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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. How in the heck did I forget that.I guess when you get to my age It's understandable.lol
  2. I thought you went by head to head first and OF beat HJ right.So the win means nothing???
  3. One of the better matchups in 4A.On the fence on this one but leaning Bellville.
  4. This That big line just pushed our smaller line backwards negating our speed on defense no big deal.Anyone with a big line could do the same.Our first meeting with Giddings they did the same thing but they were able to score some points.Our offense was not as good as this one we have now but good enough to out score these types of teams.Bottom line is these types of teams are going to move the ball on the Stangs but they will be unable to score enough points.We will probably see this again next week against OF.
  5. Dang if I know. Combination of slot t,wing t,veer.Coach T replaced a linebacker with another lineman in the second half and slowed them up some what.Instead of 5,6 yards they were only getting 3,4 yards,lol
  6. I will agree with that but you have to score when you use that much clock are it doesn't mean anything.WO-S only had the ball for about 5/6 possessions but they scored.
  7. With about 8 min left in the 2nd qt Liberty was on their 45 and I said the way they were running the clock they don't have enough time to score.I was right.That type of game plan want work against an offense like WO-S.I think every time except one WO-S had the ball they scored.They have some size and can move the ball 4 -5 yards a clip but a good D and a good offense will do them in.Good Liberty in the playoffs.
  8. lol.That other guy was like....how long have I got to listen to this crap.
  9. Remember coach Bearden.Died at a young age.We graduated from Stark togather.Fine man.
  10. Actually West Orange and Orange Stark merged in '78 to become West Orange Stark.I don't think West Orange went that far back before that.I'm thinking around the '50s.Maybe someone could chime in that has the right info. I thought it was 1977 they merged????
  11. Yep.That would put you in the first round against Tarkington or Madisonville,which you should win.
  12. ST413 if this game went into OT it would still be going on.lol
  13. You have every reason to be proud of your team seeing how bad yall have been in the past.I don't blame you for wanting some recognition of their success.I for one am happy for the Panthers and that they are going to the playoffs. Of course as the second place team.lol and you should win your first round which looks like Madisonville ( 1-6 at this point ), Brookshire ( 2-6 ) or Cleveland Tarkington at 3-5.A third round is not out of the question.But your not going to get the same recognition as the Newton's,Katy's and yes WO-S that your looking for.That comes from years of success.Enjoy the ride.
  14. Some of the Celina people are saying just that but are also condemning his actions.Bottom line is your taught not to retaliate by the coaches and being 17/18 year old that's hard to compute.I'm sure this will sink in and he will regret his actions and not just because of the suspension.
  15. Yeah.If you make it to round 4 I consider that deep for winners and runner ups but third and fourth place teams have a up hill battle having to play lot stronger teams so three rounds would be deep for them.Anyway to answer the question...WO-S / Newton.
  16. Pretty confident how region 3 is going to pan out.Region 4 on the other hand could be interesting.I would give Cuero the nod at this point but a team could get hot like they did last year so that's not set in stone.Whoever is left standing in R4 will have earned it that's for sure.
  17. Just to expand on what Goblin said.Region 4 is loaded with good teams this year.They have eleven teams with winning records.Region 3 on the other hand has only 5 at this point with Liberty / WO-S at 8-0.Region 4 also has two undefeated in Cuero and Navarro.Region 3 seems to have fewer quality teams than region 4.Going to be fun watching this all play out.
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