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Posts posted by GUNHO

  1. 15 hours ago, MustangNation#1 said:

    I told yall from the beginning every body thought that Mustangs  was going lose against silsbee not im not trying to brag but i knew they was going to win the press and everybody esle including davea Campbell said the silsbee was going to win it all not this year sorry guys

    Don't start beating you chest just yet.Yes WOS won but it wasn't a stellar performance in any sense.They still have a long way to go. 

  2. 44 minutes ago, dj said:

    Well those 2 games they missed have hurt big time. The biggest adjustment has to be offensive play calling when from day one .u knew the offense was behind the defense. Qb played well.he can't run. Threw the ball well. But I can't understand  when he did get his rhythm. O/C has to do a better job.i couldn't believe 2 and 15 u runa draw.and on 3rd down u do the same thing. Head scratcher. 

    I knew missing those two games was not good.Offense line didn't play well tonight,didn't get that push.Give credit to Silsbee though.What the heck was that 1st and goal from the 3 and they run a pass play and got sacked for about 10 yards.We were lucky to score after that dumb call.You are right...QB is not a runner.

  3. 22 minutes ago, KB24 said:

    If Silsbee don’t make some adjustments and utilize the talent they have walking the sideline they are in trouble. They can’t rely on their run game to win this. Not agains the Mustangs defense. It’s going to be like playing Newton all over again. 

    WOS has their problems as well.They haven't got it all together either and missing two games doesn't help.Looking for a close game and the team with the fewer mistakes will win. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, tennisbc said:

    I was half right about a late kickoff. Two games called this season due to weather. Could they not have played on Sat? Does either team have plans? Very sad for the players, fans, and coaches. Two good teams and both wanted to play.


    Weather man was not expecting this to develop like it did.Was just a 30% chance of rain.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Bulldogs92 said:

    We'll see y'all in the third round in Beaumont. This cancellation will bump up the hype for that one for sure. 

    Usually when we play twice we might lose the first game but except for one occasion we always when the playoff game.Seems that first game gets us ready for y'all later on. Well that's out the window now.lol

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