willis having some speed... especially that running back! Willis fans, who was he and am I right on when that was?
  10. [quote name="SouthPaugh" post="910618" timestamp="1289926849"] Willis fan here. The two teams sound pretty similar.  Explosive offenses and defenses that are improving but have holes. Willis is loaded in the junior class and at the skill positions.  They are small on the offensive line and very young on the defensive line. The offense is a spread (more Texas 09 and less Florida 09).  The QB, Fred Nixon, spreads the ball around to several athletes, RB Autrey Golden, RB/WR Demarcus Kizzie, WR Quan West, WR Robert Johnson, WR Kevin Markham (all juniors).  The defense has had trouble with quick, fast athletes but has otherwise been solid.  They are multiple(4-3 to 3-4 to 4-2-5).  The defense has been vulnerable on the edges (see the Mag West Sykes kid's two games).  Like I said, they have had trouble with quick, fast athletes which explains losses to Navasota, Mag. West, and Humble.  The best athlete (athlete, not player) is Erin Reese who is a CB/S/LB. As far as history and tradition, there is no comparison.  PNG has more of that.  Willis hadnt even won a playoff game since 2000.  The fans travel well all things considered but dont expect competition there.  The PNG band will blow away the Willis fans - well those of us who didnt got to a school with big time football teams.  The problem for PNG is that Willis fans and players are mostly blind and naive with respect to the PNG tradition and won't be intimidated by that. As for my prediction, high-scoring and close.  I think it will come down to turnovers and red zone stops. [/quote] Welcome, SouthPaugh! Sounds like a very balanced and unbiased write up. This could be an interesting and high scoring game in my opinion. PN-G is very big on the O-Line and fundamentally sound. They are a good football team, but not an overly fast team. The offense has been really tough to stop. They throw it well with Doty and he has several good WRs. Bertrand has been a solid RB all season and the O-Line is definitely their strength in my opinion. The defense was much maligned at the beginning of the season, but some scheme changes in the last several weeks have made them formidable again. Schexnider and Knox are the main standouts on defense if you ask me. I think both teams will struggle to stop the opposing offenses in this game and should make for a really fun game to watch. Be careful on the trip over.
  11. Montgomery by at least 2 scores. Montgomery will find success against the Crosby defense and unlike Nederland they will stick with what is working and win the game.
  12. [quote name="Roughrider" post="903160" timestamp="1289398137"] [quote author=BaseBow link=topic=75683.msg903102#msg903102 date=1289390985] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=75683.msg900039#msg900039 date=1289096817] [quote author=kf'89 link=topic=75683.msg899924#msg899924 date=1289094492] decisions like that are the reason ned. is 5-5 & barely made the playoffs.im sure crosby would love to see a sophmore qb playing to get experience for the future instead of a senior whos play  got his team into the playoffs.& whats up with not playing #45 on defense?its always good to have your best l.b. & leaders on the team standing on the sideline?    [/quote] [glow=red,2,300]I'm making an assumption that you are not a Dog fan! [/glow] If you were you would know that the Dogs have started many QBs that were not seniors! One more trend you will find is that most of our QBs (Forney's the exception) have been pitchers. They have good arms and they know how to chunk the rock. If Neumann and Barrow choose to start Raines or not is their decision, but one thing is for sure, we will line up and play Friday Night. [/quote]I know this guy and he does more for the youth in Nederland getting them ready for the next step in sports than anybody I know..If Trevin does not get the start Friday he needs to have at least 15 touches for the dogs to win.. I feel like Trevin is the best threat for the dogs to win Friday..Don't mis-understand what I am saying Carson is a good QB but he has not played since the BH game 9 games ago..And this is not the time to get a QB ready for next year ...That being said Ned by 3 T.Ds ;) [/quote] Fact...Trevin will get at least 15 or more touches Fact...There are several good linebackers on the field. [/quote] AGREE
  13. [quote name="BigDog007" post="902539" timestamp="1289325253"] Dogs should win but,Nederland can not go in thinking they have won the game before the first snap. Carson should be ready for play but, just in case of a injury they have brought the JV QB Justin Woods up and if anyone has seen him play the kid has a rocket for a arm and can find his recievers. He is also a excellant runner and is not afraid to run over a defensive player. He will be a threat next year for the starting QB position. [/quote] Is Woods a freshman, soph, or junior?
