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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. [quote name="Txdragon" post="1345023" timestamp="1354283596"] Good luck Stangs..let's play hard and smart. Leave it all on the field. [/quote] Every game from here on out is the biggest game of the year.One at a time.
  2. [quote name="corey" post="1344361" timestamp="1354201601"] I am new to this site and I have really enjoyed reading it.  I am a Leopard for life, I played there, live there, have young kids and a wife that teaches there.  One tihing I would like to say is dont over look the athletic ability of Lorena.  They have been in the top 10 of the Long Star cup the last 3 years.  They have been to the playoffs in every sport boys and girls for about 5 years in a row.  Not only in the playoffs but they seem to make great runs every year.  Which is hard to do when u are one of the smallest 3A schools.  That being said I am very aware that we do not have to horses that yall have on the football field but we do have over all team speed and are not that small on the line.  The QB is not all that fast but is a load.  He runs about a 4.8 and weighs about 216 or so.  We do have some speed and also have the 2 fastest kids in the district whivh in this district thats fast.  There is a couple of kids that run 10.5 / 10.3 hundreds.  The one thing I can say is if your kids dont like being hit or punched in the face then they better stay home because there is no trick to Lorena they line up and come at you.  I do pivk yall to win the came but I think it will be closer then some think.  Good luck to both teams and we will see yall Friday. [/quote] Good post corey and welcom to the board. I have the up most respect for Lorena.You don't get this far if your a push over and we know you have to play for four quarters if you want to advance.May the best team win and stay healthy.
  3. [quote name="skipper" post="1344189" timestamp="1354148347"] i just wish i new more about lorena what has got them this far are thay a running team are passing are both thay must have a good D are thay would be playing basketball [/quote] Skip,from what I read Coleman the qb is the key.Contain him and you stop Lorena.He's what makes their offense go.Similar to Silsbee's JJ.
  4. [quote name="cougar2011" post="1343333" timestamp="1354029927"] [quote author=GUNHO link=topic=106680.msg1343308#msg1343308 date=1354026353] [quote author=cougar2011 link=topic=106680.msg1343211#msg1343211 date=1353989538] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=106680.msg1343019#msg1343019 date=1353976111] Navasota's O-Line is what sets them apart of all the other teams. [/quote] Navasota's O-Line is Huge, but slow... and will get worked by La marque's D-line just as coldspring oakhurst did.. Its one thing to Blitz the QB to try to get pressure, but when your D line is do dominant you can keep your LB's back in coverage and let your 4 down lineman rush... it only takes an off balanced throw or mistiming for our Defense to make a play.  [color=red]ilove how once again, everyone has counted la marque out of the picture without giving them fair chance.[/color] From what i've seen on film, Navasota has about 4 REAL threats. 2 RB's that are big and shifty in open space, 1 WR that is long and can jump for the ball in air, and 1 safety that plays both ways on offensive and defense (which is an interception waiting to happen).... We've done the homework and are well aware of what we need to do to win this game. I just hope if la marque should win or even if la marque should lose in a close one, that you not only respect our past tradition but respect the fact that we can compete with anyone. We've been doing it 2 years straight with 3A numbers in a 4a district. These 44 - 14 score predictions are ridiculous. [/quote] Not counting La Marque out of this at all and whoever does doesn't know much about your program.If we get to round 4 it want be easy regardless of who makes it.Kind of like pick your poison. [/quote] I gotta be honest... as a fan, i wasnt expecting to be in a 3 way race for the state title. I was almost sure that we would dominate our way to the playoffs . This years race has a lot of excitement to it, and i cant say im disappointed. Just surprised. [/quote] I know the felling.When we dropped to 3A I could see wo-s being crowned state champs...still trying to get there.They got some pretty good teams down here in little old 3A.
