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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. They going to be a handful that's for sure.Our D going to have to do it again.
  2. That will do it.We going to a lot of passing.Int time.
  3. Defense doing their thing.Has held twice on first and goal.
  4. They ( Salado ) doing a good job passing.They have 1 yrd on the ground.Our passing stinks.
  5. Well crap. they have about a 7 sec.delay on Texanlive so kogt is way ahead of them.
  6. Kogt reported kickoff moved to 7:15.Is this game ever going to start?
  7. WO-S has a chance but will have to bring their a game.They will be playing very tough competition.I'm not as confident as I was last year but to make it to the state game, win or lose four times in a row is remarkable.
  8. We still playing this game? Where is everyone. OK I can't think of anything intelligent to say either.lol
  9. I don't think there is a quick way. I'm toying with just staying home and listening to Gary on the radio. Really want make my mind up probably until Friday.
  10. Got to give it to ATTITUDE,a very humble person.lol
  11. I like Cuero as well.Wimbo cinderella season comes to an end.Although I would love another crack at Wimbo.
  12. I would think that is way to conservative seeing how they played last week.Belville did a good job shutting down their offense and really should have won that game.
  13. You got a point Aggie but I doubt I could do that,Besides I have and in stadium monitor and I'll listen to Gary anyway. lol
  14. About what time does the traffic start dwindling down going to Katy?
  15. I don't know if they would have enough camera angles like they do in collage.Besides it would make the games to long IMO.
  16. Madisonville said they were going to shock the world and with all the help we gave them they couldn't do it.Salado get ready to meet THE MAN.
  17. I listened on the radio and I agree.The fumble at their goal line didn't help.Ya'll went a lot further than most would have thought.Really turned things around after those early losses.
  18. Yes they did but the difference was our defense caused them.The pass play they scored on was a gimme.Defense was out of position and coach T saw it and tried to call a time out but didn't get it,hinse the the receiver was wide open.I'm not dissing Madisonville because they played their hearts out but the score is a little misleading.
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