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Everything posted by primetime101

  1.              Octane 18U is still looking for another pitcher... If you are only interested in picking up extra tournaments that would be fine also.                  Contacts:                               Dayn Stout - 409-782-3786                                 Wayne Cole - 409-720-7624
  2. Octane 18U will be having an open practice Sunday May 4th at 2pm. We still have a couple spots to fill, an extra pitcher would be great. We will be at Bridge City Little League this Sunday.       Contacts:                  Dayn Stout  -  409-782-3786                                 Wayne Cole - 409-720-7624    
  3. Octane 18U will be holding try-outs this Sunday 4/27 at 2:00pm. Try-outs will be held at the Bridge City Little Leaugue park.   Practices will be held at Orangefield High School after High School Softball season is over.   Contacts:                  Dayn Stout  -  409-782-3786                                 Wayne Cole - 409-720-7624  
  4.              Octane 18U will be holding try-outs Sunday 4/13 and Sunday 4/27 at 2:00pm. Try-outs will be held at the Bridge City Little Leaugue park.   Practices will be held at Orangefield High School after High School Softball season is over.     Contacts:                  Dayn Stout  -  409-782-3786                                 Wayne Cole - 409-720-7624
  5. GT Storm 14U open tryouts November 20th, and 27th at 11:00am Bridge City Little League all three Saturdays.  This is a complete overhaul, all positions open.  We are looking for a group of girls committed to winning.  You get out what u put forth and three or four stars don't make a team. It takes dedication and everyone giving a 100% every play. Come make a difference! Contact: Dayn Stout 409-782-3786
  6. Ragball Tourney October 9th at Bridge City Little League.  Entry fee $150 per team.  Team must consist of minimum 2 females or boy 13 under. C/P:  Dayn Stout    409-782-3786         Brigg Patterson  409-963-9182
  7. 1st year team looking to build with a mixture, already have great talent fielding and pitching looking for four maybe five if can't pass up. Going to lose two in January.
  8. Open practice July 24th and 31st at 10:00am Bridge City Little League fields. Involved parents are welcome and encouraged with practices. e-mail: [email protected] coach: Dayn Stout           409-782-3786
  9. Ragball tourney May 29th Bridge City Little League. Entry fee $150.00. Minimum 2 females. Contact to register 409-782-3786 or 409-963-9182
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