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Posts posted by GUNHO

  1. 1 hour ago, goldenstick said:

    Been a few years..Life gets busy.


    Anyway, this Pleasant Grove fan base is sure confident they are going to be able to show WOS something new. Example: this poster talks if putting 5 touchdowns on the Mustangs


    Wow, 13 pages and I'm just now getting to put in my 2 cents...

    I think our biggest advantage is our game plan, coaching, and how coachable our Hawks are. They have the athleticism, brains, and drive to come out on top. We are healthy, smart, and motivated...be prepared for the Hawks to put on a show. 

    PG 35

    WOS 18

    Sounds like this guy is trying to convince himself.Think he forgot anything.lol....Those were all his pro's but he forgot to list the con's....Only one baby...WEST ORANGE STARK AND THAT'S ENOUGH!!!

  2. 8 minutes ago, tennisbc said:

    Pleasant Grove has played a tougher schedule than WOS.South Texas teams as a whole are not very good.The side of the bracket WOS comes out of every year there are so many bad teams.Wos Cuero Wimberley Liberty Hill are a few exceptions.

    This was a post on another forum, really?

    Those people really need to find a new line.lol

  3. 1 hour ago, oldage football said:

    to graduate 19 starters and return to the "show" -- AMAZING - GREAT JOB

    Really unheard of.What a job these kids have done.

    Just a side note.I saw Coach T at Walmart after the 2014 game.I told him then I don't think I have another 14 years to wait for another shot....He said me either,lol.I just wanted to see one more and now look what we have done.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rocket Man said:

    This post is in response to GUNGHO's post (I couldn't get the quote feature to work):


    I know this is irrelevant but wasn't it Robinson last year that had a QB setting the world on fire with his passing.We all know how that turned out for them.Salado completed some passes on us because we weren't really defending the pass.After coach made the adjustment they were ineffective with the pass.I am concerned about our offense so we can't get in a shoot out with Wimberly, so if we advance it will be on the defense once again. I'm sure they wouldn't mind a little help though.lol


    Alas, if we'd only had a defense last year I think it would have been a much better game.  Putting 14 on that 2016 defense was pretty good though.  We sorta got y'all back in the Spring on the diamond, maybe we'll both advance far enough in the Spring and meet up again.  Safe travels to you all for the upcoming game.


    Yeah ya did.lol.I know what you mean by the quote button I have trouble with it to sometimes.

  5. 55 minutes ago, H3llR4z0r said:

    State Championship should be pretty interesting either way this year. I'm picking the Hawks to beat Graham, and I'm really unsure about this game. WO-S has the pedigree, but man they've been letting some teams hang around for the past few weeks. Hope they don't let the wrong one hang around. 

    Putting all our eggs in one basket on this one.Defense,defense,defense.Not going to win a shootout with these guys but got to find a way to put up at least 4 td's,maybe more and hold them to less.That's a tall order but achievable.Will see.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Bears in Hibernation said:

    I’d run the ball.  keep Wimberley  offense off the field. I’m not saying get into a Wing t set but maybe some wild cat with some jet sweeps would work. WOS has been playing great defense 

    I can't speak for coach T but I think that's exactly what his game plan would be.Long drives,burn the clock and rest the defense.If that don't work open the play book...they ain't no tomorrow. 

  7. 1 hour ago, aTmfan06 said:

    I believe Newton will win the state championship. WOS.... I’ve watched Bellville and kept up WOS all season. Bellville lost to a Salado team in a game that shouldn’t have been close. Bellville played terrible and lost in OT. As much as I support Bellville I’m a realist. We weren’t that good of a team this year. WOS has a pretty good defense but their offense honestly isn’t great. I just don’t think they make it to jerry world. I think they lose to Wimberly this week. I hope I’m wrong . Now I’m sure people will get on my case because I think WOS will lose.

    I think ya'll should have won that game too.Most people think our run stops next Friday and that doesn't upset me at all.Matter of fact I'm glad we are playing Wimbo rather than Cuero.You are correct our offense want set the world on fire but with our defense they get the job done.Watching the Cuero/Wimbo game I think Cuero had the better team.Both teams made big plays but Wimbo had to make them all night long.Wimbo got a big break on a punt where two defenders collided as they were about to tackle the runner for little gain.That sprang the runner and he went all the way to the Cuero 8 or 10 yrd line.Hence the go ahead score.Cuero had no rush on the qb and he had all the time in the world to throw.Receivers were pretty much open also.I'm thinking we can put pressure on the qb and make him release early and have tighter coverage than Cuero had.Weeks is going to make some throws no doubt,we just have to limit those.Cuero great defense they have had all year just didn't show up.It will be a task for our defense but I'm confident they will once again arise to the occasion.Oh.Don't think for a moment the players don't know what happened in 2005.

  8. Just got through watching Cuero/Wimberly game.Cuero had no rush to speak of.Cuero seemed to have the better balanced attack and Wimberly just lives on the big play.Cuero missed a big play that the receiver dropped the ball at Wimberly's 4 yrd line and would have scored.If they make that it would have put them up by two scores late and I don't think Wimberly comes back.Wimberly's QB takes a very deep drop and most of his receivers were wide open.I really was not that impressed anyone could catch those.If we can play their receivers tight, get a good pass rush I think we will be ok.

  9. I know this is irrelevant but wasn't it Robinson last year that had a QB setting the world on fire with his passing.We all know how that turned out for them.Salado completed some passes on us because we weren't really defending the pass.After coach made the adjustment they were ineffective with the pass.I am concerned about our offense so we can't get in a shoot out with Wimberly, so if we advance it will be on the defense once again. I'm sure they wouldn't mind a little help though.lol

  10. 1 hour ago, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING said:

    Relax  believe this will wos finest hour we can defend the spread but ur right no more blown assignments and keep the penalties to a bare minimum what's good about this is we r not turning the ball over it time to put it all together and have great game and leave no doubt 

    ATTITUDE I like your attitude.

  11. I don't mind telling you I'm a little nervous about this one.This ain't no slot T team and a little harder to defend.They going to be jacked up after their come from behind win over Cuero.Once again our defense is going to have to win this game for us.We have to find our passing game so we can be more balanced on offense.Cut down on penalties and ect,ect.In other words the Stangs are going to have to play one of their best games.I see it as a toss up.

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