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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. Was listening to the game on the radio.Kogt said LCM player recovered the onside kick cleanly.How did Ozen come up with it?They said it was the worst call they ever seen.I know it doesn't matter now but any comments.
  2. [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=104851.msg1303892#msg1303892 date=1350608361] There is nothing like the community excitement that builds and grows as the team traverses through the playoffs and getting ever closer to that title game. Everyone you see locally is talking about it and asking "if your going". The win is unbelievable because it has been proven that that team is THE BEST in the state for an entire year. The above statement is so true.But after the win and on the way home it dawned on me that it was over.Kind of a happy sad thing...excited for a moment and then it's history.If you can relate.
  3. [quote name="texaggies07" post="1304140" timestamp="1350647761"] This is tradition for some WOS fans.  They have to talk up the team pretty good before the playoffs so when they fail in the playoffs it is epic.  Like last year prior to the Coldspring game.  We would have never beat them.  Then what happened.  I can tell u one thing if they make it to the regional championship game they are gonna get all they want and then some.  Because that team will be very battle tested with LaMarque, Navasota, and Coldspring on the other side. [/quote] Just to make a point.All teams fail in the playoffs if you don't win state.In case you haven't notice...this includes your team also. ;D
  4. [quote name="skipper" post="1303424" timestamp="1350569133"] wo-s comes out flat after the bye week 21-17 wo-s [/quote] Ok skip.Put the bottle up.No way they score 17.maybe 7.
  5. I saw it.They have just as good a shot as anyone left to make the third spot.
  6. They have just as good a shot as anyone.I don't see a clear cut favorate for that third spot.
  7. [quote name="Txdragon" post="1301941" timestamp="1350407784"] Hard to compare, first of all the 86 team was in a bigger classification with probably better teams. The  offenses were more smashmouth than now as the spread wasn't being run (at least to the extent it is now). Certainly, this years defense would compare favorably on talent (possibly even surpass the 86 team). I think you judge by results and the end results are yet to be seen. [/quote] Yeah.That's why I gave a little breakdown on them. One thing is for sure...They ain't no '83 Dangerfield.But then who is.
  8. [ So are you calling all the teams in the district weak (Silsbee)? ::) ::) [/quote] Silsbee is the exception here I agree.They give us a test each year.Even beat us one year...If Coop was here he would tell you how that upset happened ;D BC comes along with a good team every now and then.BC had a lock on this dristrict in the past until Silsbee/WO-S droped down. Oh I forgot to mention one thing the '86,'87,'88 and 2000 team defenses had in common...they got their team to the state game and had a good O to go along with it.This team reminds me more of the 2000 team in that the defense and not the offense will be the key factor this season in the playoffs.
  9. Ok guys.Cut nasty some slack. ;D To answer his question through 6 games... 1986 team-2 shutouts,gave up 39 points,through 10 games 72 points.8-2 record. 1987 team-3 shutouts,39 points,through 10 games 45 points.10-0 record. 1988 team-0 shutouts,40 points,through 10 games 60 points.8-2 record. 2000 team-1 shutout,31 points,through 10 games 56 points.10-0 record. 2012 team-4 shutouts,20 points,6-0 record. The **2012 team is on target to meet or succeed these great teams.Lots of ball to play yet. **Note the former teams were not in a weak district as this team is.
  10. [quote name="ManCub" post="1288797" timestamp="1349192354"] Strongly agree with Teeboan. I am on Teeboan's Friday night crew and I would like to say that we as a crew were evaluated this past Friday night by a very respectable person that is affiliated with NCAA and NFL. He gave us a B+ overall grade, which as a crew we are proud of. I know this post was not meant to bash officials but we strive to our best for the players and coaches. We know everytime we hit the field that the coach's job is on the line. As far as a physical test, we try to stay in shape to keep up with the speed of the game. As far as me, my Line Judge, and Back Judge we have not been beaten to goal line yet this year. "Knock on Wood". I would to invite anyone who is not an official to join our chapter for one year and try it out if you like Football as a sport. It is fun, fast pace, exciting, etc. but please don't do it for for the money because it is not there.  Remember we do this as a hobby and for the love of the game. [/quote] Good post ManCub.I keep forgetting that you guys are people too.
  11. They are pretty good but the best...That remains to be seen as for now.They have a lot of work to do and some things to fix on offense before they can reach that goal.To be the best you have to be great on both sides of the ball.jmo.
  12. [quote name="Jasper95" post="1277562" timestamp="1348248955"] This game has a playoff feel to it i like it ;D LET'S GO DOGS!!!!!! [/quote] Don't let the young ones fool you 95.WO-S fans always get up for Jasper even if the game means nothing more than bragging rights.
  13. [quote name="77" post="1277408" timestamp="1348234486"] [quote author=GUNHO link=topic=103208.msg1277370#msg1277370 date=1348232037] I'm not to sure I buy in to the holding back thing.Thing is this seems to be what takes place every year.The defense is always way ahead of the offense.After this game WO-S is going to have a string of weaker teams and start scoring a lot of points.This can give a false reading of the offense in this stretch of games until they play Silsbee.Happens every year.I don't mean to disk any team but this has to be one of the weakest districts in the state. As for Salter.The young man did step up big time and has done a good job.I just think he could be a lot better...he has the tools for it that's for sure. [/quote]Salter is a good one but what makes a good qb a great qb is decision making and that is very hard to teach. Split decisions on when to tuck it and run or to pass is sometimes the difference in the two! jmo [/quote] I agree 77.