  14. [quote name="Peppermint Patty" post="901834" timestamp="1289247665"] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75638.msg901805#msg901805 date=1289245961] [quote author=Peppermint Patty link=topic=75638.msg901731#msg901731 date=1289241412] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75638.msg901725#msg901725 date=1289240963] [quote author=HardHitter link=topic=75638.msg901719#msg901719 date=1289240592] PN-G by alot, more than that, even more than that. ;) Indians 51 Hill 7 [/quote] Give BH some credit. 19-4a= weak district, not very good offenses, but 19-4a tops are better than 20-4a tops. 20-4a= good district, weak defenses, good offense(because weak defense) PN-G hasnt faced the caliber of defense that BH holds. +  BH holds the ball for most of the game therefore PN-G doesnt score much.   [/quote] Your argument loses validity when you say 19-4A has weak offenses and then claim that BH has a high caliber defense. So they are good at stopping weak offenses? Big deal. [/quote] Good try to contradict my statement. Before district play Nederland vs BH= Ned. 21 BH. 28 Nederland vs PN-G= Ned. 39 PN-G 32 BH total points allowed= 192(avg. per game 19.2) BH total points= 213(avg. per game 21.3)              EVEN WITH THE DAYTON 54-0 game PN-G total points allowed= 273(avg. per game 27.3) PN-G total points= 368(avg. per game 36.8) Stats show even match but it shows a PN-G victory 28-24. couldnt find yards stats. if anyone could post please do [/quote] BH vs Ned: Ned without T Sonnier PNG vs Ned: Ned with T Sonnier Sonnier is the heart and soul of that team. I would like to see the non-district vs district stats for BH. Anyone got those? [/quote] Actually, Nederland was without Sonnier, Salenga, Forney on offense that game if I am not mistaken.. The leading receiver that night was Chris Cunningham. Carson Raines started at QB and had a rough time until a nice 4th quarter comeback. BH deserved the win and for 3 quarters it was a blowout, but those 3 guys have accounted for a lot of Ned's offense this season.
  15. [quote name="bobbymcgee" post="896050" timestamp="1288836099"] Hunter could play with a torn ACL and be just as mobile as Forney [/quote] DIONTE had 12 rushes for 86 yards. I'd say he ran just fine.
  16. [quote name="bobcat777" post="896647" timestamp="1288899552"] Still say lcm moves to 8/2 make playoffs. LCM 42 NED 21 [/quote] I hope you did not wager on this...
  17. NEDERLAND FRESHMAN 48 LCM FRESHMAN 14 Nederland finished season undefeated!
  18. I think he will play. He may not practice all week, but I betcha he is out there come Friday.
  19. Is he any kin to William "The Refrigerator" Perry?  :D
  21. [quote name="bobcat777" post="895042" timestamp="1288735568"] Heres some stats for anyone that looks at them team offense passing lcm #6 223.3 ned #16 127.1 team offense total yrds lcm #6 426.9 ned #31 283.3 team offense rushing lcm # 23 203.6 NED #31 156.1 PPG LCM 36.8 NED 23.6 THESE STATS GOOD THROUGH WEEK 8 [/quote] Here's the most relevant stat: Whoever loses this game is on the outside looking in!
  22. [quote name="pngfan66" post="894414" timestamp="1288694514"] Like I said before, LCM wins this game. I have seen both teams play. I see LCM with the advantage on the O side of the ball. BOth teams D's are about equal. Will be a battle of who has the least mistakes. Gonzales will more than likely return. (My contact at LCM told me that). [/quote] Did you also see PN-G with the advantage on "O" against the Dogs? Nederland plays very well at home and so-so on the road. I like our chances at home, but it should be a heckuva game!
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