  5. [quote name="cougar2011" post="1343211" timestamp="1353989538"] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=106680.msg1343019#msg1343019 date=1353976111] Navasota's O-Line is what sets them apart of all the other teams. [/quote] Navasota's O-Line is Huge, but slow... and will get worked by La marque's D-line just as coldspring oakhurst did.. Its one thing to Blitz the QB to try to get pressure, but when your D line is do dominant you can keep your LB's back in coverage and let your 4 down lineman rush... it only takes an off balanced throw or mistiming for our Defense to make a play.  [color=red]ilove how once again, everyone has counted la marque out of the picture without giving them fair chance.[/color] From what i've seen on film, Navasota has about 4 REAL threats. 2 RB's that are big and shifty in open space, 1 WR that is long and can jump for the ball in air, and 1 safety that plays both ways on offensive and defense (which is an interception waiting to happen).... We've done the homework and are well aware of what we need to do to win this game. I just hope if la marque should win or even if la marque should lose in a close one, that you not only respect our past tradition but respect the fact that we can compete with anyone. We've been doing it 2 years straight with 3A numbers in a 4a district. These 44 - 14 score predictions are ridiculous. [/quote] Not counting La Marque out of this at all and whoever does doesn't know much about your program.If we get to round 4 it want be easy regardless of who makes it.Kind of like pick your poison.
  6. I know it doesn't happen often but it does happen.Im talking about those unbeatable teams, think goodness it is settled on the field.If it weren't,Gilmer and Brownwood for two would have been crowned befor they GOT BEAT.This happens to all teams,not just those that seem unbeatable.I for one ain't going to throw in the towel because a team looks unstopable.You going to have to beat me on the field. Stay focused WO-S.
  7. [quote name="PawPaw" post="1336710" timestamp="1353290635"] I got WOS 21- 14.  I just don't think wos can win it all.. offense is good but someone is gonna have a good defense. [/quote] PawPaw.WO-S hangs it hat on it's defense not the offense.The offense is good because it's on the field a lot.The defense has been keeping teams O off the field.The defense is putting points on the board also.How far we go will be on the defense and not our offense.Your right that we will most certainly face better defenses so we have to have our defense keep it close.
  8. [quote name="I_Can_Do_It_ALL!" post="1332081" timestamp="1353038597"] WOS will have trouble scoring... Look for another game like Silsbee... Who does WOS have next round? Winner of who and who? [/quote] The winner will play Houston Kashmere/West Columbia.Both have 7-3 records.
  9. Don't know if the outcome would be different but for game 14 you have Dallas Roosevelt and the UIL has Dallas Hutchins in that spot for 3A D2.
  10. Think Coldspring took those first few rounds for granted last year and it liked to cost them.Don't think they will this time around.BC is not the team they were last year and Coldspring seems to have not lost a step.Like badndn said...LaMarque next and then Navasota.Now that's a hill to climb for any team and dang near impossible for a 5-5 team.
  11. [quote name="robanadana" post="1328661" timestamp="1352766482"] Who cares! Only thing polls do is give you heartburn...look @ our presidential election. Let's play football! [/quote] You got that right.As Rush L. said...you can't beat Santa Clause.
  12. [quote name="falconfanatic" post="1328078" timestamp="1352730228"] [quote author=Txdragon link=topic=106080.msg1328060#msg1328060 date=1352728402] [quote author=~Kville_Kats~ link=topic=106080.msg1328046#msg1328046 date=1352727437] [quote author=TROJANSWIN link=topic=106080.msg1327810#msg1327810 date=1352687226] [quote author=skipper link=topic=106080.msg1327800#msg1327800 date=1352686993] who will thay be playing if there still in [/quote] Round 4 for WOS would be Navasota, LaMarque, or Coldspring.  Which ever of these 3 makes it out. [/quote] There's some on your list that won't make the 4th round... ;) [/quote] Your correct. None of those three team might make it,  but[b] WOS WILL be there [/b] . Where's Kirbyville? ;) [/quote] I'd hope so. Wos has by far the easiest route to the 4th round again this year. Wos probable opponents: Cleveland West Columbia Center/Lorena Coldspring probable opponents: Bridge City La Marque Navasota [/quote] There were times when WO-S was on the tough side of the bracket.It's not like we get a free ride every year.Anyway,you gotta be ready regardless who you play.