  14. I'm not to sure I buy in to the holding back thing.Thing is this seems to be what takes place every year.The defense is always way ahead of the offense.After this game WO-S is going to have a string of weaker teams and start scoring a lot of points.This can give a false reading of the offense in this stretch of games until they play Silsbee.Happens every year.I don't mean to disk any team but this has to be one of the weakest districts in the state. As for Salter.The young man did step up big time and has done a good job.I just think he could be a lot better...he has the tools for it that's for sure.
  15. [quote name="One4All" post="1276834" timestamp="1348165837"] [quote author=T-Dawd link=topic=103208.msg1276790#msg1276790 date=1348162486] Ok, I don't know about anyone else, but I am sick of hearing the same old broken record.  WOS, we know your team has many d1 recruits. Too bad you you can't even get out of the region with that college team. All that does is just makes ya'll look bad when you lose or have a close game with a bad team. You are a good team no doubt, but spouting the reasons why you should win because of offers makes no sense. [/quote] what have Jasper done lately...... year  in and year out they have lots of talent, but yeah it is always the same story..... [/quote] Get your popcorn ready. ;D
  16. [quote name="FootballCrazy1990" post="1276526" timestamp="1348146114"] Why people think the stangs' don't have any type  offense? After all you better watch tape or something cause they got a different running back every drive so don't think Jasper is the only one with more than one because WOS have a good 5 not including Salter [/quote] The Stangs have an offense,they just shoot themselfs in the foot a lot.I think the qb hesitates to long when he decides to run letting the defense adjust.They are having a lot of penalties and turn overs. When they correct these they will be a lot better but they aren't there yet.It's good to have depth at RB but I haven't seen that great back they seem to always have. But that can be a good thing.For those that might remember when we played Pairs in the State game,they had 4 or 5 running backs they used( all had only 300 to 400 yrds each ) and they killed us on those sweeps.
  17. Ok.Neither team has played any real good teams,I think we can all agree on that.WO-S defense has been the main factor in their games and Jasper's offense in theirs.So come Friday we will find out just what that means.Really think this is going to be a close one.
  18. [quote name="Jasper95" post="1275131" timestamp="1347984334"] I like the fact that no one is giving jasper a chance just like they did in 04 when wos was ranked 1 in state and jasper went and got that W in west orange [/quote] Not quite the same.I think Jasper was ranked right behind WO-S at the time..both were loaded.I think WO-S will have to pull a Dallas for Jasper to win.
  19. With all the great teams in region 3 going D2 I don't see how you could pick a favorate.The AP has had two # 1 and both have lost.Until a team gets to # 1 that has a weak schedule I look for some more going down.Anyway,who ever makes it to state is going to earn it that's for sure.
  20. [quote name="jkbtjc53" post="1274266" timestamp="1347900166"] Jasper will be lucky if they score. I expect a defensive struggle,[color=red] WOS has proven they can stop [/color] [color=red]teams from scoring.[/color] And Jasper has done what they should do to teams that aren't on their level, which is blow them out. But Jasper is playing a different animal this week in the Mustangs. I predict a low scoring game, their will not be more then 14 points scored by Jasper and maybe either team.. Score WOS 14 Jasper 3 [/quote] WO-S has proven they can stop teams from scoring with less than a real good offense and that is all.This defense will give up points to a good offense but this offense will have to get better than they have been (IN THE RED ZONE ) than they have been. I also think it could be low scoring.
  21. Another typical Jasper/WO-S game.Seen the times when WO-S was the solid favorate only to wind up fighting for their lives.Don't see this being any defferent.Wo-s needs to find a little more O to go with that D.
  22. [quote name="skipper" post="1269224" timestamp="1347555789"] after watching last weeks game with pn-g the mustang still need alot of work i see a very close game friday [/quote] I swear every year there is not much of a difference from the last Mustang team.Always solid on defense and the offense gets it done.We are in every game but unbeatable we are not.Central has given us problems in the past and I look for a tough game come Friday.
  23. [quote name="Ned11str8" post="1262118" timestamp="1346963025"] [quote author=GUNHO link=topic=102556.msg1261904#msg1261904 date=1346947276] [quote author=Ned11str8 link=topic=102556.msg1261837#msg1261837 date=1346942779] I have watched both LCM & png . LCM is the better team . LCM 24 Silsbee 10 [/quote] You would have to be in two locations at the same time to do that.They have only played one game and sense they played different teams the only conclusion you could reach is one looked better against their opponet than the other. ;D [/quote] UHHHHHHHH !!!! They both had 2 scrimmages and 1 game . With that being said " I watched both and LCM is no district contender but they are better than PNG " Just saying ! [/quote] You base that on scrimmages? See ya.
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