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Everything posted by jake94

  1. I agree that Grogan is Nederland's offensive MVP. We have several weapons to compliment him, but he is what makes our spread go.
  2. Fair warning to Livingston fans. Nobody has beaten the Pirates all season, just ask their fans. After y'all beat them they will have either beaten themselves with their own miscues like fumbles, interceptions, or penalties or the refs screwed them. : With that being said, Livingston by 14 or more
  3. Ummmmm ... wasn't Asa on the team Lumberton played and spanked last year? Did he not play last year? If our boys handled him last year, why wouldn't they be able to handle him this year? We had ZERO running game last year. PERIOD. We threw the ball 85% of the time late in the season last year. Not saying y'all can't limit Asa at all, but he is not the entire offense as he was last season. Grogan is the offensive MVP and Brady, Vidrine, and Salenga are excellent options other than Cardenas. The offense is WAAAAAY BETTER than last season's which was a very one dimensional offense. With that being said, our defense is still quite porous and requires us to score a lot of points to win. Agree, to compare last years Ned offense to this years is way off base. Central exposed the game plan to beat Nederland... offensive ball control! Lumberton will have our hands full with this offense. We cannot afford to get into a shoot-out with them like Livingston did. We will need to run the ball and PA pass and connect and keep them off the field. We can be successful in containing the offense this way and disguising our looks. I believe Coach C will have a game plan and I expect this to be a great game. Taking nothing away from Central, they did have a great game plan and worked ball control that night to perfection. We did not execute very well that night either when we did have the ball. That is a credit to their defense though as they manned up on the WR's and shut the passing game down. Grogan did run pretty freely that game though, but we went away from that when we got down 2 scores. With that being said, Vidor controlled the ball by nearly a 2 to 1 time of possession and ran twice as many offensive plays than we did and lost by double digits. So, ball control is important, but execution(scoring) on offense and defense(making some stops) is more important than just running the clock. Should be a great game of two teams that could not be more different. P.S. I love the Lumberton announcer and think he is great for the game. I wish we had one just like him!
  4. Ummmmm ... wasn't Asa on the team Lumberton played and spanked last year? Did he not play last year? If our boys handled him last year, why wouldn't they be able to handle him this year? We had ZERO running game last year. PERIOD. We threw the ball 85% of the time late in the season last year. Not saying y'all can't limit Asa at all, but he is not the entire offense as he was last season. Grogan is the offensive MVP and Brady, Vidrine, and Salenga are excellent options other than Cardenas. The offense is WAAAAAY BETTER than last season's which was a very one dimensional offense. With that being said, our defense is still quite porous and requires us to score a lot of points to win.
  5. Great game tonight. The atmosphere was great and your boys have a lot of heart. You were behind the whole game and never gave up. With all those juniors, you should be right in the thick of the district race next year. You earned my respect tonight. Our defense needs a lot of work still, but the offense continues to shine. Lots of weapons for the Dogs. Vidor's passing game was a lot better than I expected. All and all a great game and I never relaxed until the final seconds ticked off.
  6. Grogan has playoff experience as well. I don't think it is really important as to who has more playoff experience winning this game, but a few guys from Ned have been to the playoffs before.
  7. They better hit and wrap up then. This will be the best and most balanced offense that the Pirates have faced.
  8. This is a very good article. Asa has become much more of a team player this year and has established himself as a leader. His maturation between junior and senior year is amazing.
  9. How many points has CO's A team allowed this season? Can we get their defensive coach to come give a pep talk to the Varsity defense?!?!?!
  10. I think this district will end in a 4-way tie for first place. Lumberton 5-2 Central 5-2 Livingston 5-2 Nederland 5-2 I think there will be several upsets down the stretch. I see the winner of the Central/Livingston game having a let down in the final week either vs. PN-G or Vidor. I see Nederland having a chance to upset Lumberton at the Dog Pound. All of these hinge on Nederland beating Vidor this week which I still feel like is a toss-up game. Even so, I still feel like it could be a 4-way tie even if Vidor beats Nederland. Just take Nederland out and insert Vidor. Should be lots of fun. There truly is only one sub-par team in this district which makes things fun week in and week out. Anyone else feeling like there might be some upsets?
  11. If it was Arbor Day would you still give the edge to the Pirates?! I just don't see how Halloween has much to do with it. Halloween will not shut down Grogan and Halloween does not make the Vidor DB's jobs an easier, nor does it make Nederland all of a sudden have a brick wall defense.I think Nederland will be fine. Speedwise, Vidor is a lot like PN-G. Granted, they do run the ball better than the Indians, but Nederland has struggled most this season with the extremely speedy teams. I do think though if Nederland turns this game into a scoring fest track meet that they will absolutely win this game. However, if Vidor controls the clock and grinds out long drives against a suspect Dogs defense and keeps our offense off the field then the outcome might be different. Should be a dandy!
  12. The teams that have given the Dogs their losses this season have been teams with lots of speed. Central, WO-S, and Livingston all had way more speed than the Dogs and that is where the defense has struggled. All 3 of those teams also have at least 2 lockdown corners that can man up on the WR's. Should be a good game Friday night and en electric atmosphere out in Vidor. I do, however, think the Dogs match up much better with their final two opponents than they do against ultra speedy teams.
  13. I was impressed with Livingstons athletes. This was a great game. Both teams defense leave a lot to be desired, but the offenses put on a show! Livingston has more speed than any team we have played in my opinion. Grogan was outstanding in a loss. Great HS football game. Gotta regroup for Vidor next week. Congrats Lions, you earned it.
  14. That is Deaver that you saw vs. Kelly. In my opinion the best kicker in the area is Taylor Trahan from Nederland.
  15. After a bad call and after it settles down a bit. Stand up hold your cellphone straight up in the air and yell..... "Hey Ref, I got your Cell Phone and you've missed a BUNCH OF CALLS TONIGHT!"
  16. Not dissing your prediction(I think itr will be a great game as well), but the game is at Nederland. Homecoming to be exact! Not that that matters all that much in the grand scheme of things.
  17. Why would we want to watch that? ??? Just kidding... I am sure the Central fans will enjoy it more than us!
  18. This game should not be close at all. If Vidor does lose this game, then I predict that they won't win another this season. LC-M is not a good football team. My prediction is: Vidor 41 LC-M 7
  19. I predict that we better play with a helluva lot more intensity than we did last night or we will lose again.. I have a feeling we will bounce back with a big effort though at home.
  20. Y'all kicked our butts. Your corners did a great job on our wideouts. Your pass rush was excellent and your ball-control offense chewed up the clock. We got exposed last night. It's back to the drawing board for the Dogs. Three tough games still left. Nothing is a given in this district. Good luck to the Jags the rest of the way.
  21. I thought I would make a "final picks" topic for this week since there has been a lot of talk both ways on several games. That way, it will be easier to serve crow after the game to anyone who is deserving! PN-G at Vidor Nederland at Central Ozen at Lumberton LC-M at Livingston PN-G 21 Vidor 20 Nederland 31 Central 21 Lumberton 31 Ozen 14 Livingston 49 LC-M 0 I think the first two games could go either way. I would be shocked if Lumberton loses to Ozen. No comment on the last game.
  22. I hope you are right! I don't think we will score that many on a good Central D though. I think if we can limit mistakes that we will score around 31 points. If we can score that many, I think we have a good chance to win.
  23. None that I have seen so far... Saw them play Lufkin when I was evacuated and I came away VERY impressed.
  24. With 85% of the plays being running plays in Vidor tonight, you could conceivably go to the whole Vidor game and be at the Babe for the start of the 4th quarter of Ned/Central!
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