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Posts posted by GUNHO

  1. 1 hour ago, dj said:

    Okay here it is.were playing better.but Friday really showed us something. 58,69 .are the 2 most important ppl on our team.why ?? Bcz CT knows 54,51.on dline undersized and gets taking out plays to easy.so 58,69 are also I best blockers on offense..bcz we have to continue to establish the run.QB u can tell early in games nerves.but settle down 2nd halfs on ball games.so cuero,jasper,sweeney are there.i said IF they play well in those games. Against 3 gud teams we should be making another trip to ATT.

    Not to slight Jasper or Sweeny but if Cuero makes the semi which I think they will...They will be a handful for anyone.First things first.

  2. 1 hour ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    The only thing that makes me uneasy is this team 'Shepherd' was able to beat Splendora by double digits.  That was Splendora's only loss in the year.  I would love to know what they did out there that teams like Lumberton and Huffman couldn't do....

    Silsbee being in the bottom bracket ain't no cake walk.I don't see any easy games.All winnable for sure but can't have no off nights.

  3. 33 minutes ago, dj said:

    Well cal prep missed this one.score want be that high scoring game. Forcing both teams to run the ball more.w.o will still win. Low scoring field position game.and what ppl dont see is.everyone truly outta be happy that it's the last game for w.o on natural grass.they never could play play in these wet sloppy conditions.ppl dont realize that in horrible weather situation like that.silsbee has beaten w.o twice.no matter the year or how gud they have been.w.o is neutralized in those type conditions.even this year with all the bad weather games.just dont play well in those conditions. 

    They don't take the weather into account.I would shave 7 points at least off those.

  4. 1 hour ago, bigdog said:

    So what all is this bond working on besides the fields?   I am hoping Ned gets one  passed in May as well.

    Stadium type bleachers,new press box,remodel weight room also turf for baseball field and updates for the school and equipment.Total cost around 21/22million or around there.They are really doing a lot not just for athletics.

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