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Posts posted by GUNHO

  1. 1 hour ago, td said:

    This offense is different from your standard wing T. All 11 guys in a match box and get the big guys push the running back downfield. It was a boring game to watch. I will say it was the only chance they had and it didn't work either. 


    That big line just pushed our smaller line backwards negating our speed on defense no  big deal.Anyone with a big line could do the same.Our first meeting with Giddings they did the same thing but they were able to score some points.Our offense was not as good as this one we have now but good enough to out score these types of teams.Bottom line is these types of teams are going to move the ball on the Stangs but they will be unable to score enough points.We will probably see this again next week against OF.

  2. 16 minutes ago, CMurder75 said:

    I get what you guys are saying. Im just playing the devils advocate but when you know your playing a team you know has a more potent offense, keeping the ball out of their hand can work in your favor. imagine if the game went back and forth like it did in the 1st half? you have a chance to win the game. if you try to play mustang football your not going to win. If they could of kept it close enough for a last field goal they have the better kicker. he will hit one from 40+ in the final seconds. lol I don't think that means you're giving up, just a different approach. I'm sure after brown went out and wos went up a couple scores, their morale was pretty shot. It just kind of seems odd to blame a team for giving it what they see as their best shot. 


    I will agree with that but you have to score when you use that much clock are it doesn't mean anything.WO-S only had the ball for about 5/6 possessions but they scored.

  3. 18 minutes ago, WOS99 said:

    First half time of possession was 3:12 for WO-S and the other 20 mins and change for Liberty, who had a six-point deficit to show for it. WO-S scored at will when they had the ball except for one possession. In the end, WO-S ended up with more yards on less than half the plays. Liberty's wacky little offense got a score and played solid keep-away, but the defense was absolutely nonexistent.

    Total domination, even if the score is not as lopsided. 

    With about 8 min left in the 2nd qt Liberty was on their 45 and I said the way they were running the clock they don't have enough time to score.I was right.That type of game plan want work against an offense like WO-S.I think every time except one WO-S had the ball they scored.They have some size and can move the ball 4 -5 yards a clip but a good D and a good offense will do them in.Good Liberty in the playoffs.

  4. 1 hour ago, losteraussie said:

    I got it ......like two days ago. But, it's been fairly interesting and I have learned some things. Did not know WOS had only been a school since 78. Lots of quick success!!!

    Actually West Orange and Orange Stark merged in '78  to become West Orange Stark.I don't think West Orange went that far back before that.I'm thinking around the '50s.Maybe someone could chime in that has the right info.

    I thought it was 1977 they merged????

  5. 1 hour ago, drewlsu said:

    For OF, they need to win by a couple scores to take the third seed.  I don't think it's possible for OF to finish with the second seed  

    HJ controls their own destiny for the number two seed. Win and they're in. 

    Almost time to look at brackets to determine playoff matchups. 

    Yep.That would put you in the first round against Tarkington or Madisonville,which you should win.

  6. You have every reason to be proud of your team seeing how bad yall have been in the past.I don't blame you for wanting some recognition of their success.I for one am happy for the Panthers and that they are going to the playoffs. Of course as the second place team.lol and you should win your first round which looks like Madisonville ( 1-6 at this point ), Brookshire ( 2-6 ) or Cleveland Tarkington at 3-5.A third round is not out of the question.But your not going to get the same recognition as the Newton's,Katy's and yes WO-S that your looking for.That comes from years of success.Enjoy the ride.


  7. 38 minutes ago, purpleeagle said:

    If he is suspended for the rest of the season, it not only hurts him, it hurts his team and his community.

    Seems to me like he must have been retaliating from something the other kid did, that doesn't make it right, but there may be more to the story then just what we see on the video. A two game suspension may be adequate. I think we need to get the whole story before we make final judgment.

    Some of the Celina people are saying just that but are also condemning his actions.Bottom line is your taught not to retaliate by the coaches and being 17/18 year old that's hard to compute.I'm sure this will sink in and he will regret his actions and not just because of the suspension.

  8. 3 hours ago, ladybug33 said:

    I played hooky from school today so I thought I would chime in on the conversation. I’m glad WO-S posters have decided to pull back on the trash talk about Liberty…. Including myself. Just looking at the polls, I have a question for WO-S fans, who will Wharton play in the 1st or 2nd rounds? These guys are for real too, and last year they were a young team I believe. It seems that no one has been talking about them, and they probably like it that way.

    Just to expand on what Goblin said.Region 4 is loaded with good teams this year.They have eleven teams with winning records.Region 3 on the other hand has only 5 at this point with Liberty / WO-S at 8-0.Region 4 also has two undefeated in Cuero and Navarro.Region 3 seems to have fewer quality teams than region 4.Going to be fun watching this all play out. 

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