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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. Granted W0-S is pretty good but when you completely own a Nederland team like we did tonight it just shows Nederland has a lot of work to do.
  2. The only thing I'm uncertain about tonight is............has the score board been fixed????????
  3. Nederland is always tough regardless when they play W0-S.They may start out slow but seem to get things togather by mid season.If they have a poor showing ( which I doubt they will ) you other teams better not hang your hat on that.I expect a WO-S win but hard fought non the less.
  4. Say what you want but there is only one reason to come on here and say " no doubt WO-S is good " BUT bla,bl,.bla.....ENVY!!!!!!
  5. I made my way to stand behind the goal post to watch the field goal and he nailed it.And yes that was one tuff night for both teams.
  6. Key for last year was we had no major injuries at key positions.Same will be needed this year.We stay healthy we'll be fine.
  7. Just so we get to play a game 16.That's what counts.
  8. That was the first year of no pass no play.I remember thinking after Yates came on the field with an army of players....no way all those kids passed.lol
  9. I'll put my two cents in.Don't know why people can't congradulate the winners and just say it wouldn't have been my choice and leave it at that.All these arguments for and against have been weighed by the voters and the majority saw it one way.For me both MVP on offense were deserving and I think they should have been Co-MVP.That's just my take.
  10. They getting rid of the Alamo??
  11. All these teams went from D2 TO D1?????
  12. ​That's news to me.Fish there all the time and have never heard of this.Only have to have a salt water license as for as i know.
  13. WO-S 13.Not bad for a rebuilding year.Watch out Tigers we right on your heels. ;D
  14. Game day and after 34 pages of " WE ARE JUST TO MUCH FOR WO-S the team has voted to show up and let Navasota ( bows head ) prove it anyway. Just kidding Rattler fans.You do have my respect.Hope all stay safe to and from the game and the kids stay injury free.
  15. [quote name="skipper" post="1350299" timestamp="1354815817"] this game brings back to mind the gilmer and wo-s game. gilmer had a QB that had over 3,000 yards passing 60 are so TDs in the air two WR that had over 2,000 yards each  somewhat like navasto has this year.not sure what year this was but gilmer was rated in the top 20 teams in high schools in the COUNTRYin this .[color=red]the mustangs were hugh underdogs in this game the kids from wo-s got behind early game but after hafe time coach thompson made a  few changes with the D and it started clicking  almost shut gilmer down the 2nd hafe  do you mustangs fans remember this game [/color] yes we lost but we came back strong on them and the head coach said after the game we got out played the 2nd hafe witch NO ONE has done this to us all year . in closeing i wish both teams the bestand GOD watch over all the kids on the field friday and YES thompson is still there at wo-s he knows what its going to take to beat the rattlers now its up to his kids i love the commett one of the kids said yesterday navasota puts there pants on the same why we do [/quote] WO-S has had a tendency to get behind early for some reason in games like this, just not the Gilmer game Skip.Ennis,Whemberly,Coldspring to name a few.Played well enough in the second half to win these.Like coach T says you have to play the whole 48 minutes.Hope this group of kids can turn that around this Friday...They have the ability.
  16. [quote name="Rattler99" post="1350113" timestamp="1354770065"] Dang, I am getting nervous... Almost game day..! [/quote] Same here Rattler.The players on the other hand don't know nervous...They are pumped and fear nothing but us fans worry about everything huh.
  17. [quote name="wos_112%" post="1348741" timestamp="1354595439"] I feel Wos deserves the win more then anyone.. These boys have worked hard and been threw alot together over the years.. This is our year, all the numbers add up [/quote] I wouldn't go that far.Every team left has had their kids working hard all year and they deserve it just as much as our kids.Now I want our kids to win it more than anyone else.
  18. [quote name="magnus1on1" post="1348819" timestamp="1354627310"] [b]West Orange-Stark football coach Cornel Thompson said his team will play for a state championship. Not in three weeks, but on Friday. Thompson, a longtime WO-S defensive coordinator who replaced former coach Dan Hooks following his retirement after the 2010 season, said the winner of the Class 3A Division II state quarterfinal between No. 4 state-ranked WO-S (13-0) and No. 1 Navasota (13-0) would win the state title. "This is the state championship game right here," Thompson said Monday. Thompson said WO-S has lost four times to eventual state champions. "Yates beat us in '85 and won the state championship, '95 and '96 La Marque beat us and won the state championship and '05 Wimberley beat us and won the state championship," Thompson said. [color=red]Added Thompson: "They don't call it the state championship, but you look back on it and say that was the real state championship game. Of course, they're not going to give you the trophy until you win Nos. 5 and 6, but this could be the game that you look back and say, 'That was the state championship game.'"[/b][/color] People read waaayyy to much into things.. He explained why he said it the way he did.. There are always those games that you look at and say we have to play like this is the state game. Put that in your kids heads to go out and fight hard and leave it all on the line. Just look at the Ned and Dawson game.. After the win it looked like it was a state game.. lol Cornel was just stating that this game will determine who wins state.. Man this would have been an awesome state game though.. [/quote] I agree.What's in red sums up what he ment.When we played Wemberley some of the Texan fans said the same.That if WO-S would have won they would have gone on to win state.
  19. [quote name="mreed" post="1348310" timestamp="1354557699"] The best defense you've seen at WOS?!?! You're kidding me! The '97 and '98 defenses were the best...you're arguement is invalide. [/quote] Don't get your panties in a wad mreed.It's not a argument,It's my opinion.Geeze.
  20. [quote name="redbirdsrock" post="1348289" timestamp="1354556059"] [quote author=GUNHO link=topic=106949.msg1348194#msg1348194 date=1354546244] Well finaly caught up to page 17.WO-S defense will have to come through one more time and keep the score low.We will not win in a shoot out with the rattlers imo.If we give up big plays early and are down by a couple of scores it will be hard to keep our focus.Seen us go into big games before riding on our defense and that hasn't turned out to well for us in the past.But I'm still optimistic because [color=blue][b]this years defense is by far the best I have seen at WO-S.[/b][/color] [/quote] Let's not get carried away.......there are some 4A and 5A defenses that might diasgree......... ;) [/quote] Reread what you highlighted redbird.You clearly misread.
  21. Well finaly caught up to page 17.WO-S defense will have to come through one more time and keep the score low.We will not win in a shoot out with the rattlers imo.If we give up big plays early and are down by a couple of scores it will be hard to keep our focus.Seen us go into big games before riding on our defense and that hasn't turned out to well for us in the past.But I'm still optimistic because this years defense is by far the best I have seen at WO-S.
  22. :-[This is going to be offense vs. defenes.The Rattlers will be the best team we have faced this year.The Mustang defense will be the best the Rattlers have seen this year.Both these teams have what it takes to win.Which will overcome the others streaghts and that's where the rubber meets the road.
  23. Good luck to both teams and stay healthy.We here at WO-S hope we get a chance to play one of you.Got a felling this will be a lot closer than most think.
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