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Posts posted by GUNHO

  1. 2 hours ago, Who That said:

    Silsbee and Jasper will knot be in the same district. Jasper won't play Silsbee. The only way they would of ever faced them would have been in the playoffs. But I guess Jasper wasn't the #2 rank team as advertised. And Silsbee should had never been moved out the rankings 

    They have no say in the matter.

  2. 45 minutes ago, JimThorpe said:

    In my opinion this is the biggest win in school history.  Bigger than last year and even a little bigger than 77.  It was the most remarkable 4th quarter I've ever seen in football any time at any level.  It was a combination of good decisions, execution, and a heaping helping of good fortune.  And the icing on the cake was the never quit quality of the opposition.  WOS is of course a remarkable program and their drive from their own 20 something, with only 1:30 left and no timeouts to deep in Silsbee territory speaks volumes about the character of that team.

    And my player of the game in the biggest game in school history was Diego Gonzalez.  The kicker.  He should be yours to if you really think it through.  The Tigers couldn't have won without his 4 extra points and field goals of 30 and 48.  That's 10 indispensable points.  And, the Tigers also probably wouldn't have won had he not gotten that zany pass out to Cartwright on the fake punt attempt for a first down on the drive that led to his 48 yard field goal.  It's easy to predict that Diego will become just as indispensable at some point in the next two games.

    It's call FOOTball for a reason.

    As a Mustang fan I have to say unbelievable....but also true.

  3. Well I'm shim in for what it's worth.Remember I said Silsbee would be hard pressed to get to 21 points on WOS.lol

    Not going to predict a score  because games like this always comes down to who executes the best and with less penalties.The only thing I know about Wimberly is they seem to be having the same kind of year as Silsbee.Started out a little shaky but seemed to get better as the season went on.I wouldn't sleep on this team.If Silsbee can execute their game like they did against WOS ...I like the Tigers.

  4. 1 hour ago, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING said:

    Two of the players live on my street and I told them if you don't win the state championship don't even show face on this block ever again. We dont teach football at wos we preach it. Pass the collection plate around if you here me and I'm done talking, nothing left to say, AND LCM MY FRIEND LET EVERYONE KNOW IM PUTTING A BIG STAMP  COMING FROM THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING WITH THE THOR HAMMER!!! 28-10.

    That's encouragement.lol 

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