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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. That was easy.Silsbee needs to answer to keep it close.
  2. Almost cost ya'll again.Silsbee playing tough though.
  3. Look in thread ...Silsbee/ Cuero broadcast.There is a link to it.
  4. Another thing that kept us going this year was special teams.I think they scored as much as our offense. When I mentioned only scoring about 3 TD a game that included special team scoring as well so actually our offense wasn't that good overall.Of course we shot ourselves in the foot all year with penalties,turnovers and the like.Last Friday we just couldn't overcome them.
  5. I remember when Crouch had his son at QB.He did a fair job but there was a soph named Beasley who should have been our QB.Didn't get to start until his senior year and took us to the Semi.What a waste.
  6. Yeah.We basically were one dimensional this year.We could run the ball pretty good but the passing game was not there.No big capability hence we could only score about 3 TDs a game.You get behind a couple of scores and your out of it.I knew when Silsbee went up on us by 2 scores and the condition we couldn't seem to handle it was over.
  7. Everyone comes back to the pack sooner or later.No if's no butts...it happens.
  8. Silsbee has had the firepower in recent years but lacked the defense so most of their games were shootout type games.I always said if you guys get a defense to go along with your offense you will go deep in the playoffs....and here you are one game away from Jerry World.
  9. I had a bad feeling about this game being played in that weather.WOS offense had problems scoring this year and with that weather I knew it would be even more difficult.Special teams and defense kept us in games.Defense played well and so did Silsbee.Silsbee offense was better than WOS this year so to hold them under 4 td's in both games was a win for us.As soon as we got behind a couple of scores I knew it was over.We just didn't have that big play type team this year.Congrats to Silsbee region 3 champs.
  10. Didn't mean to give that intent.Still up in the air.
  11. I think it comes down to turnovers and special teams regardless of the weather and if they play in those conditions there will be plenty of turnovers I would think.
  12. That would have been the smart move.Guess all the rain we were suppose to have got last week didn't materialize so they wanted to wait and see.
  13. Kids are the same size regardless of classification.Just don't have the numbers.
  14. Heard they were going to make a decision Thursday if they move it to Saturday.
  15. The only time I remember having to finish a game the next day was with BC.We were losing and the next day was a complete opposite and we wound up winning.I know this is a totally different animal.
  16. I'm not sure yet if I'm going.Hate to miss being there but when you get to be my age you can't take the harsh elements like the younger ones can.Texanlive will be showing it so I might do that. Want make a decision until Friday.
  17. Just to be fair they went toe to toe with us and that was any ones ball game.Coach called to go for it on 4th down at about mid field and were stoped.WOS was able to get in field goal range with the short field and made it.I look for the same type of game come Friday and hopefully the same out come.
  18. Yeah I know then you up it to 300.Just playing with ya.lol
  19. I keep hearing this 300 yards...It was 241,still not bad but I guess 300 sounds better.lol
  20. It better because we have problems scoring much more than that.When we do they seem to get called back.lol
  21. That's not saying a lot.With all due respect AAW.lol
  22. Yeah and a grass field to boot or should I say mud bowl.
  23. I know it was raining the time they beat us in district.
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