  13. Guess there is still quite a few teams in the mix...is that why we haven't seen anything on this?
  14. [quote name="the-riot07" post="1320317" timestamp="1352085263"] If the mustangs continue to play turnover free football they will walk out of silsbee with an easy W!!! If they play sloppy football it could be a decent game. But either way wos wins. Too good on defense and special teams! Our offense has literally gotten better every single week and our defense well everyone knows about the defense! And I honestly think silsbee will bring out the best in the mustangs! With all this said: WOS-30 SILSBEE- 7 I'm still on the fense about any improvement on offense because we haven't faced a decent defense in district.Silsbee should give us a better guage as to our improvement in that area.No doubt there is improvement for the number of games we played...I'm just not sure how much, as some of you are. [/quote]
  15. Nothing new for this game.This is the last in a stretch of games I said would give Mustang fans a false read on this teams offenes.The defense however is great.It's hard to keep a team from scoring on you regardless who you play.Of course this has given the offense some games under their belt and starting next week we will see if they have improved in that area.
  16. We better save some talk for next week and in the thread where it belongs.
  17. [quote name="usedtobe" post="1316010" timestamp="1351782708"] [quote author=GUNHO link=topic=105336.msg1315903#msg1315903 date=1351774730] [quote author=BADSANTA link=topic=105336.msg1315751#msg1315751 date=1351731207] I think Silsbee's key to beating WOS is not turning the ball over. If Silsbee can keep WOS on it's heels with a nice balance of Spearman and Reed running the ball along with good passing, Silsbee should be ok. I believe that if you can put together solid drives and play defense Silsbee will win. Silsbee really needs Reed and Spearman to have a big game along with Seth Adams. This is a game where big time players make plays! I will be down for this game! [/quote] I agree.If Silsbee has a perfect game they could win. ::) [/quote] I live in Silsbee; I'm a Silsbee fan. I know it was sarcasm on your part, but you are correct, it will take a perfect game by the Tigers to beat WO-S.  But, IT IS on our home turf and maybe that's a 3 to 6 point advantage.  I certainly hope so.  Go Tigers - play well, Badsanta is going to be there. ::) [/quote] No sarcasm.Just pointing out that long list of what he said it would take for Silsbee to win leaves no room for error and I agreed that's what they will have to do.As for my thoughts,I don't think they can do all that to this Mustang team... I mean your talking total domination here.Not going to happen.These two always have great competive games and I see this one to be no different.
  18. [quote name="BADSANTA" post="1315751" timestamp="1351731207"] I think Silsbee's key to beating WOS is not turning the ball over. If Silsbee can keep WOS on it's heels with a nice balance of Spearman and Reed running the ball along with good passing, Silsbee should be ok. I believe that if you can put together solid drives and play defense Silsbee will win. Silsbee really needs Reed and Spearman to have a big game along with Seth Adams. This is a game where big time players make plays! I will be down for this game! [/quote] I agree.If Silsbee has a perfect game they could win. ::)
  19. I like this Bears team this year but they have had the nack of not finishing strong in the past.Lets see if this team can turn that around.Go Bears.
  20. [quote name="jkbtjc53" post="1314724" timestamp="1351617311"] Unlike Most Schools at WOS its either a state championship or failure for us [/quote] In that reguard you would have to say wo-s is one of the most failed programs in the state of Texas. ::) ;D
  21. This is not a given.Jasper does have a desent defense and might be closer than most think.
  22. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1306050" timestamp="1350787907"] Outstanding research, Oates! [/quote] Is Oates,WOS87 who posted this on the WOS fourm?In any case thanks for posting it here.
  23. Not sure I'll go to this one.What kind of seating does Buna have?
  24. [quote name="409Fan" post="1306946" timestamp="1350919145"] [quote author=GUNHO link=topic=104957.msg1306847#msg1306847 date=1350912811] Was listening to the game on the radio.Kogt said LCM player recovered the onside kick cleanly.How did Ozen come up with it?They said it was the worst call they ever seen.I know it doesn't matter now but any comments. [/quote] LCM did touch the ball first but immediately after Tony Brown and company hit him and in the end Ozen came up with the ball. It happened at the bottom of a small pile and since Ozen did come up with it and it wasn't clear if LCM had obtained it I guess they just have to give it to Ozen. [/quote] Oh ok.I was understanding the announcer to say he was on the ground with the ball intack before the pile up which would have made the ball dead at that point.
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