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Everything posted by jake94

  1. Good game Indians. But, that is about the 3rd person who has said something positive in this game about the passing attack. When I looked at the stats, it says y'all were 5/13 for 68 yards. Is that correct? I am not bashing y'all are belittling those stats at all. I am just wondering if that is correct because several people have mentioned the passing game.
  2. Not short changing them at all. Beating Dayton caught my eye. Beating Central this week will earn my respect. I think the Raiders are good, but not district champions good.
  3. For those of you who are on the fence for this game.... Remember what the significant edge is.. It is not the players because the athletes for both teams are very similar all around... But, Neumann vs. Burnett is a big mismatch in the coaching dept. I won't say which way, but you all can draw your own conclusions.
  4. I hate to say this, but Matthews reminds me SO MUCH of former Nederland coach(right before Neumann) Bobby August. Probably one of the most likeable coaches you can ever be around(as long as you are not playing against him lol). A very good motivator with some off the wall antics. And, a guy who kept his job at least 1-2 years longer than most in the same situation would have. Both were guys that supported all sports programs as well as student athletes, but that goes unnoticed sometimes when team continuosly lose and don't make much progress. It sucks sometimes, but all coaches know that the best way to have job security is to win. Unfortunately, Bobby and Jeff did not win much.
  5. I actually look forward to the halftime show at Central. It is the most entertaining band around. My fiance was very upset that they did not perform instead. Instead, we had to watch the most prolonged, drug out Homecoming Court in the history of high school football! I wanted to see the band break it down!
  6. The main difference is the change of philosophy. Lumberton always has a few really good athletes. See Buchholz, Hare, TJ Light, etc. from the past. The change of philosophy for them has gotten them away from the pass-happy offense and has goten them to use their strength which is their depth at RB. Also, this is the first time in at least 10 years that the Raiders have had a good defense. There is no reason that they can't contend from a playoff spot. I don't care if they have never made it before. With that being said, I do not see them going undefeated or district champs. But, I do think they will be in the thick of the playoff race all season long. Big game this week against an angry Central squad.
  7. Yes, I knew that it had to be up there. Whatever could go wrong seemed like it did. I was impressed that y'all never quit and played a great 2nd half. What did you think of the Dogs? We played a very good first half and looked pretty flat in the 2nd half. What did you think of our soph QB? I think he is going to be special.
  8. Other than Hall, I did not find them to be blazing fast. I do not consider Nederland to be an overly fast team and we won several footraces in this game. We don't have anyone that can run with DHall and he burnt us a few times. But, we did fine against the rest of their guys. I am picking Central to win this game by 7, but I think Lumberton is better than most naysayers think.
  9. Good ball club. I am glad we jumped on them early. They played a sloppy first half, but looked much better in the 2nd half. Derrick Hall and Charles Thomas were the players that impressed me the most for them. The QB is not bad either and they have a couple WR's that looked good. Good all around speed, but the only guy that looked like he was on another level in my opinion was Hall. Other than him, I thought the Dogs players held their own and even won a few footraces. The Jags never quit and played a clean game. I was getting a little worried in the last 6 minutes. They had all the momentum. I look for them to bounce back and be a force in district. I will be surprised if they don't make the playoffs.
  10. They got smoked by Dickinson. I think that is their only loss.
  11. I am a Ned fan and will vouch for all of you that y'all got screwed out of the safety. He was tackled about 1 yard inside the end zone. There were not 3 td's called back, just one. It was a long TD run of around 40-50 yards that was sprung by a hold at the line of scrimmage. It was a good call. The refs made some bad calls both ways and overall looked lost as a crew to me. Nederland dropped a sure TD on a slant pass and I think there may have been one other one too, but my memory is failing me now. I agree with y'all that Vidor looked good in the 1st half. We made the adjustments at the half and took over in the 2nd half.
  12. Never know how the weather is going to effect a game, positively or negatively. Arguments can be made on both sides. Central will have the speed edge whether it is wet or not. A wet ball is harder to catch and throw, but it is also harder for a cornerback because the WR knows the route and corners have to react on a slck field. I could go on and on, but it remains to be seen who most impacted team due to the weather. Hopefully it will not rain much and it won't negatively impact either team.
  13. We started 0-2 and still made the playoffs last season.
  14. I hope the play calling tonight is suspect! I want us to win! It's gonna be a tough game. Hope everyone enjoys the game. Be safe! The weather might get bad.
  15. I don't see a blow out by EITHER team this season. Last season, Central smoked us without Mosley. They would have beaten us even if Mosley would have played because our defense could not tackle B-Williams. The defense is much better this year and we are not dependent on one player on offense either. So, this should be a very good game. I think Central is the favorite at home and has the size and speed advantage, but I look for a good ballgame from two of the district's frontrunners.
  16. All teams with rich histories talk about their past. Tradition and great teams of the past are what put programs on the map. Ask teams like WO-S, Nederland, PN-G, LaMarque, Stephenville, etc. Good teams talk about their past seasons because they are proud of them. Bad and mediocre teams do not talk about their teams past because there is nothing favorable to talk about it. And, teams that have NEVER been there before simply talk about last week's game :
  17. I remember that game well. It was COLD at Rice stadium that day. I remember drinking hot chocolate and spilling it all over my yellow sweatshirt in the first quarter when we scored our first TD. This reminds me why I never drink hot chocolate at games!
  18. Y'all have speed? :-\ I thought Lumberton was the fastest team in the area : Just kidding. I hope the weather is good so there will be no excuses either way!
  19. We're never as fast as Central or Dayton for that matter. So what is your point? Nederland is not built on speed at all this season. We don't have any burners, but we have average-above average overall team speed in my opinion. We have a quick defense with really good LB's, a soph QB who is gaining confidence every game, a senior RB who is getting better the healthier he gets, a district leading WR, and several other scrappy WR's who make tough catches. It's been a total team effort thus far, a lot different than last year!
  20. Ummmm.. I think I did give credit in my very first sentence. I will make a side bet with you though that Vidor will score as much or more on y'all than Dayton did last week. Deal?
  21. A talented team can make it to the playoffs without great coaching. But, once they get up against an equally or sometimes lesser talented, well coached team their chances are slim and NONE.
  22. I disagree with ranking PN-G's line so high. If they are so good, then why do they have such difficulty scoring? I am not bashing them, I think they are okay, but why the scoring deficiencies?
  23. I can't believe some of the words that get censored on here! :
  24. I would love to read that, piratefan. I will be pulling for y'all! How bout this... "Paybacks Are Hell, Pirates 21 Raiders 14"
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