So PROUD of these girls. Lost first game of bracket play and 7 games later came back and took it all, beating 3 of the toughest teams around. I have been involved with softball for almost 35 yrs now (playing, coaching, and just being a softball mom) and I have never seen any team like this before.
LCM - Offensive MVP - Megan Kemp 1st Team - Alex Hackett, Mallarie Hearn, Brett Peveto 2nd Team - Kourtney Derouen Honorable Mention - Demi Sheppard, Josie West Congrats all above! LCM very well represented. Not sure of other teams from district 20-4A
There should be a time limit for senior night. Ozens lasted over 45min. I am all for recognizing seniors but man that was ridiculous. I have a senior and ours lasted maybe 15 min. We r there to play volleyball. All of the movies and speeches should be done with ur team. We didn't start the game til 8:30.