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Posts posted by GUNHO

  1. 35 minutes ago, navydawg31 said:

    WOS by 4 TDs they will start flexing their muscles for a deep playoff run. 

    Question has HF ever beat WOS before if so when was the last time? 

    No they haven't.They can flex all the muscles they want but I would prefer to see less flags and more consistent play.4 TDs....They haven't beat any average team by that and HF is not a bad team. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, tennisbc said:

    How many Mustangs are still injuried?  If no more players get hurt, will they be full strength come playoff time?

    I know Cooper and Sibly went out early in the 1st against HJ.Reinjured ( Cooper ) his ankle he's been nursing all year.Sibly was favoring his leg also but I don't have any specifics.They probably sit out this Friday and if it was me sit them out the first playoff game,don't think we need them.I'm not aware of anyone else.Maybe someone else can chime in. 

  3. OK.aTmfan.If I did this right I have LaGrange needing to beat Giddings by 4 or not loosing by more than 2.If they don't I see Bellvile as runner up,La Grange third and either Caldwell / Smithville fourth.I think Smithville has a good chance to beat Caldwell.

  4. 7 minutes ago, aTmfan06 said:

    Too much of a headache for a Monday lol I think Giddings and La Grange play this week. 

    Yeah.That's why I think a three way tie.I didn't bring up the fact that Smithville might beat Caldwell but that really started my head to hurt.lol

  5. On 11/3/2018 at 8:32 AM, aTmfan06 said:

    Perfect example. La Grange was 3-0 in district and we beat them last night lol

    Now you done it.Looks like LaGrange,Bellville and Caldwell could all wind up 3-2.You beat LG...LG beat Caldwell and Caldwell beat Bellville.If you go to points vs opponents,who goes where?

  6. 1 hour ago, Bulldogs92 said:

    I haven't paid very close attention to them since we played back in October. Are they showing signs of getting better or has the district been really weak and you can't really tell?

    They have improved somewhat.QB play is a lot better and they have a new extra point kicker that if we would have had him against the Bulldogs been a different outcome.Still making mistakes that kill drives and making games close.Injuries to key players been a problem.If we don't start playing smarter and for four quarters against better competition that's coming we want be able to overcome those shortcomings.

  7. 1 hour ago, kicker 2.0 said:

    I was under the understanding that in order to be actual “district champs” they have to beat HF next Friday. If not, then it would be a split with Silsbee but WOS gets the #1 seed because of head to head tiebreaker....

    Unless the head to head would be the determining factor for district champs.The records might be the same but how can you claim co-champs when your loss came to the team your tied with? Just asking.

  8. 11 minutes ago, ladybug33 said:

    Refs are always missing calls, Mustangs have been getting bad calls all year. It's sad when grown men who wear stripes on the field, are putting their personal feelings on when to make a call and when not to make a call. Liberty was trying to bully WOS because that was their ticket to win the game. I'm not happy that our team let Liberty get into their heads, now other teams will try to do the same. Changes will be made after this game via Coach T. Freshman running back was the bright spot in this game, and Wilson was very good tonight also.

    They totally screwed up on the unsportsmanship call at the goal line.It was on a first down play and a dead ball foul.they talked about it for it seemed like ten minutes.when they finally marked it off they said it was 3rd down and should have been second down.What a bunch of screw ups.

  9. 16 minutes ago, kicker 2.0 said:

    Maybe I misunderstood KOGT but I thought I heard WOS was close to 200 yards in penalties tonight?? Good lawd!!

    I think it was the total for both teams.Wos had close to 100 and Liberty around 78,then throw in out of bounds kick offs and ect put it close to a total of 200 yards.Worst game of refereeing I ever saw. They were flag happy for sure.WOS has one DB that can't play that position.got burned all night long.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Goblin said:

    We won 29 straight in 3A but we also won the last 3 district games in 2003 while in 4A so we won 32 in a row from 2003-2009, lost 1, and now have won 44 in a row since 2009. That's 76-1 in the past 15 years.

    Thank you Chris.By the way...can't get on the other forum,says ip address can't be found.What's up?

  11. 5 minutes ago, JasperDAWG said:

    The DAWGS vs the Silver&Blue 3rd rounder in 2013 was a damn good ballgame.

    Hey there has been some epic battles between these two and most of em were for who was moving on.I'm an old Stark Tiger so Jasper is no new rival to me,lol.Better save all this talk for 2 weeks from now.

  12. 11 minutes ago, dj said:

    Lol, I dont know who would ever think jasper doesn't have a shot.there chances are just as gud as anyone. What I truly luv abt jasper is they do a great job of trap blocking with kids that can take it to the house.the only worry for me is when they play a passing team that is descent.will there secondary hold up.but other than that they're very sound and well coached. At the end of the day.them and w.o are on a collision course. 

    I agree.If our passing game has improved like last week and continues to do so,Jasper is going to have their hands full.First things first though.

  13. 13 minutes ago, JasperDAWG said:

    Lol.u are spot on. The DAWGS won't be a factor at all. Jmo. (smh)

    No disrespect meant for the dawgs.For that to happen it would have to be a perfect world for WOS/Silsbee to meet again and we all know the world is not perfect.If we take care of business I suspect we will be seeing the dawgs in the third round.

  14. 8 minutes ago, aTmfan06 said:

    Idk what happened to us vs Caldwell last week lol but looks like we are looking at third which would mean a second round WOS matchup 

    District 12 is a cluster you know what for 3rd and 4th.I don't know who to put in that spot.lol

  15.  In a perfect world.Each are evenly matched.Silsbee should play in the lower bracket and WOS in the upper bracket.I think Silsbee has the harder road but I look for them to make it to the third round where they would most likely face Giddings.WOS road is a little easier and should make the third round where they will face Jasper.I think they are all winnable games and if that happens WOS/Silsbee will meet in the quarter finals and to answer your question this is as far as one of them will go.JMO

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